Users - what does this line say?

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Users - what does this line say?


I need help in knowing the following line.
priceContext = UtilMisc.toMap("product", product, "currencyUomId", cart.getCurrency(),
            "autoUserLogin", autoUserLogin, "userLogin", userLogin);
    priceContext.put("webSiteId", webSiteId);
    priceContext.put("prodCatalogId", catalogId);
    priceContext.put("productStoreId", productStoreId);
    priceMap = dispatcher.runSync("calculateProductPrice", priceContext);


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Re: Users - what does this line say?

Jacopo Cappellato
It is a service call.
For more information:


Purani S wrote:

> I need help in knowing the following line.
> priceContext = UtilMisc.toMap("product", product, "currencyUomId",
> cart.getCurrency(),
>             "autoUserLogin", autoUserLogin, "userLogin", userLogin);
>     priceContext.put("webSiteId", webSiteId);
>     priceContext.put("prodCatalogId", catalogId);
>     priceContext.put("productStoreId", productStoreId);
>     priceMap = dispatcher.runSync("calculateProductPrice", priceContext);
> Purani
> <>
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Re: Users - what does this line say?

Vinay Agarwal
In reply to this post by puranisank

priceContext = UtilMisc.toMap("product", product, "currencyUomId", cart.getCurrency(),
            "autoUserLogin", autoUserLogin, "userLogin", userLogin);

This is just an easy way to create a java.util.Map. >From your IDE, you should be able to find the source code of this function.

    priceContext.put("webSiteId", webSiteId);
    priceContext.put("prodCatalogId", catalogId);
    priceContext.put("productStoreId", productStoreId);

These are just putting objects in the map. Read java.util.Map for details.

    priceMap = dispatcher.runSync("calculateProductPrice", priceContext);

This is calling the service "calculateProductPrice". You can find more details of this service from webtools – service reference. >From there, you can find out where this service is defined and then you can look at the source code.



Vinay Agarwal


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