Variant Products

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Variant Products



       I am stuck up at creating variant products . I want create a product in three different sizes small,medium and large of different prices .

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Re: Variant Products


A Virtual Product ("Is VIRTUAL Product"? "Y") can be considered the "top definition" of a series
of variant products.

See WG-9943 for example.

You don't have to create all of WG-9943's variants manually. Can do it automatically.

Go to /catalog/control/QuickAddVariants?productId=WG-9943 . Click on the checkbox labeled "All".
You'll see auto-generated product IDs "WG-994301", "WG-994302", and so on.

Now go to:

1. catalog/control/EditFeature?productFeatureId=9000 and set "ID Code" to "B".

2. catalog/control/EditFeature?productFeatureId=9001 and set "ID Code" to "S".

3. catalog/control/EditFeature?productFeatureId=9002 and set "ID Code" to "3".

4. catalog/control/EditFeature?productFeatureId=9003 and set "ID Code" to "4".

Go back to /catalog/control/QuickAddVariants?productId=WG-9943 and click on checkbox labeled "All"
again. You'll see auto-generated product IDs "WG-9943-B3", "WG-9943-B4", "WG-9943-S3", "WG-9943-S4".

Hope that gives you a quick idea of what OFBiz is capable of.

Come back for more info if you can't quickly figure out how to:

1. Create Features at catalog/control/EditFeatureCategories

2. Attach Features to a product at say

3. Auto-generate the variants at say

Create an entirely new virtual product, say WG-9943-Vamsi. Try to recreate the same variants that
WG-9943 has, and you'll have learned a very powerful function in OFBiz.

Enjoy OFBiz!

If you've figured things out quickly from this advice, would you consider writing some form of
docs for this particular function? Thanks in advance!


PS: Try to write to user ML at [hidden email] . This list is for discussion of actual
development of functionalities in OFBiz.

Vamsi wrote:
> Hi,
>        I am stuck up at creating variant products . I want create a product
> in three different sizes small,medium and large of different prices .
> regards
> vamsi

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Re: Variant Products

Jacques Le Roux
In reply to this post by Vamsi

This is not the good list for this kind of questions. Please try [hidden email]


----- Original Message -----
From: "Vamsi" <[hidden email]>
To: <[hidden email]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2007 11:13 AM
Subject: Variant Products

> Hi,
>        I am stuck up at creating variant products . I want create a product
> in three different sizes small,medium and large of different prices .
> regards
> vamsi
> --
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