So if nobody complains I will go for it tomorrow and will try to report cases as the one underlined by Adrian and maybe change them
while at it.
From: "Adrian Crum" <
[hidden email]>
> Good idea. I see a lot of other things done that don't translate well, like:
> ${uiLabelMap.someAction} ${uiLabelMap.CommonFor} ${someEntity.fieldValue}
> which assumes English syntax. It would be better to have the entire string translated with placeholders in it.
> -Adrian
> Jacques Le Roux wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I'm currently trying to validate, as much as possible, French translation. # is often used as the meaning of number. But it does
>> not mean anything in French (and I suppose in some other languages too). I Propose to withdraw them and to possibly use them in
>> labels translation instead.
>> WDYT ?
>> Jacques