changing css/view based on which client is logged in

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changing css/view based on which client is logged in

    I was wondering if ofbiz has a built in functionality which allows for changing of the css/view in the webapp based on whoever is logged in.

Thank You, jin
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Re: changing css/view based on which client is logged in

Adrian Crum

There is no user-selected style capability built into OFBiz. However, that capability could be added

1. Provide a UI that allows a user to select a style.
2. Provide a way to persist the user's selection. There is a patch in Jira that contains code to do
that -
3. Modify the Global Decorator to load the user-selected style sheet instead of the default main
style sheet.


jin1212 wrote:
> Hello,
>     I was wondering if ofbiz has a built in functionality which allows for
> changing of the css/view in the webapp based on whoever is logged in.
> Thank You, jin
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Re: changing css/view based on which client is logged in

     Thank you for the help. I think I'm looking specifically at the e-commerce webapp. What I want is to provide a particular group/organization a different logo/view once they log in. For example inside the header.ftl of the ecommerce package, I see :
        <#if sessionAttributes.overrideLogo?exists>
            <img src="<@ofbizContentUrl>${sessionAttributes.overrideLogo}</@ofbizContentUrl>" alt="Logo"/>
        <#elseif catalogHeaderLogo?exists>
            <img src="<@ofbizContentUrl>${catalogHeaderLogo}</@ofbizContentUrl>" alt="Logo"/>
        <#elseif (productStore.headerLogo)?has_content>
            <img src="<@ofbizContentUrl>${productStore.headerLogo}</@ofbizContentUrl>" alt="Logo"/>

The logo is different based on the catalog and the product store.
How can I set up catalogs/products for different groups of people?
Where can I get better documentations on this?

Thank you, jin

Adrian Crum wrote

There is no user-selected style capability built into OFBiz. However, that capability could be added

1. Provide a UI that allows a user to select a style.
2. Provide a way to persist the user's selection. There is a patch in Jira that contains code to do
that -
3. Modify the Global Decorator to load the user-selected style sheet instead of the default main
style sheet.


jin1212 wrote:
> Hello,
>     I was wondering if ofbiz has a built in functionality which allows for
> changing of the css/view in the webapp based on whoever is logged in.
> Thank You, jin