I have actually worked on something much like this using the Dojotoolkit.
Dojo has nice drag and drop capability. I had it working at a basic level,
but I am currently off on something else. I should get back to it sometime
next year. I would not mind making what I have done available to someone
else, but only if it was going to be used. I do not want to just release it
without conditions at this time. So it would probably require a commitment
to using Dojo and I have my doubts that that would fly with the community -
but maybe I am wrong about that. But if someone were interested, I would
take the time to document what I have done. Of course, it does not have to
make it back to OFBiz. If someone wanted to partner in moving it along, we
could talk about that too.
On Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 11:38 AM, Adam Heath <
[hidden email]> wrote:
> This might be useful to emulate for complex condition building.