conflict in entityengine.xml

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conflict in entityengine.xml

Hi, I am using postgre 8.2 with opentaps v-1.0 on windowsXP. I have also created a user "opentaps", a database "opentaps" and a password "opentaps". I am following stepe as described in Using opentaps ERP + CRM with PostgreSQL When I replace the value of datasource-name in all the delegators from localderby to localpostgresql, the file shows conflicts. As written in the above linkj, there is no datasource-name with "localhsql". Someone please let me know, what I am doing wrong? ( I have also search and read old threads, but they didnt help me.) Thanks
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Re: conflict in entityengine.xml

Walter Vaughan
ama71 wrote:

> I am using postgre 8.2 with opentaps v-1.0 on windowsXP.

Are you using XPHome or XP-Pro? I cannot get postgresql to run on my XPHome
laptop at all, while it works fine on my XP-Pro desktop. There are work arounds,
but they have not worked for me yet. If you can access the database with
something like pgAdminIII then you are fine.

> When I replace the value of datasource-name in all the delegators from
> localderby to localpostgresql, the file shows conflicts.

You don't replace everywhere it says localderby to localpostgresql since that is
the wrong spelling anyways..

look around line 49 and replace
         <group-map group-name="org.ofbiz" datasource-name="localderby"/>
         <group-map group-name="org.ofbiz" datasource-name="localpostgres"/>

and farther on down around line 300 or so replace with proper info

Also in your C:\YourOpentapsInstallDirectory\framework\entity\lib\jdbc directory
there needs to be a postgresql jar file like postgresql-8.1-405.jdbc3.jar or

Questions that are specific to Opentaps should be directed back to


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Re: conflict in entityengine.xml


I am using Windows XP Prof. and postgresql is working fine. I changed the entityengine file and replaced the datasource-name "localderby" with "postgres" in <delegator name="default" ....> is. A postgresql-8.1*.jdbc3 file is also in the C:\Opentaps\framework\entity\lib\jdbc directory.

The only problem is that, after configuring the file, I see a conflict sign (!) in the explorer.


<quote author="Walter Vaughan">
ama71 wrote:

> I am using postgre 8.2 with opentaps v-1.0 on windowsXP.

Are you using XPHome or XP-Pro? I cannot get postgresql to run on my XPHome
laptop at all, while it works fine on my XP-Pro desktop. There are work arounds,
but they have not worked for me yet. If you can access the database with
something like pgAdminIII then you are fine.

> When I replace the value of datasource-name in all the delegators from
> localderby to localpostgresql, the file shows conflicts.

You don't replace everywhere it says localderby to localpostgresql since that is
the wrong spelling anyways..

look around line 49 and replace
         <group-map group-name="org.ofbiz" datasource-name="localderby"/>
         <group-map group-name="org.ofbiz" datasource-name="localpostgres"/>

and farther on down around line 300 or so replace with proper info

Also in your C:\YourOpentapsInstallDirectory\framework\entity\lib\jdbc directory
there needs to be a postgresql jar file like postgresql-8.1-405.jdbc3.jar or

Questions that are specific to Opentaps should be directed back to

