Le 20/03/2010 01:53, james_sg a écrit :
> What I'll do is to put the new label file into the config folder and add
> something like
> <property-map resource="my_new_labels" map-name="uiLabelMap" global="true"/>
> in the screen widget that are using the new labels.
> Erwan de FERRIERES wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> sometimes I need to add or work with specifics labels on entities / UI
>> /security, which won't be added to OFBiz.
>> Is there then a way to create a new file and working with it such as
>> what is done with the extend entity ?
>> Regards,
>> --
>> Erwan de FERRIERES
>> www.nereide.biz
Yeah sure, it's what I'm doing. I didn't explained well my use case. The
problem I'm facing is when using EntityLabels already existing.
If I want to add new records in my entity, and then add the EntityLabels
going with it, I have to modify the OFBiz file. What I want is extend
the existing labels file, and not have to modify the OFBiz file...