Speaking for myself.
Customization and extension are based on manhours.
Once the charge for the manhours are paid for, unless a specific
agreement, I release code to open source.
For components or Add-on, that i see can be sold to multiple customers,
I divide the cost of the code and sell each module or add-on at a
fraction of the cost, in jar files only.
I also charge for my time, which can includes setup (getting it running
on hardware), initialization(prepare data for client), training,and
pavan kesar sent the following on 7/13/2009 4:07 AM:
> Hello All,What are the different business models that service providers do.
> Obvious ones are
> * Consulting
> * Training
> Are there anyone who provide add-on modules on a country basis or on a
> vertical basis and charge the customers.
> Is this also normal in OFBiz project. If not, why not?
> Thanks.
BJ Freeman
http://www.businessesnetwork.com/automationhttp://bjfreeman.elance.comhttp://www.linkedin.com/profile?viewProfile=&key=1237480&locale=en_US&trk=tab_proSystems Integrator.