portlet development simplification & enhancement

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portlet development simplification & enhancement

Description: Goals of this enhancement are :
- simplification of portlet development by use of portlet Templates (PortletType), so most of the time, it's sufficient to define a form to have a portlet
- default value of formName, menuName, ScreenName, ScriptName, Title, ... (name and location) based on component, subcomponent, webapp of the portlet
- ajax call defined with xml syntax (new show-portlet on form and menu)
- default parameters list in ajax link (show-portlet or on-event-update-area)

Technical choices :
- add some fields in PortalPortlet entity (add fieldDescription in entityLabel to have auto help)
- add PortletType entity, which link id to a screenLocation#screenName for portlet Template
- portlet template are based on screenlet
- add portalPortletId and portletSeqId as optional attributes in include-portal-page
- update include-portal-page java process to put in context some of PortalPortlet fields, to be usable by portlet templates. Value coming from entity or default value calculation.
- add show-portlet as field type in Form with similar properties than hyperlink. Same for Menu.

Sub Task of this Jira :
1) icon-purpose : same concept as uiLabel but for icons, a property file to address icons by a logical name
2) portlet-example : example portalPage with portlet using new functionality
3) portlet-help : help file on development using portlet

4) portletUilabel : add a portlet decorator by component to be sure that a portlet from a component can be used in an other component without label problem
5) Some generic PortletEditForm, usually needed
6) screenlet list navigation : solve two problems,
first) screenlet navigation bar currently generate problem with listIterator,
second) currenlty not working with ajax (on-event-update-area)

7) add field new-line in PortalColumn, to be able to have multiple "line" in PortalPage, ex: top of screen two column and bottom only one column, like in ProjectPage

If you want more details :
0) install patch from Jira OFBIZ-4688
a) install the 4 first jiras, (compile and restart) (there is a patch with a merge of the four in the main Jira ;-)
b) load data from Common and Example
c) go to webtools and open PortalPagePortlet screen for portalPageId=, portalPortletId= portletSeqId= to read help on each PortalPortlet field
d) go to example, and test ExampleMgmt PortalPage and ExampleRecap PortalPage
e) open help on Example / development / Portal Page Type  and Portlet usage

The current Jira about it are the first release, si :
1) I leave the addon comment, because :
   - it's easier to see when something has been add, I will remove all, when it will be ready to be integrated
   - it's easier for me to make correction and evolution which will be ask by community
2) I have use example and example help, to show how it works, of course after OFBiz community decision about example and exampleext goals, I will move to the right place ;-)