Which version of the sdk do you use ? If it's a pre 1.5 version check that you have no blanks in your JAVA_HOME path
But yes, Nicolas is right : this is not a neogia ML !
> Hi,
> I installed neogia 0.9.5 I have create an empty data base mysql and
> configured entityengine.xml. I try to run ant.bat run-install-seed but the
> process stops and I obtain the following error:
> cannot use SUN rmic , as it is not available. a common solution is to set
> the environment variable JAVA_HOME or CLASSPATH
> Regards
> --
> View this message in context:
http://www.nabble.com/problem-with-ant.bat-run-install-seed-tf3982271.html#a11305238> Sent from the OFBiz - Dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com.