svn commit: r688450 [2/3] - in /ofbiz/trunk/framework: bi/webapp/bi/WEB-INF/actions/reportbuilder/ bi/widget/ common/script/org/ofbiz/common/ common/webcommon/WEB-INF/actions/includes/ common/widget/ webtools/webapp/webtools/WEB-INF/actions/artifactinf...

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svn commit: r688450 [2/3] - in /ofbiz/trunk/framework: bi/webapp/bi/WEB-INF/actions/reportbuilder/ bi/widget/ common/script/org/ofbiz/common/ common/webcommon/WEB-INF/actions/includes/ common/widget/ webtools/webapp/webtools/WEB-INF/actions/artifactinf...

Copied: ofbiz/trunk/framework/webtools/webapp/webtools/WEB-INF/actions/entity/XmlDsDump.groovy (from r688419, ofbiz/trunk/framework/webtools/webapp/webtools/WEB-INF/actions/entity/xmldsdump.bsh)
--- ofbiz/trunk/framework/webtools/webapp/webtools/WEB-INF/actions/entity/xmldsdump.bsh (original)
+++ ofbiz/trunk/framework/webtools/webapp/webtools/WEB-INF/actions/entity/XmlDsDump.groovy Sat Aug 23 22:36:54 2008
@@ -30,17 +30,17 @@
 import org.ofbiz.entity.transaction.*;
 import org.ofbiz.entity.condition.*;
-String outpath = request.getParameter("outpath");
-String filename = request.getParameter("filename");
-String maxRecStr = request.getParameter("maxrecords");
-String entitySyncId = request.getParameter("entitySyncId");
-String[] entityName = request.getParameterValues("entityName");
-String entityFrom = request.getParameter("entityFrom");
-String entityThru = request.getParameter("entityThru");
+outpath = parameters.outpath;
+filename = parameters.filename;
+maxRecStr = parameters.maxrecords;
+entitySyncId = parameters.entitySyncId;
+passedEntityNames = parameters.entityName instanceof Collection ? parameters.entityName as TreeSet : [parameters.entityName] as TreeSet;
+entityFrom = parameters.entityFrom;
+entityThru = parameters.entityThru;
 // get the max records per file setting and convert to a int
-int maxRecordsPerFile = 0;
-if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(maxRecStr)) {
+maxRecordsPerFile = 0;
+if (maxRecStr) {
     try {
         maxRecordsPerFile = Integer.parseInt(maxRecStr);
@@ -48,14 +48,7 @@
-Set passedEntityNames = new TreeSet();
-if (entityName != null && entityName.length > 0) {
-  for(int inc=0; inc<entityName.length; inc++) {
-    passedEntityNames.add(entityName[inc]);
-  }
-String preConfiguredSetName = request.getParameter("preConfiguredSetName");
+preConfiguredSetName = parameters.preConfiguredSetName;
 if ("Product1".equals(preConfiguredSetName)) {
     passedEntityNames = new LinkedHashSet();
@@ -160,193 +153,180 @@
-if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(entitySyncId)) {
+if (entitySyncId) {
     passedEntityNames = org.ofbiz.entityext.synchronization.EntitySyncContext.getEntitySyncModelNamesToUse(dispatcher, entitySyncId);
-boolean checkAll = "true".equals(request.getParameter("checkAll"));
-boolean tobrowser = request.getParameter("tobrowser")!=null?true:false;
-context.put("tobrowser", tobrowser);
+checkAll = "true".equals(parameters.checkAll);
+tobrowser = parameters.tobrowser != null;
+context.tobrowser = tobrowser;
-EntityExpr entityFromCond = null;
-EntityExpr entityThruCond = null;
-EntityExpr entityDateCond = null;
-if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(entityFrom)) {
+entityFromCond = null;
+entityThruCond = null;
+entityDateCond = null;
+if (entityFrom) {
     entityFromCond = EntityCondition.makeCondition("lastUpdatedTxStamp", EntityComparisonOperator.GREATER_THAN, entityFrom);
-if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(entityThru)) {
+if (entityThru) {
     entityThruCond = EntityCondition.makeCondition("lastUpdatedTxStamp", EntityComparisonOperator.LESS_THAN, entityThru);
-if ((entityFromCond!=null) && (entityThruCond!=null)) {
+if (entityFromCond && entityThruCond) {
     entityDateCond = EntityCondition.makeCondition(entityFromCond, EntityJoinOperator.AND, entityThruCond);
-} else if(entityFromCond!=null) {
+} else if (entityFromCond) {
     entityDateCond = entityFromCond;
-} else if(entityThruCond!=null) {
+} else if (entityThruCond) {
     entityDateCond = entityThruCond;
-ModelReader reader = delegator.getModelReader();
-Collection ec = reader.getEntityNames();
-TreeSet entityNames = new TreeSet(ec);
-context.put("entityNames", entityNames);
+reader = delegator.getModelReader();
+entityNames = reader.getEntityNames() as TreeSet;
+context.entityNames = entityNames;
 if (tobrowser) {
-    session.setAttribute("xmlrawdump_entitylist", entityName);
+    session.setAttribute("xmlrawdump_entitylist", passedEntityNames);
     session.setAttribute("entityDateCond", entityDateCond);
 } else {
-  EntityFindOptions efo = new EntityFindOptions(true, EntityFindOptions.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, EntityFindOptions.CONCUR_READ_ONLY, true);
-  ModelReader reader = delegator.getModelReader();
-  Collection ec = reader.getEntityNames();
-  TreeSet entityNames = new TreeSet(ec);
-  context.put("entityNames", entityNames);
-  int numberOfEntities = passedEntityNames.size();
-  context.put("numberOfEntities", Integer.toString(numberOfEntities));
-  long numberWritten = 0;
-  // single file
-  if(filename != null && filename.length() > 0 && numberOfEntities > 0) {
-    PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(filename), "UTF-8")));
-    writer.println("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>");
-    writer.println("<entity-engine-xml>");
-    Iterator i = passedEntityNames.iterator();
-    while(i.hasNext()) {
-        String curEntityName = (String);
-        if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(entityFrom)) {
-            curModelEntity = reader.getModelEntity(curEntityName);
-            if (curModelEntity instanceof ModelViewEntity) {
-                continue;
-            }
-        }
-        boolean beganTransaction = TransactionUtil.begin(3600);
-        try {
-            ModelEntity me = reader.getModelEntity(curEntityName);
-            EntityListIterator values = null;
-            if (me.getNoAutoStamp() == true) {
-                values = delegator.find(curEntityName, null, null, null, me.getPkFieldNames(), efo);
-            } else {
-                values = delegator.find(curEntityName, entityDateCond, null, null, UtilMisc.toList("-createdTxStamp"), efo);
-            }
-            GenericValue value = null;
-            long curNumberWritten = 0;
-            while ((value = (GenericValue) != null) {
-                value.writeXmlText(writer, "");
-                numberWritten++;
-                curNumberWritten++;
-                if (curNumberWritten % 500 == 0 || curNumberWritten == 1) {
-                    Debug.log("Records written [" + curEntityName + "]: " + curNumberWritten + " Total: " + numberWritten);
+    efo = new EntityFindOptions(true, EntityFindOptions.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, EntityFindOptions.CONCUR_READ_ONLY, true);
+    numberOfEntities = passedEntityNames?.size() ?: 0;
+    context.numberOfEntities = numberOfEntities;
+    numberWritten = 0;
+    // single file
+    if(filename && numberOfEntities) {
+        writer = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(filename), "UTF-8")));
+        writer.println("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>");
+        writer.println("<entity-engine-xml>");
+        passedEntityNames.each { curEntityName ->
+            if (entityFrom) {
+                curModelEntity = reader.getModelEntity(curEntityName);
+                if (curModelEntity instanceof ModelViewEntity) {
+                    return;
-            values.close();
-            Debug.log("Wrote [" + curNumberWritten + "] from entity : " + curEntityName);
-            TransactionUtil.commit(beganTransaction);
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            String errMsg = "Error reading data for XML export:";
-            Debug.logError(e, errMsg, "JSP");
-            TransactionUtil.rollback(beganTransaction, errMsg, e);
-        }
-    }
-    writer.println("</entity-engine-xml>");
-    writer.close();
-    Debug.log("Total records written from all entities: " + numberWritten);
-    context.put("numberWritten", Long.toString(numberWritten));
-// multiple files in a directory
-Collection results = new ArrayList();
-int fileNumber = 1;
-context.put("results", results);
-if (outpath != null){
-    File outdir = new File(outpath);
-    if(!outdir.exists()){
-        outdir.mkdir();
-    }
-    if(outdir.isDirectory() && outdir.canWrite()) {
-        Iterator i= passedEntityNames.iterator();
-        while(i.hasNext()) {
-            numberWritten = 0;
-            String curEntityName = (String);
-            String fileName = preConfiguredSetName != null ? UtilFormatOut.formatPaddedNumber((long) fileNumber, 3) + "_" : "";
-            fileName = fileName + curEntityName;
-            EntityListIterator values = null;
-            boolean beganTransaction = false;
-            try{
-                beganTransaction = TransactionUtil.begin(3600);
-                ModelEntity me = delegator.getModelEntity(curEntityName);
-                if (me instanceof ModelViewEntity) {
-                    results.add("["+fileNumber +"] [vvv] " + curEntityName + " skipping view entity");
-                    continue;
-                }
-                if (me.getNoAutoStamp() == true) {
+            beganTransaction = TransactionUtil.begin(3600);
+            try {
+                me = reader.getModelEntity(curEntityName);
+                if (me.getNoAutoStamp()) {
                     values = delegator.find(curEntityName, null, null, null, me.getPkFieldNames(), efo);
                 } else {
-                    values = delegator.find(curEntityName, entityDateCond, null, null, me.getPkFieldNames(), efo);
+                    values = delegator.find(curEntityName, entityDateCond, null, null, UtilMisc.toList("-createdTxStamp"), efo);
-                boolean isFirst = true;
-                PrintWriter writer = null;
-                int fileSplitNumber = 1;
-                GenericValue value = null;
-                while ((value = (GenericValue) != null) {
-                    //Don't bother writing the file if there's nothing
-                    //to put into it
-                    if (isFirst) {
-                        writer = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(new File(outdir, fileName +".xml")), "UTF-8")));
-                        writer.println("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>");
-                        writer.println("<entity-engine-xml>");
-                        isFirst = false;
-                    }
+                curNumberWritten = 0;
+                values.each { value ->
                     value.writeXmlText(writer, "");
+                    curNumberWritten++;
+                    if (curNumberWritten % 500 == 0 || curNumberWritten == 1) {
+                        Debug.log("Records written [$curEntityName]: $curNumberWritten Total: $numberWritten");
+                    }
+                }
+                values.close();
+                Debug.log("Wrote [$curNumberWritten] from entity : $curEntityName");
+                TransactionUtil.commit(beganTransaction);
+            } catch (Exception e) {
+                errMsg = "Error reading data for XML export:";
+                Debug.logError(e, errMsg, "JSP");
+                TransactionUtil.rollback(beganTransaction, errMsg, e);
+            }
+        }
+        writer.println("</entity-engine-xml>");
+        writer.close();
+        Debug.log("Total records written from all entities: $numberWritten");
+        context.numberWritten = numberWritten;
+    }
+    // multiple files in a directory
+    results = [];
+    fileNumber = 1;
+    context.results = results;
+    if (outpath) {
+        outdir = new File(outpath);
+        if(!outdir.exists()){
+            outdir.mkdir();
+        }
+        if (outdir.isDirectory() && outdir.canWrite()) {
+            passedEntityNames.each { curEntityName ->
+                numberWritten = 0;
+                fileName = preConfiguredSetName ? UtilFormatOut.formatPaddedNumber((long) fileNumber, 3) + "_" : "";
+                fileName = fileName + curEntityName;
+                values = null;
+                beganTransaction = false;
+                try {
+                    beganTransaction = TransactionUtil.begin(3600);
+                    me = delegator.getModelEntity(curEntityName);
+                    if (me instanceof ModelViewEntity) {
+                        results.add("[$fileNumber] [vvv] $curEntityName skipping view entity");
+                        return;
+                    }
+                    if (me.getNoAutoStamp()) {
+                        values = delegator.find(curEntityName, null, null, null, me.getPkFieldNames(), efo);
+                    } else {
+                        values = delegator.find(curEntityName, entityDateCond, null, null, me.getPkFieldNames(), efo);
+                    }
+                    isFirst = true;
+                    writer = null;
+                    fileSplitNumber = 1;
+                    values.each { value ->
+                        //Don't bother writing the file if there's nothing
+                        //to put into it
+                        if (isFirst) {
+                            writer = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(new File(outdir, fileName +".xml")), "UTF-8")));
+                            writer.println("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>");
+                            writer.println("<entity-engine-xml>");
+                            isFirst = false;
+                        }
+                        value.writeXmlText(writer, "");
+                        numberWritten++;
+                        // split into small files
+                        if (maxRecordsPerFile > 0 && (numberWritten % maxRecordsPerFile == 0)) {
+                            fileSplitNumber++;
+                            // close the file
+                            writer.println("</entity-engine-xml>");
+                            writer.close();
+                            // create a new file
+                            splitNumStr = UtilFormatOut.formatPaddedNumber((long) fileSplitNumber, 3);
+                            writer = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(new File(outdir, fileName + "_" + splitNumStr +".xml")), "UTF-8")));
+                            writer.println("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>");
+                            writer.println("<entity-engine-xml>");
+                        }
+                        if (numberWritten % 500 == 0 || numberWritten == 1) {
+                            Debug.log("Records written [$curEntityName]: $numberWritten");
+                        }
-                    // split into small files
-                    if ((maxRecordsPerFile > 0) && (numberWritten % maxRecordsPerFile == 0)) {
-                        fileSplitNumber++;
-                        // close the file
+                    }
+                    if (writer) {
-                        // create a new file
-                        String splitNumStr = UtilFormatOut.formatPaddedNumber((long) fileSplitNumber, 3);
-                        writer = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(new File(outdir, fileName + "_" + splitNumStr +".xml")), "UTF-8")));
-                        writer.println("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>");
-                        writer.println("<entity-engine-xml>");
+                        String thisResult = "[$fileNumber] [$numberWritten] $curEntityName wrote $numberWritten records";
+                        Debug.log(thisResult);
+                        results.add(thisResult);
+                    } else {
+                        thisResult = "[$fileNumber] [---] $curEntityName has no records, not writing file";
+                        Debug.log(thisResult);
+                        results.add(thisResult);
-                    if (numberWritten % 500 == 0 || numberWritten == 1) {
-                       Debug.log("Records written [" + curEntityName + "]: " + numberWritten);
+                    values.close();
+                } catch (Exception ex) {
+                    if (values != null) {
+                        values.close();
-                }
-                if (writer != null) {
-                    writer.println("</entity-engine-xml>");
-                    writer.close();
-                    String thisResult = "["+fileNumber +"] [" + numberWritten + "] " + curEntityName + " wrote " + numberWritten + " records";
-                    Debug.log(thisResult);
-                    results.add(thisResult);
-                } else {
-                    String thisResult = "["+fileNumber +"] [---] " + curEntityName + " has no records, not writing file";
+                    thisResult = "[$fileNumber] [xxx] Error when writing $curEntityName: $ex";
+                    TransactionUtil.rollback(beganTransaction, thisResult, ex);
+                } finally {
+                    // only commit the transaction if we started one... this will throw an exception if it fails
+                    TransactionUtil.commit(beganTransaction);
-                values.close();
-            } catch (Exception ex) {
-                if (values != null) {
-                    values.close();
-                }
-                String thisResult = "["+fileNumber +"] [xxx] Error when writing " + curEntityName + ": " + ex;
-                Debug.log(thisResult);
-                results.add(thisResult);
-                TransactionUtil.rollback(beganTransaction, thisResult, ex);
-            } finally {
-                // only commit the transaction if we started one... this will throw an exception if it fails
-                TransactionUtil.commit(beganTransaction);
+                fileNumber++;
-            fileNumber++;

Copied: ofbiz/trunk/framework/webtools/webapp/webtools/WEB-INF/actions/log/LogConfiguration.groovy (from r688419, ofbiz/trunk/framework/webtools/webapp/webtools/WEB-INF/actions/log/LogConfiguration.bsh)
--- ofbiz/trunk/framework/webtools/webapp/webtools/WEB-INF/actions/log/LogConfiguration.bsh (original)
+++ ofbiz/trunk/framework/webtools/webapp/webtools/WEB-INF/actions/log/LogConfiguration.groovy Sat Aug 23 22:36:54 2008
@@ -30,37 +30,29 @@
 import org.ofbiz.entity.util.EntityUtil;
-Logger rootLogger = Logger.getRootLogger();
-LoggerRepository loggerRepository = rootLogger.getLoggerRepository();
+rootLogger = Logger.getRootLogger();
+loggerRepository = rootLogger.getLoggerRepository();
-List loggerList = UtilMisc.toListArray(new Object[0]);
-for (Enumeration enumeration = loggerRepository.getCurrentLoggers(); enumeration.hasMoreElements() ;) {
-    Logger logger = (Logger) enumeration.nextElement();
+loggerList = [];
+for (Enumeration enumeration = loggerRepository.getCurrentLoggers(); enumeration.hasMoreElements();) {
+    logger = enumeration.nextElement();
     if (logger.getLevel() != null) {
-        Map loggerMap = UtilMisc.toMap("name", logger.getName(), "level", logger.getLevel(), "additivity", logger.getAdditivity() ? "Y" : "N", "logger", logger);
+        loggerMap = [name : logger.getName(), level : logger.getLevel(), additivity : logger.getAdditivity() ? "Y" : "N", logger : logger];
-Collections.sort(loggerList, new Comparator() {
-    int compare(Object l1, Object l2) {
-    Map loggerMap1 = (Map) l1;
-    Map loggerMap2 = (Map) l2;
-    String name1 = (String)l1.get("name");
-    String name2 = (String)l2.get("name");
-    return name1.compareTo(name2);
-    }
+Collections.sort(loggerList, [compare: {l1, l2 ->}] as Comparator);
-loggerList.add(0, UtilMisc.toMap("name", rootLogger.getName(), "level", rootLogger.getLevel(), "additivity", rootLogger.getAdditivity() ? "Y" : "N", "logger", rootLogger));
-context.put("loggerList", loggerList);
+loggerList.add(0, [name : rootLogger.getName(), level : rootLogger.getLevel(), additivity : rootLogger.getAdditivity() ? "Y" : "N", logger : rootLogger]);
+context.loggerList = loggerList;
-context.put("defaultLogger", UtilMisc.toMap("name", "org.ofbiz.", "level", "INFO", "additivity", "Y"));
-context.put("activeDebugLevel", UtilMisc.toMap(new String[] {"fatal", Debug.fatalOn() ? "Y" : "N",
-                                                         "error", Debug.errorOn() ? "Y" : "N",
-                                                         "warning", Debug.warningOn() ? "Y" : "N",
-                                                         "important", Debug.importantOn() ? "Y" : "N",
-                                                         "info", Debug.infoOn() ? "Y" : "N",
-                                                         "timing", Debug.timingOn() ? "Y" : "N",
-                                                         "verbose", Debug.verboseOn() ? "Y" : "N"}));
+context.defaultLogger = [name : "org.ofbiz.", level : "INFO", additivity : "Y"];
+context.activeDebugLevel = [fatal : Debug.fatalOn() ? "Y" : "N",
+                            error : Debug.errorOn() ? "Y" : "N",
+                            warning : Debug.warningOn() ? "Y" : "N",
+                            important : Debug.importantOn() ? "Y" : "N",
+                            info : Debug.infoOn() ? "Y" : "N",
+                            timing : Debug.timingOn() ? "Y" : "N",
+                            verbose : Debug.verboseOn() ? "Y" : "N"];

Copied: ofbiz/trunk/framework/webtools/webapp/webtools/WEB-INF/actions/log/LogView.groovy (from r688419, ofbiz/trunk/framework/webtools/webapp/webtools/WEB-INF/actions/log/LogView.bsh)
--- ofbiz/trunk/framework/webtools/webapp/webtools/WEB-INF/actions/log/LogView.bsh (original)
+++ ofbiz/trunk/framework/webtools/webapp/webtools/WEB-INF/actions/log/LogView.groovy Sat Aug 23 22:36:54 2008
@@ -19,10 +19,10 @@
 import org.ofbiz.base.util.FileUtil;
-StringBuffer sb = null;
+sb = null;
 try {
     sb = FileUtil.readTextFile(logFileName, true);
 } catch(Exception exc) {}
-if (sb != null) {
-    context.put("logFileContent", sb.toString());
+if (sb) {
+    context.logFileContent = sb.toString();

Copied: ofbiz/trunk/framework/webtools/webapp/webtools/WEB-INF/actions/period/EditCustomTimePeriod.groovy (from r688419, ofbiz/trunk/framework/webtools/webapp/webtools/WEB-INF/actions/period/EditCustomTimePeriod.bsh)
--- ofbiz/trunk/framework/webtools/webapp/webtools/WEB-INF/actions/period/EditCustomTimePeriod.bsh (original)
+++ ofbiz/trunk/framework/webtools/webapp/webtools/WEB-INF/actions/period/EditCustomTimePeriod.groovy Sat Aug 23 22:36:54 2008
@@ -23,62 +23,55 @@
 import org.ofbiz.entity.*;
 import org.ofbiz.base.util.*;
-String findOrganizationPartyId = request.getParameter("findOrganizationPartyId");
-if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(findOrganizationPartyId)) {
-    context.put("findOrganizationPartyId", findOrganizationPartyId);
+findOrganizationPartyId = parameters.findOrganizationPartyId;
+if (findOrganizationPartyId) {
+    context.findOrganizationPartyId = findOrganizationPartyId;
-String currentCustomTimePeriodId = request.getParameter("currentCustomTimePeriodId");
-if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(currentCustomTimePeriodId)) {
-    context.put("currentCustomTimePeriodId", currentCustomTimePeriodId);
+currentCustomTimePeriodId = parameters.currentCustomTimePeriodId;
+if (currentCustomTimePeriodId) {
+    context.currentCustomTimePeriodId = currentCustomTimePeriodId;
-GenericValue currentCustomTimePeriod = currentCustomTimePeriodId == null ? null : delegator.findByPrimaryKey("CustomTimePeriod", UtilMisc.toMap("customTimePeriodId", currentCustomTimePeriodId));
-if (currentCustomTimePeriod != null) {
-    context.put("currentCustomTimePeriod", currentCustomTimePeriod);
+currentCustomTimePeriod = currentCustomTimePeriodId ? delegator.findByPrimaryKey("CustomTimePeriod", [customTimePeriodId : currentCustomTimePeriodId]) : null;
+if (currentCustomTimePeriod) {
+    context.currentCustomTimePeriod = currentCustomTimePeriod;
-GenericValue currentPeriodType = currentCustomTimePeriod == null ? null : currentCustomTimePeriod.getRelatedOneCache("PeriodType");
-if (currentPeriodType != null) {
-    context.put("currentPeriodType", currentPeriodType);
+currentPeriodType = currentCustomTimePeriod ? currentCustomTimePeriod.getRelatedOneCache("PeriodType") : null;
+if (currentPeriodType) {
+    context.currentPeriodType = currentPeriodType;
-Map findMap = UtilMisc.toMap("organizationPartyId", findOrganizationPartyId);
-if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(currentCustomTimePeriodId)) {
-    findMap.put("parentPeriodId", currentCustomTimePeriodId);
+findMap = [organizationPartyId : findOrganizationPartyId];
+if (currentCustomTimePeriodId) {
+    findMap.parentPeriodId = currentCustomTimePeriodId;
-List customTimePeriods = delegator.findByAnd("CustomTimePeriod", findMap,
-    UtilMisc.toList("periodTypeId", "periodNum", "fromDate"));
-if (customTimePeriods != null) {
-    context.put("customTimePeriods", customTimePeriods);
+customTimePeriods = delegator.findByAnd("CustomTimePeriod", findMap, ["periodTypeId", "periodNum", "fromDate"]);
+context.customTimePeriods = customTimePeriods;
-List allCustomTimePeriods = delegator.findList("CustomTimePeriod", null, null, UtilMisc.toList("organizationPartyId", "parentPeriodId", "periodTypeId", "periodNum", "fromDate"), null, false);
-if (allCustomTimePeriods != null) {
-    context.put("allCustomTimePeriods", allCustomTimePeriods);
+allCustomTimePeriods = delegator.findList("CustomTimePeriod", null, null, ["organizationPartyId", "parentPeriodId", "periodTypeId", "periodNum", "fromDate"], null, false);
+context.allCustomTimePeriods = allCustomTimePeriods;
-List periodTypes = delegator.findList("PeriodType", null, null, UtilMisc.toList("description"), null, true);
-if (periodTypes != null) {
-    context.put("periodTypes", periodTypes);
+periodTypes = delegator.findList("PeriodType", null, null, ["description"], null, true);
+context.periodTypes = periodTypes;
-String newPeriodTypeId = "FISCAL_YEAR";
-if (currentCustomTimePeriod != null && "FISCAL_YEAR".equals(currentCustomTimePeriod.getString("periodTypeId"))) {
+newPeriodTypeId = "FISCAL_YEAR";
+if ("FISCAL_YEAR".equals(currentCustomTimePeriod?.periodTypeId)) {
     newPeriodTypeId = "FISCAL_QUARTER";
-if (currentCustomTimePeriod != null && "FISCAL_QUARTER".equals(currentCustomTimePeriod.getString("periodTypeId"))) {
+if ("FISCAL_QUARTER".equals(currentCustomTimePeriod?.periodTypeId)) {
     newPeriodTypeId = "FISCAL_MONTH";
-if (currentCustomTimePeriod != null && "FISCAL_MONTH".equals(currentCustomTimePeriod.getString("periodTypeId"))) {
+if ("FISCAL_MONTH".equals(currentCustomTimePeriod?.periodTypeId)) {
     newPeriodTypeId = "FISCAL_WEEK";
-if (currentCustomTimePeriod != null && "FISCAL_BIWEEK".equals(currentCustomTimePeriod.getString("periodTypeId"))) {
+if ("FISCAL_BIWEEK".equals(currentCustomTimePeriod?.periodTypeId)) {
     newPeriodTypeId = "FISCAL_WEEK";
-if (currentCustomTimePeriod != null && "FISCAL_WEEK".equals(currentCustomTimePeriod.getString("periodTypeId"))) {
+if ("FISCAL_WEEK".equals(currentCustomTimePeriod?.periodTypeId)) {
     newPeriodTypeId = "";
-context.put("newPeriodTypeId", newPeriodTypeId);
+context.newPeriodTypeId = newPeriodTypeId;

Copied: ofbiz/trunk/framework/webtools/webapp/webtools/WEB-INF/actions/service/AvailableServices.groovy (from r688419, ofbiz/trunk/framework/webtools/webapp/webtools/WEB-INF/actions/service/availableservices.bsh)
--- ofbiz/trunk/framework/webtools/webapp/webtools/WEB-INF/actions/service/availableservices.bsh (original)
+++ ofbiz/trunk/framework/webtools/webapp/webtools/WEB-INF/actions/service/AvailableServices.groovy Sat Aug 23 22:36:54 2008
@@ -28,25 +28,19 @@
 import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilHttp;
 import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilProperties;
-getEcaListForService(String selectedService){
+List getEcaListForService(String selectedService){
     ecaMap = org.ofbiz.service.eca.ServiceEcaUtil.getServiceEventMap(selectedService);
-    if(ecaMap == null) return null;
+    if (!ecaMap) return null;
     //ecaMap is a HashMap so get keyset & iterate
-    ecaMapList = new java.util.ArrayList();
+    ecaMapList = [];
-    ecaMapIter = ecaMap.keySet().iterator();
-    while(ecaMapIter.hasNext()){
-        curRuleKey =; //get key in ecaMap
+    ecaMap.each { ecaKey, ecaValue ->
+        ecaValue.each { curRule ->
+            curRuleMap = [:];
-        curRuleListIter = ecaMap.get(curRuleKey).iterator(); // get rule object from ecaMap using above key
-        while(curRuleListIter.hasNext()){
-            curRule =;
-            curRuleMap = new java.util.HashMap();
-            curRuleMap.put("ruleKey", curRuleKey);
+            curRuleMap.ruleKey = ecaKey;
             curRuleClass = curRule.getClass();
@@ -54,8 +48,8 @@
             eventName = curRuleClass.getDeclaredField("eventName");
             eventNameVal = eventName.get(curRule);
-            if(eventNameVal != null){
-                curRuleMap.put("eventName", eventNameVal+"");
+            if (eventNameVal) {
+                curRuleMap.eventName = eventNameVal as String;
@@ -63,8 +57,8 @@
             runOnError = curRuleClass.getDeclaredField("runOnError");
             runOnErrorVal = runOnError.get(curRule);
-            if(runOnErrorVal != null){
-                curRuleMap.put("runOnError", runOnErrorVal+"");
+            if (runOnErrorVal) {
+                curRuleMap.runOnError = runOnErrorVal as String;
@@ -72,8 +66,8 @@
             runOnFailure = curRuleClass.getDeclaredField("runOnFailure");
             runOnFailureVal = runOnFailure.get(curRule);
-            if(runOnFailureVal != null){
-                curRuleMap.put("runOnFailure", runOnFailureVal+"");
+            if (runOnFailureVal) {
+                curRuleMap.runOnFailure = runOnFailureVal as String;
@@ -81,20 +75,18 @@
             actions = curRuleClass.getDeclaredField("actionsAndSets");            
             actionsVal = actions.get(curRule);
-            if(actionsVal != null){
+            if (actionsVal) {
                 actionsList = new ArrayList(actionsVal.size());
-                actionsIter = actionsVal.iterator();
-                while(actionsVal != null && actionsIter.hasNext()){
-                    curAction =;
-                    actionMap = new HashMap();
+                actionsVal.each { curAction ->
+                    actionMap = [:];
                     actionClass = curAction.getClass();
                     eventName = actionClass.getDeclaredField("eventName");
                     eventNameVal = eventName.get(curAction);
-                    if(eventNameVal != null){
-                        actionMap.put("eventName", eventNameVal+"");
+                    if (eventNameVal) {
+                        actionMap.eventName = eventNameVal as String;
@@ -102,8 +94,8 @@
                     ignoreError = actionClass.getDeclaredField("ignoreError");
                     ignoreErrorVal = ignoreError.get(curAction);
-                    if(ignoreErrorVal != null){
-                        actionMap.put("ignoreError", ignoreErrorVal+"");
+                    if (ignoreErrorVal) {
+                        actionMap.ignoreError = ignoreErrorVal as String;
@@ -111,8 +103,8 @@
                     ignoreFailure = actionClass.getDeclaredField("ignoreFailure");
                     ignoreFailureVal = ignoreFailure.get(curAction);
-                    if(ignoreFailureVal != null){
-                        actionMap.put("ignoreFailure", ignoreFailureVal+"");
+                    if (ignoreFailureVal) {
+                        actionMap.ignoreFailure = ignoreFailureVal as String;
@@ -120,8 +112,8 @@
                     persist = actionClass.getDeclaredField("persist");
                     persistVal = persist.get(curAction);
-                    if(persistVal != null){
-                        actionMap.put("persist", persistVal+"");
+                    if (persistVal) {
+                        actionMap.persist = persistVal as String;
@@ -129,8 +121,8 @@
                     resultMapName = actionClass.getDeclaredField("resultMapName");
                     resultMapNameVal = resultMapName.get(curAction);
-                    if(resultMapNameVal != null && resultMapNameVal.length() > 0){
-                        actionMap.put("resultMapName", resultMapNameVal+"");
+                    if (resultMapNameVal) {
+                        actionMap.resultMapName = resultMapNameVal as String;
@@ -138,8 +130,8 @@
                     resultToContext = actionClass.getDeclaredField("resultToContext");
                     resultToContextVal = resultToContext.get(curAction);
-                    if(resultToContextVal != null){
-                        actionMap.put("resultToContext", resultToContextVal+"");
+                    if (resultToContextVal) {
+                        actionMap.resultToContext = resultToContextVal as String;
@@ -147,8 +139,8 @@
                     resultToResult = actionClass.getDeclaredField("resultToResult");
                     resultToResultVal = resultToResult.get(curAction);
-                    if(resultToResultVal != null){
-                        actionMap.put("resultToResult", resultToResultVal+"");
+                    if (resultToResultVal) {
+                        actionMap.resultToResult = resultToResultVal as String;
@@ -156,8 +148,8 @@
                     serviceMode = actionClass.getDeclaredField("serviceMode");
                     serviceModeVal = serviceMode.get(curAction);
-                    if(serviceModeVal != null){
-                        actionMap.put("serviceMode", serviceModeVal+"");
+                    if (serviceModeVal) {
+                        actionMap.serviceMode = serviceModeVal as String;
@@ -165,15 +157,15 @@
                     serviceName = actionClass.getDeclaredField("serviceName");
                     serviceNameVal = serviceName.get(curAction);
-                    if(serviceNameVal != null){
-                        actionMap.put("serviceName", serviceNameVal+"");
+                    if (serviceNameVal) {
+                        actionMap.serviceName = serviceNameVal as String;
-                curRuleMap.put("actions", actionsList);
+                curRuleMap.actions = actionsList;
@@ -181,21 +173,19 @@
             conditions = curRuleClass.getDeclaredField("conditions");
             conditionsVal = conditions.get(curRule);
-            if(conditionsVal != null){
-                curRuleMap.put("conditions", runOnFailureVal+"");
-                condIter = conditionsVal.iterator();
+            if (conditionsVal) {
+                curRuleMap.conditions = runOnFailureVal as String;
                 condList = new ArrayList(conditionsVal.size());
-                while(condIter.hasNext()){
-                    condVal =;
+                conditionsVal.each { condVal ->
                     condValClass = condVal.getClass();
-                    condMap = new HashMap();
+                    condMap = [:];
                     compareType = condValClass.getDeclaredField("compareType");
                     compareTypeVal = compareType.get(condVal);
-                    if(compareTypeVal != null && compareTypeVal.length() > 0){
-                        condMap.put("compareType", compareTypeVal+"");
+                    if (compareTypeVal) {
+                        condMap.compareType = compareTypeVal as String;
@@ -203,8 +193,8 @@
                     conditionService = condValClass.getDeclaredField("conditionService");
                     conditionServiceVal = conditionService.get(condVal);
-                    if(conditionServiceVal != null && conditionServiceVal.length() > 0){
-                        condMap.put("conditionService", conditionServiceVal+"");
+                    if (conditionServiceVal) {
+                        condMap.conditionService = conditionServiceVal as String;
@@ -212,8 +202,8 @@
                     format = condValClass.getDeclaredField("format");
                     formatVal = format.get(condVal);
-                    if(formatVal != null && formatVal.length() > 0){
-                        condMap.put("format", formatVal+"");
+                    if (formatVal) {
+                        condMap.format = formatVal as String;
@@ -221,8 +211,8 @@
                     isConstant = condValClass.getDeclaredField("isConstant");
                     isConstantVal = isConstant.get(condVal);
-                    if(isConstantVal != null){
-                        condMap.put("isConstant", isConstantVal+"");
+                    if (isConstantVal) {
+                        condMap.isConstant = isConstantVal as String;
@@ -230,8 +220,8 @@
                     isService = condValClass.getDeclaredField("isService");
                     isServiceVal = isService.get(condVal);
-                    if(isServiceVal != null){
-                        condMap.put("isService", isServiceVal+"");
+                    if (isServiceVal) {
+                        condMap.isService = isServiceVal as String;
@@ -239,8 +229,8 @@
                     lhsMapName = condValClass.getDeclaredField("lhsMapName");
                     lhsMapNameVal = lhsMapName.get(condVal);
-                    if(lhsMapNameVal != null && lhsMapNameVal.length() > 0){
-                        condMap.put("lhsMapName", lhsMapNameVal+"");
+                    if (lhsMapNameVal) {
+                        condMap.lhsMapName = lhsMapNameVal as String;
@@ -248,8 +238,8 @@
                     lhsValueName = condValClass.getDeclaredField("lhsValueName");
                     lhsValueNameVal = lhsValueName.get(condVal);
-                    if(lhsValueNameVal != null && lhsValueNameVal.length() > 0){
-                        condMap.put("lhsValueName", lhsValueNameVal+"");
+                    if (lhsValueNameVal){
+                        condMap.lhsValueName = lhsValueNameVal as String;
@@ -257,8 +247,8 @@
                     operator = condValClass.getDeclaredField("operator");
                     operatorVal = operator.get(condVal);
-                    if(operatorVal != null && operatorVal.length() > 0 ){
-                        condMap.put("operator", operatorVal+"");
+                    if (operatorVal) {
+                        condMap.operator = operatorVal as String;
@@ -266,8 +256,8 @@
                     rhsMapName = condValClass.getDeclaredField("rhsMapName");
                     rhsMapNameVal = rhsMapName.get(condVal);
-                    if(rhsMapNameVal != null && rhsMapNameVal.length() > 0){
-                        condMap.put("rhsMapName", rhsMapNameVal+"");
+                    if (rhsMapNameVal){
+                        condMap.rhsMapName = rhsMapNameVal as String;
@@ -275,18 +265,18 @@
                     rhsValueName = condValClass.getDeclaredField("rhsValueName");
                     rhsValueNameVal = rhsValueName.get(condVal);
-                    if(rhsValueNameVal != null && rhsValueNameVal.length() > 0){
-                        condMap.put("rhsValueName", rhsValueNameVal+"");
+                    if (rhsValueNameVal){
+                        condMap.rhsValueName = rhsValueNameVal as String;
-                curRuleMap.put("conditions", condList);
+                curRuleMap.conditions = condList;
-            ecaMapList.add(curRuleMap);    
+            ecaMapList.add(curRuleMap);
     return ecaMapList;
@@ -297,301 +287,254 @@
 accounting, content, ecommerce, manufacturing, marketing, ordermgr, partymgr, catalog, facility, workeffort, example, WFDispatcher, webtools, order, wholesale, salesrep, hotelbackend, community
 //Ashish: Don't know how to get list of available dispatchers, so hardcoded. Add to this list if I missed some.
-dispArrList = new ArrayList();
+dispArrList = ["accounting",
+               "content",
+               "ecommerce",
+               "manufacturing",
+               "marketing",
+               "order",
+               "partymgr",
+               "catalog",
+               "facility",
+               "workeffort",
+               "example",
+               "WFDispatcher",
+               "webtools",
+               "wholesale",
+               "salesrep",
+               "hotelbackend",
+               "community"];
-context.put("dispArrList", dispArrList);
+context.dispArrList = dispArrList;
-locale = UtilHttp.getLocale(request);
 uiLabelMap = UtilProperties.getResourceBundleMap("WebtoolsUiLabels", locale);
-selDisp = request.getParameter("selDisp");
-selDisp = selDisp == null || selDisp.length() == 0 ? request.getAttribute("selDisp") : selDisp;
-//default disptacher is partymgr
-selDisp = selDisp == null || selDisp.length() == 0 ? "partymgr" : selDisp;
+selDisp = parameters.selDisp ?: "partymgr";
-curDispatcher = request.getAttribute("dispatcher");
-curLocalDispatcher = curDispatcher.getLocalDispatcher(selDisp, request.getAttribute("delegator"));
+curLocalDispatcher = dispatcher.getLocalDispatcher(selDisp, delegator);
 curDispatchContext = curLocalDispatcher.getDispatchContext();
-context.put("dispatcherName", curLocalDispatcher.getName());
+context.dispatcherName = curLocalDispatcher.getName();
-selectedService = request.getParameter("sel_service_name");
-if(selectedService == null || selectedService.length() == 0){
-    selectedService = request.getAttribute("sel_service_name");
+selectedService = parameters.sel_service_name;
-if(selectedService != null && selectedService.length() > 0){
-    HashMap curServiceMap = new HashMap();
+if (selectedService) {
+    curServiceMap = [:];
-    curServiceMap.put("serviceName", selectedService);
+    curServiceMap.serviceName = selectedService;
     curServiceModel = curDispatchContext.getModelService(selectedService);
-    curServiceMap.put("description", curServiceModel.description);
+    curServiceMap.description = curServiceModel.description;
-    if(curServiceModel != null){
+    if (curServiceModel) {
-        engineName = curServiceModel.engineName;
-        defaultEntityName = curServiceModel.defaultEntityName;
-        export = curServiceModel.export ? uiLabelMap.get("CommonTrue") : uiLabelMap.get("CommonFalse");
-        permissionGroups = curServiceModel.permissionGroups;
-        implServices = curServiceModel.implServices;
+        engineName = curServiceModel.engineName ?: "NA";
+        defaultEntityName = curServiceModel.defaultEntityName ?: "NA";
+        export = curServiceModel.export ? uiLabelMap.CommonTrue : uiLabelMap.CommonFalse;
+        permissionGroups = curServiceModel.permissionGroups ?: "NA";
+        implServices = curServiceModel.implServices ?: "NA";
         overrideParameters = curServiceModel.overrideParameters;
-        useTrans = curServiceModel.useTransaction ? uiLabelMap.get("CommonTrue") : uiLabelMap.get("CommonFalse");
+        useTrans = curServiceModel.useTransaction ? uiLabelMap.CommonTrue : uiLabelMap.CommonFalse;
         maxRetry = curServiceModel.maxRetry;
         //Test for ECA's
         ecaMapList = getEcaListForService(selectedService);
-        if(ecaMapList != null){
-            context.put("ecaMapList", ecaMapList);
+        if (ecaMapList) {
+            context.ecaMapList = ecaMapList;
         //End Test for ECA's
-        invoke = curServiceModel.invoke;
-        location = curServiceModel.location;
-        requireNewTransaction = curServiceModel.requireNewTransaction ? uiLabelMap.get("CommonTrue") : uiLabelMap.get("CommonFalse");
-        engineName = engineName != null && engineName.length() > 0 ? engineName : "NA";
-        defaultEntityName = defaultEntityName != null && defaultEntityName.length() > 0 ? defaultEntityName : "NA";
-        invoke = invoke != null && invoke.length() > 0 ? invoke : "NA";
-        location = location != null && location.length() > 0 ? location : "NA";
-        permissionGroups = permissionGroups != null && permissionGroups.size() > 0 ? permissionGroups : "NA";
-        implServices = implServices != null && implServices.size() > 0 ? implServices : "NA";
-        curServiceMap.put("engineName", engineName);
-        curServiceMap.put("defaultEntityName", defaultEntityName);
-        curServiceMap.put("invoke", invoke);
-        curServiceMap.put("location", location);
-        curServiceMap.put("requireNewTransaction", requireNewTransaction);
-        curServiceMap.put("export", export);        
+        invoke = curServiceModel.invoke ?: "NA";
+        location = curServiceModel.location ?: "NA";
+        requireNewTransaction = curServiceModel.requireNewTransaction ? uiLabelMap.CommonTrue : uiLabelMap.CommonFalse;
+        curServiceMap.engineName = engineName;
+        curServiceMap.defaultEntityName = defaultEntityName;
+        curServiceMap.invoke = invoke;
+        curServiceMap.location = location;
+        curServiceMap.requireNewTransaction = requireNewTransaction;
+        curServiceMap.export = export;
-        if(permissionGroups != null && !permissionGroups.equals("NA") && permissionGroups.size() > 0){
-            permIter = permissionGroups.iterator();
+        if(permissionGroups && !permissionGroups.equals("NA")){
             permList = new ArrayList(permissionGroups.size());
-            while(permIter.hasNext()){
-                curPerm = (ModelPermGroup);//This is a ModelPermGroup
-                curIter = curPerm.permissions.size() > 0 ? curPerm.permissions.iterator() : null;
-                while(curIter != null && curIter.hasNext()){
-                    curPermObj =;
-                    permObj = new HashMap();
-                    permObj.put("action" , curPermObj.action);
+            permissionGroups.each { curPerm ->  //This is a ModelPermGroup
+                curPerm.permissions.each { curPermObj ->
+                    permObj = [:];
+                    permObj.action = curPermObj.action;
                     permType = curPermObj.permissionType;
-                    if(permType == 1){
+                    if (permType == 1) {
                         permType = "Simple Permission";
-                    }else if(permType == 2){
+                    } else if (permType == 2) {
                         permType = "Entity Permission";
-                    }else if(permType == 3){
+                    } else if (permType == 3) {
                         permType = "Role Member";
-                    permObj.put("permType" , permType);
-                    permObj.put("nameOrRole" , curPermObj.nameOrRole);
+                    permObj.permType = permType;
+                    permObj.nameOrRole = curPermObj.nameOrRole;
-            curServiceMap.put("permissionGroups", permList);
-        }else{
-            curServiceMap.put("permissionGroups", permissionGroups);
+            curServiceMap.permissionGroups = permList;
+        } else {
+            curServiceMap.permissionGroups = permissionGroups;
-        curServiceMap.put("implServices", implServices);
-        curServiceMap.put("useTrans", useTrans);
-        curServiceMap.put("maxRetry", maxRetry);
+        curServiceMap.implServices = implServices;
+        curServiceMap.useTrans = useTrans;
+        curServiceMap.maxRetry = maxRetry;
         allParamsList = new ArrayList(3);
         inParams = curServiceModel.getInParamNames();
-        if(inParams != null){
-            inParamsList = new ArrayList(inParams.size());
-            inParamsIter = inParams.iterator();
-            while(inParamsIter.hasNext()){
-                curParam = curServiceModel.getParam(;
-                curInParam = new HashMap();
-                curInParam.put("entityName", curParam.entityName);
-                curInParam.put("fieldName", curParam.fieldName);
-                curInParam.put("internal", curParam.internal ? uiLabelMap.get("CommonTrue") : uiLabelMap.get("CommonFalse"));
-                curInParam.put("mode", curParam.mode);
-                curInParam.put("name",;
-                curInParam.put("optional", curParam.optional ? uiLabelMap.get("CommonTrue") : uiLabelMap.get("CommonFalse"));
-                curInParam.put("type", curParam.type);
-                inParamsList.add(curInParam);
-            }
-            inParamMap = new HashMap();
-            inParamMap.put("title", uiLabelMap.get("WebtoolsInParameters"));
-            inParamMap.put("paramList", inParamsList);
-            allParamsList.add(inParamMap);
+        inParamsList = new ArrayList(inParams.size());
+        imParams.each { paramName ->
+            curParam = curServiceModel.getParam(paramName);
+            curInParam = [:];
+            curInParam.entityName = curParam.entityName;
+            curInParam.fieldName = curParam.fieldName;
+            curInParam.internal = curParam.internal ? uiLabelMap.CommonTrue : uiLabelMap.CommonFalse;
+            curInParam.mode = curParam.mode;
+   =;
+            curInParam.optional = curParam.optional ? uiLabelMap.CommonTrue : uiLabelMap.CommonFalse;
+            curInParam.type = curParam.type;
+            inParamsList.add(curInParam);
+        inParamMap = [:];
+        inParamMap.title = uiLabelMap.WebtoolsInParameters;
+        inParamMap.paramList = inParamsList;
+        allParamsList.add(inParamMap);
         outParams = curServiceModel.getOutParamNames();
-        if(outParams != null){
-            outParamsList = new ArrayList(outParams.size());
-            outParamsIter = outParams.iterator();
-            while(outParamsIter.hasNext()){
-                curParam = curServiceModel.getParam(;
-                curOutParam = new HashMap();
-                curOutParam.put("entityName", curParam.entityName);
-                curOutParam.put("fieldName", curParam.fieldName);
-                curOutParam.put("internal", curParam.internal ? uiLabelMap.get("CommonTrue") : uiLabelMap.get("CommonFalse"));
-                curOutParam.put("mode", curParam.mode);
-                curOutParam.put("name",;
-                curOutParam.put("optional", curParam.optional ? uiLabelMap.get("CommonTrue") : uiLabelMap.get("CommonFalse"));
-                curOutParam.put("type", curParam.type);
-                outParamsList.add(curOutParam);
-            }
-            outParamMap = new HashMap();
-            outParamMap.put("title", uiLabelMap.get("WebtoolsOutParameters"));
-            outParamMap.put("paramList", outParamsList);
-            allParamsList.add(outParamMap);
+        outParamsList = new ArrayList(outParams.size());
+        outParams.each { paramName ->
+            curParam = curServiceModel.getParam(paramName);
+            curOutParam = [:];
+            curOutParam.entityName = curParam.entityName;
+            curOutParam.fieldName = curParam.fieldName;
+            curOutParam.internal = curParam.internal ? uiLabelMap.CommonTrue : uiLabelMap.CommonFalse;
+            curOutParam.mode = curParam.mode;
+   =;
+            curOutParam.optional = curParam.optional ? uiLabelMap.CommonTrue : uiLabelMap.CommonFalse;
+            curOutParam.type = curParam.type;
+            outParamsList.add(curOutParam);
+        outParamMap = [:];
+        outParamMap.title = uiLabelMap.get("WebtoolsOutParameters");
+        outParamMap.paramList = outParamsList;
+        allParamsList.add(outParamMap);
-        if(overrideParameters != null && overrideParameters.size() > 0){
+        if (overrideParameters) {
             ovrPrmList = new ArrayList(overrideParameters.size());
-            ovrPrmIter = overrideParameters.iterator();
-            while(ovrPrmIter.hasNext()){
-                curParam =;
-                curOvrPrm = new HashMap();
-                curOvrPrm.put("entityName", curParam.entityName);
-                curOvrPrm.put("fieldName", curParam.fieldName);
-                curOvrPrm.put("internal", curParam.internal ? uiLabelMap.get("CommonTrue") : uiLabelMap.get("CommonFalse"));
-                curOvrPrm.put("mode", curParam.mode);
-                curOvrPrm.put("name",;
-                curOvrPrm.put("optional", curParam.optional ? uiLabelMap.get("CommonTrue") : uiLabelMap.get("CommonFalse"));
-                curOvrPrm.put("type", curParam.type);
+            overrideParameters.each { curParam ->
+                curOvrPrm = [:];
+                curOvrPrm.entityName = curParam.entityName;
+                curOvrPrm.fieldName = curParam.fieldName;
+                curOvrPrm.internal = curParam.internal ? uiLabelMap.CommonTrue : uiLabelMap.CommonFalse;
+                curOvrPrm.mode = curParam.mode;
+       =;
+                curOvrPrm.optional = curParam.optional ? uiLabelMap.CommonTrue : uiLabelMap.CommonFalse;
+                curOvrPrm.type = curParam.type;
-            ovrParamMap = new HashMap();
-            ovrParamMap.put("title", "Override parameters");
-            ovrParamMap.put("paramList", ovrPrmList);
+            ovrParamMap = [:];
+            ovrParamMap.title = "Override parameters";
+            ovrParamMap.paramList = ovrPrmList;
-        curServiceMap.put("allParamsList", allParamsList);
-    }
-    showWsdl = request.getParameter("show_wsdl");
-    if(showWsdl == null || showWsdl.length() == 0){
-     showWsdl = request.getAttribute("show_wsdl");
+        curServiceMap.allParamsList = allParamsList;
+    showWsdl = parameters.show_wsdl;
-    if(showWsdl != null && showWsdl.equals("true")) {
+    if(showWsdl?.equals("true")) {
      try {
-     wsdl = curServiceModel.toWSDL("http://" + request.getServerName() + ":" + UtilProperties.getPropertyValue("", "port.http", "80") + (String) request.getAttribute("_CONTROL_PATH_") + "/SOAPService");
-     curServiceMap.put("wsdl", UtilXml.writeXmlDocument(wsdl));
+     wsdl = curServiceModel.toWSDL("http://${request.getServerName()}:${UtilProperties.getPropertyValue("", "port.http", "80")}${parameters._CONTROL_PATH_}/SOAPService");
+     curServiceMap.wsdl = UtilXml.writeXmlDocument(wsdl);
      } catch (WSDLException ex) {
-     curServiceMap.put("wsdl", ex.getLocalizedMessage());
+     curServiceMap.wsdl = ex.getLocalizedMessage();
-     context.put("showWsdl", Boolean.TRUE);
+     context.showWsdl = true;
-    context.put("selectedServiceMap", curServiceMap);
+    context.selectedServiceMap = curServiceMap;
-if(selectedService == null || selectedService.length() == 0){
+if (!selectedService) {
     //get constraints if any
-    constraint = request.getParameter("constraint");
-    if(constraint == null || constraint.length() == 0){
-        constraint = request.getAttribute("constraint");
-    }
+    constraint = parameters.constraint;
     serviceNames = curDispatchContext.getAllServiceNames();
     serviceNamesAlphaList = new ArrayList(26);
-    servicesIter = serviceNames.iterator();
     servicesList = new ArrayList(serviceNames.size());
     servicesFoundCount = 0;
-    while(servicesIter.hasNext()){
-        serviceName =;
+    serviceNames.each { serviceName ->
         //add first char of service name to list
-        if(serviceName.length() > 0){
-            serviceCharAt1 = serviceName.charAt(0);
-            if(!serviceNamesAlphaList.contains(serviceCharAt1)){
+        if(serviceName){
+            serviceCharAt1 = serviceName[0];
+            if (!serviceNamesAlphaList.contains(serviceCharAt1)) {
         //create basic service def
-        HashMap curServiceMap = new HashMap();
-        curServiceMap.put("serviceName", serviceName);
+        curServiceMap = [:];
+        curServiceMap.serviceName = serviceName;
         curServiceModel = curDispatchContext.getModelService(serviceName);
         canIncludeService = true;
-        if(constraint != null && constraint.length() > 0 && curServiceModel != null){
+        if (constraint && curServiceModel) {
             consArr = constraint.split("@");
             constraintName = consArr[0];
             constraintVal = consArr[1];
-            if(canIncludeService && constraintName.equals("engine_name")){
+            if (constraintName.equals("engine_name")) {
                 canIncludeService = curServiceModel.engineName.equals(constraintVal);
-                if(constraintVal.equals("NA")){
-                    canIncludeService =
-                        curServiceModel.engineName == null ||curServiceModel.engineName.equals("");
+                if (constraintVal.equals("NA")) {
+                    canIncludeService = curServiceModel.engineName ? false : true;
-            if(canIncludeService && constraintName.equals("default_entity_name")){
+            if (canIncludeService && constraintName.equals("default_entity_name")) {
                 canIncludeService = curServiceModel.defaultEntityName.equals(constraintVal);
-                    canIncludeService =
-                    curServiceModel.defaultEntityName == null ||curServiceModel.defaultEntityName.equals("");
+                    canIncludeService = curServiceModel.defaultEntityName ? false : true;
-            if(canIncludeService && constraintName.equals("location")){
+            if (canIncludeService && constraintName.equals("location")) {
                 canIncludeService = curServiceModel.location.equals(constraintVal);
-                if(constraintVal.equals("NA")){
-                    canIncludeService =
-                    curServiceModel.location == null ||curServiceModel.location.equals("");
+                if (constraintVal.equals("NA")) {
+                    canIncludeService = curServiceModel.location ? false : true;
-            if(canIncludeService && constraintName.equals("alpha")){
+            if (canIncludeService && constraintName.equals("alpha")) {
                 canIncludeService = (serviceName.charAt(0)+"").equals(constraintVal);
-                if(constraintVal.equals("NA")){
+                if (constraintVal.equals("NA")) {
                     canIncludeService = true;
-        if(curServiceModel != null && canIncludeService){
-            engineName = curServiceModel.engineName;
-            defaultEntityName = curServiceModel.defaultEntityName;
-            invoke = curServiceModel.invoke;
-            location = curServiceModel.location;
+        if (curServiceModel != null && canIncludeService) {
+            engineName = curServiceModel.engineName ?: "NA";
+            defaultEntityName = curServiceModel.defaultEntityName ?: "NA";
+            invoke = curServiceModel.invoke ?: "NA";
+            location = curServiceModel.location ?: "NA";
             requireNewTransaction = curServiceModel.requireNewTransaction;
-            engineName = engineName != null && engineName.length() > 0 ? engineName : "NA";
-            defaultEntityName = defaultEntityName != null && defaultEntityName.length() > 0 ? defaultEntityName : "NA";
-            invoke = invoke != null && invoke.length() > 0 ? invoke : "NA";
-            location = location != null && location.length() > 0 ? location : "NA";
-            curServiceMap.put("engineName", engineName);
-            curServiceMap.put("defaultEntityName", defaultEntityName);
-            curServiceMap.put("invoke", invoke);
-            curServiceMap.put("location", location);
-            curServiceMap.put("requireNewTransaction", requireNewTransaction);
+            curServiceMap.engineName = engineName;
+            curServiceMap.defaultEntityName = defaultEntityName;
+            curServiceMap.invoke = invoke;
+            curServiceMap.location = location;
+            curServiceMap.requireNewTransaction = requireNewTransaction;
-    context.put("servicesList", servicesList);
-    context.put("serviceNamesAlphaList", serviceNamesAlphaList);
-    context.put("servicesFoundCount", servicesFoundCount);
+    context.servicesList = servicesList;
+    context.serviceNamesAlphaList = serviceNamesAlphaList;
+    context.servicesFoundCount = servicesFoundCount;

Copied: ofbiz/trunk/framework/webtools/webapp/webtools/WEB-INF/actions/service/ScheduleJob.groovy (from r688419, ofbiz/trunk/framework/webtools/webapp/webtools/WEB-INF/actions/service/scheduleJob.bsh)
--- ofbiz/trunk/framework/webtools/webapp/webtools/WEB-INF/actions/service/scheduleJob.bsh (original)
+++ ofbiz/trunk/framework/webtools/webapp/webtools/WEB-INF/actions/service/ScheduleJob.groovy Sat Aug 23 22:36:54 2008
@@ -35,48 +35,47 @@
 import org.ofbiz.service.engine.GenericEngine;
 import org.ofbiz.service.config.ServiceConfigUtil;
-Map savedSyncResult = null;
-if( null!=session.getAttribute("_SAVED_SYNC_RESULT_") ){
-    savedSyncResult = (Map)session.getAttribute("_SAVED_SYNC_RESULT_");
+savedSyncResult = null;
+if (session.getAttribute("_SAVED_SYNC_RESULT_") != null) {
+    savedSyncResult = session.getAttribute("_SAVED_SYNC_RESULT_");
-String serviceName = request.getParameter("SERVICE_NAME");
-context.put("POOL_NAME", ServiceConfigUtil.getSendPool());
+serviceName = parameters.SERVICE_NAME;
+context.POOL_NAME = ServiceConfigUtil.getSendPool();
-List scheduleOptions = new ArrayList();
-List serviceParameters = new ArrayList();
-Enumeration e = request.getParameterNames();
+scheduleOptions = [];
+serviceParameters = [];
+e = request.getParameterNames();
 while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
-    String paramName = (String) e.nextElement();
-    String paramValue = request.getParameter(paramName);
-    scheduleOptions.add(UtilMisc.toMap("name", paramName, "value", paramValue));
+    paramName = e.nextElement();
+    paramValue = parameters[paramName];
+    scheduleOptions.add([name : paramName, value : paramValue]);
-context.put("scheduleOptions", scheduleOptions);
+context.scheduleOptions = scheduleOptions;
-if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(serviceName)) {
-    DispatchContext dctx = dispatcher.getDispatchContext();
-    ModelService model = null;
+if (serviceName) {
+    dctx = dispatcher.getDispatchContext();
+    model = null;
     try {
         model = dctx.getModelService(serviceName);
     } catch(Exception exc) {
-        context.put("errorMessageList", UtilMisc.toList(exc.getMessage()));
+        context.errorMessageList = [exc.getMessage()];
     if (model != null) {
-        Iterator params = model.getInParamNames().iterator();
-        while (params.hasNext()) {
-            ModelParam par = model.getParam((String);
+        model.getInParamNames().each { paramName ->
+            par = model.getParam(paramName);
             if (par.internal) {
-                continue;
+                return;
-            Map serviceParam = null;
-            if(null != savedSyncResult && null != savedSyncResult.get({
-                serviceParam = UtilMisc.toMap("name",, "type", par.type, "optional", (par.optional? "Y": "N"), "defaultValue", par.defaultValue, "value", savedSyncResult.get(;
-            }else{
-                serviceParam = UtilMisc.toMap("name",, "type", par.type, "optional", (par.optional? "Y": "N"), "defaultValue", par.defaultValue);
+            serviceParam = null;
+            if (savedSyncResult?.get( {
+                serviceParam = [name :, type : par.type, optional : par.optional ? "Y" : "N", defaultValue : par.defaultValue, value : savedSyncResult.get(];
+            } else {
+                serviceParam = [name :, type : par.type, optional : par.optional ? "Y" : "N", defaultValue : par.defaultValue];
-context.put("serviceParameters", serviceParameters);
+context.serviceParameters = serviceParameters;

Copied: ofbiz/trunk/framework/webtools/webapp/webtools/WEB-INF/actions/service/ServiceResult.groovy (from r688419, ofbiz/trunk/framework/webtools/webapp/webtools/WEB-INF/actions/service/serviceResult.bsh)
--- ofbiz/trunk/framework/webtools/webapp/webtools/WEB-INF/actions/service/serviceResult.bsh (original)
+++ ofbiz/trunk/framework/webtools/webapp/webtools/WEB-INF/actions/service/ServiceResult.groovy Sat Aug 23 22:36:54 2008
@@ -32,34 +32,30 @@
 import javolution.util.FastList;
 import javolution.util.FastMap;
-    List serviceResultList = FastList.newInstance();
-    Map serviceResult = (Map)session.getAttribute("_RUN_SYNC_RESULT_");
+if (session.getAttribute("_RUN_SYNC_RESULT_")) {
+    serviceResultList = FastList.newInstance();
+    serviceResult = session.getAttribute("_RUN_SYNC_RESULT_");
-    if(request.getParameter("servicePath")!=null && !request.getParameter("servicePath").equals("")){
-        String servicePath = request.getParameter("servicePath");
+    if (parameters.servicePath) {
+        servicePath = parameters.servicePath;
         newServiceResult = CoreEvents.getObjectFromServicePath(servicePath, serviceResult);
-        if(null!=newServiceResult && newServiceResult instanceof Map)
+        if (newServiceResult && newServiceResult instanceof Map) {
             serviceResult = newServiceResult;
-        context.put("servicePath", servicePath);
+        }
+        context.servicePath = servicePath;
-    Set serviceResultSet = serviceResult.keySet();
-    Iterator serviceResultItr = serviceResultSet.iterator();
-    while(serviceResultItr.hasNext()){
-        String key =;
-        Map valueMap = UtilMisc.toMap("key", key, "value", (null==serviceResult.get(key))?"null":serviceResult.get(key).toString());
-        if(serviceResult.get(key) instanceof GenericEntity ||
-            serviceResult.get(key) instanceof HashMap ||
-            serviceResult.get(key) instanceof Collection){
-            valueMap.put("hasChild", "Y");
-        }else{
-            valueMap.put("hasChild", "N");
+    serviceResult.each { key, value ->
+        valueMap = [key : key, value : value.toString()];
+        if (value instanceof Map || value instanceof Collection) {
+            valueMap.hasChild = "Y";
+        } else {
+            valueMap.hasChild = "N";
-    context.put("serviceResultList", serviceResultList);
+    context.serviceResultList = serviceResultList;

Copied: ofbiz/trunk/framework/webtools/webapp/webtools/WEB-INF/actions/service/Services.groovy (from r688419, ofbiz/trunk/framework/webtools/webapp/webtools/WEB-INF/actions/service/services.bsh)
--- ofbiz/trunk/framework/webtools/webapp/webtools/WEB-INF/actions/service/services.bsh (original)
+++ ofbiz/trunk/framework/webtools/webapp/webtools/WEB-INF/actions/service/Services.groovy Sat Aug 23 22:36:54 2008
@@ -30,26 +30,19 @@
 import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilHttp;
 import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilProperties;
-locale = UtilHttp.getLocale(request);
 uiLabelMap = UtilProperties.getResourceBundleMap("WebtoolsUiLabels", locale);
-Map log = ServiceDispatcher.getServiceLogMap();
-List serviceList = new ArrayList();
-if (log != null) {
-    Iterator i = log.keySet().iterator();
-    while (i.hasNext()) {
-        Map service = new HashMap();
-        RunningService rs = (RunningService);
+log = ServiceDispatcher.getServiceLogMap();
+serviceList = [];
+log.each { rs, value ->
+    service = [:];
+    service.serviceName = rs.getModelService().name;
+    service.localName = rs.getLocalName();
+    service.startTime = rs.getStartStamp();
+    service.endTime = rs.getEndStamp();
+    service.modeStr = rs.getMode() == GenericEngine.SYNC_MODE ? uiLabelMap.WebtoolsSync : uiLabelMap.WebtoolsAsync;
-        service.put("serviceName", rs.getModelService().name);
-        service.put("localName", rs.getLocalName());
-        service.put("startTime", rs.getStartStamp());
-        service.put("endTime", rs.getEndStamp());
-        service.put("modeStr", (rs.getMode() == GenericEngine.SYNC_MODE? uiLabelMap.get("WebtoolsSync") : uiLabelMap.get("WebtoolsAsync")));
-        serviceList.add(service);
-    }
+    serviceList.add(service);
-context.put("services", serviceList); = serviceList;

Copied: ofbiz/trunk/framework/webtools/webapp/webtools/WEB-INF/actions/service/Threads.groovy (from r688419, ofbiz/trunk/framework/webtools/webapp/webtools/WEB-INF/actions/service/threads.bsh)
--- ofbiz/trunk/framework/webtools/webapp/webtools/WEB-INF/actions/service/threads.bsh (original)
+++ ofbiz/trunk/framework/webtools/webapp/webtools/WEB-INF/actions/service/Threads.groovy Sat Aug 23 22:36:54 2008
@@ -31,36 +31,29 @@
 import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilHttp;
 import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilProperties;
-locale = UtilHttp.getLocale(request);
 uiLabelMap = UtilProperties.getResourceBundleMap("WebtoolsUiLabels", locale);
-List threads = new ArrayList();
-List jobs = dispatcher.getJobManager().processList();
-if (jobs != null) {
-    Iterator i = jobs.iterator();
-    while (i.hasNext()) {
-        Map job = (Map);
-        String status = uiLabelMap.get("WebtoolsStatusInvalid");
-        int state = ((Integer) job.get("status")).intValue();
-        switch (state) {
-            case 0 : status = uiLabelMap.get("WebtoolsStatusSleeping"); break;
-            case 1 : status = uiLabelMap.get("WebtoolsStatusRunning"); break;
-            case -1: status = uiLabelMap.get("WebtoolsStatusShuttingDown"); break;
-            default: status = uiLabelMap.get("WebtoolsStatusInvalid"); break;
-        }
-        job.put("status", status);
-        threads.add(job);
+threads = [];
+jobs = dispatcher.getJobManager().processList();
+jobs.each { job ->
+    state = job.status;
+    switch (state) {
+        case 0 : status = uiLabelMap.WebtoolsStatusSleeping; break;
+        case 1 : status = uiLabelMap.WebtoolsStatusRunning; break;
+        case -1: status = uiLabelMap.WebtoolsStatusShuttingDown; break;
+        default: status = uiLabelMap.WebtoolsStatusInvalid; break;
+    job.status = status;
+    threads.add(job);
-context.put("threads", threads);
+context.threads = threads;
 // Some stuff for general threads on the server
 currentThread = Thread.currentThread();
 currentThreadGroup = currentThread.getThreadGroup();
 topThreadGroup = currentThreadGroup;
-while (topThreadGroup.getParent() != null) {
+while (topThreadGroup.getParent()) {
     topThreadGroup = topThreadGroup.getParent();
@@ -68,4 +61,4 @@
 allThreadList = Arrays.asList(allThreadArray);
-context.put("allThreadList", allThreadList);
+context.allThreadList = allThreadList;

Copied: ofbiz/trunk/framework/webtools/webapp/webtools/WEB-INF/actions/stats/StatBinsHistory.groovy (from r688419, ofbiz/trunk/framework/webtools/webapp/webtools/WEB-INF/actions/stats/StatBinsHistory.bsh)
--- ofbiz/trunk/framework/webtools/webapp/webtools/WEB-INF/actions/stats/StatBinsHistory.bsh (original)
+++ ofbiz/trunk/framework/webtools/webapp/webtools/WEB-INF/actions/stats/StatBinsHistory.groovy Sat Aug 23 22:36:54 2008
@@ -17,51 +17,43 @@
  * under the License.
-import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilFormatOut;
-import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilMisc;
-import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilValidate;
+import org.ofbiz.base.util.*;
 import org.ofbiz.webapp.stats.*;
-String id = request.getParameter("statsId");
-String typeStr = request.getParameter("type");
-int type = -1;
+id = parameters.statsId;
+typeStr = parameters.type;
+type = -1;
 try {
-    type = Integer.parseInt(typeStr);
-} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
-    type = -1;
+    type = Integer.valueOf(typeStr);
+} catch (NumberFormatException e) {}
-LinkedList binList = null;
+binList = null;
 if (type == ServerHitBin.REQUEST) {
-    binList = (LinkedList) ServerHitBin.requestHistory.get(id);
+    binList = ServerHitBin.requestHistory.get(id);
 } else if (type == ServerHitBin.EVENT) {
-    binList = (LinkedList) ServerHitBin.eventHistory.get(id);
+    binList = ServerHitBin.eventHistory.get(id);
 } else if (type == ServerHitBin.VIEW) {
-    binList = (LinkedList) ServerHitBin.viewHistory.get(id);
+    binList = ServerHitBin.viewHistory.get(id);
-if (binList != null) {
-    Iterator iterator = binList.iterator();
-    if(iterator!=null && iterator.hasNext()){
-        List requestList = new ArrayList();
-        while(iterator.hasNext()){
-            Map requestIdMap = new HashMap();
-            ServerHitBin bin = (ServerHitBin);
-            if (bin != null) {
-                requestIdMap.put("requestId", bin.getId());
-                requestIdMap.put("requestType", bin.getType());
-                requestIdMap.put("startTime", bin.getStartTimeString());
-                requestIdMap.put("endTime", bin.getEndTimeString());
-                requestIdMap.put("lengthMins", UtilFormatOut.formatQuantity(bin.getBinLengthMinutes()));
-                requestIdMap.put("numberHits", UtilFormatOut.formatQuantity(bin.getNumberHits()));
-                requestIdMap.put("minTime", UtilFormatOut.formatQuantity(bin.getMinTimeSeconds()));
-                requestIdMap.put("avgTime", UtilFormatOut.formatQuantity(bin.getAvgTimeSeconds()));
-                requestIdMap.put("maxTime", UtilFormatOut.formatQuantity(bin.getMaxTimeSeconds()));
-                requestIdMap.put("hitsPerMin", UtilFormatOut.formatQuantity(bin.getHitsPerMinute()));
-                requestList.add(requestIdMap);
-            }
+if (binList) {
+    requestList = [];
+    binList.each { bin ->
+        requestIdMap = [:];
+        if (bin != null) {
+            requestIdMap.requestId = bin.getId();
+            requestIdMap.requestType = bin.getType();
+            requestIdMap.startTime = bin.getStartTimeString();
+            requestIdMap.endTime = bin.getEndTimeString();
+            requestIdMap.lengthMins = UtilFormatOut.formatQuantity(bin.getBinLengthMinutes());
+            requestIdMap.numberHits = UtilFormatOut.formatQuantity(bin.getNumberHits());
+            requestIdMap.minTime = UtilFormatOut.formatQuantity(bin.getMinTimeSeconds());
+            requestIdMap.avgTime = UtilFormatOut.formatQuantity(bin.getAvgTimeSeconds());
+            requestIdMap.maxTime = UtilFormatOut.formatQuantity(bin.getMaxTimeSeconds());
+            requestIdMap.hitsPerMin = UtilFormatOut.formatQuantity(bin.getHitsPerMinute());
+            requestList.add(requestIdMap);
-        context.put("requestList", requestList);
+    context.requestList = requestList;