svn propchange: r1100197 - svn:log

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svn propchange: r1100197 - svn:log
Author: jleroux
Revision: 1100197
Modified property: svn:log

Modified: svn:log at Fri May  6 13:15:59 2011
--- svn:log (original)
+++ svn:log Fri May  6 13:15:59 2011
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
 Closes <<Caching is used by org.ofbiz.webapp.control.ProtectViewWorker(line 68) for UserLoginAndProtectedView (since changeset r1075350), but the view has set never-cache="true">> reported by Jonas Hoef at
-I wondered if I should not remove the event from the common-controller since I guess this is rarely used. But, as the functionality is available OOTB, I preferred to keep it as is. So I simply remove the never-cache from  UserLoginAndProtectedView view-entity. Since it will almost ever be empty, no memory issues and better performance is expected. If I remember well, at the moment I committed this, I checked: the performance impact was already not noticeable (only one check).
+I wondered if I should not remove the event from the common-controller since I guess this is rarely used. But, as the functionality is available OOTB, I preferred to keep it as is. So I simply remove the never-cache from  UserLoginAndProtectedView view-entity. Since it will almost always be empty, no memory issues and better performance are expected. If I remember well, at the moment I committed this, I checked: the performance impact was already not noticeable (most of the time only one check in the event).