what to do when you have same variant for multiple virtual product.

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what to do when you have same variant for multiple virtual product.


i am facing a situation in which we have the same variant for multiple virtual products and we are not sure of how to get this set-up in ofbiz.

we are creating motor parts products in ofbiz, based on the part numbers provided by the motor company or their OEM's (original equipment manufacturer). now we also have compatible parts which are not OEM products.

thus we create a virtual product with the original part ID and then create 2 variants of the product, the first variant if the OEM product and the 2nd is the compatible product. the idea is to display to the customer both the OEM and the compatible product at the same and to enable him to make comparisons in terms of price and features. the problem arises when this compatible product is also compatible with another OEM product for another vehicle.

for eg. a non-OEM windscreen wiper, is a compatible replacement for both honda and toyota.

we do not want to create multiple variant ID's for the same compatible product as that would give rise to  inventory issues and currently we cannot attach one variant product to more than 1 virtual product.

so how do we go about it. i am just looking for some suggestions and ideas, if something can be done OOTB or it requires modifications to ofbiz code to support this.

