where is the best place of validation?

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where is the best place of validation?

acec acec
After I read "Best Practices Guide", I still have a
question: "where is the best place of validation?"

I found "Another good example is doing special
pre-processing and validation on parameters before
passing them to a service for processing" in that
guide, so the validation should not be a part of
service, then I try to find an example, which has
validation logic.
But I found all validations were done in service, such
public static String sendDhlRequest(String xmlString)
 if (xmlString == null) {
            throw new DhlConnectException("XML message
cannot be null");

Thanks a lot.
tomcat acec

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Re: where is the best place of validation?

BJ Freeman
I hope you get more responses than just mine.
Just as a note,
services as denoted in Best Practices Guide, mean those defined in the
servicedef and Scripts folders.
like the services_shipment_dhl.xml
the routine you show is not a service but a routine in the service java
you have two types of Service code. Java and mini-language.
I believe, that the statement about validation was more directed to the
mini-laguage type of service.

acec acec sent the following on 4/17/2008 11:29 AM:

> Hi,
> After I read "Best Practices Guide", I still have a
> question: "where is the best place of validation?"
> I found "Another good example is doing special
> pre-processing and validation on parameters before
> passing them to a service for processing" in that
> guide, so the validation should not be a part of
> service, then I try to find an example, which has
> validation logic.
> But I found all validations were done in service, such
> as:
> DhlServices.java,
> public static String sendDhlRequest(String xmlString)
> {
> ...
>  if (xmlString == null) {
>             throw new DhlConnectException("XML message
> cannot be null");
>         }
> ...
> }
> Thanks a lot.
> tomcat acec
>       __________________________________________________________________
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return my parameters

acec acec
I have the following request mapping in my
<request-map uri="RemoveIt">
 <event type="service" path="" invoke="removeIt" />
 <response name="success" type="request-redirect"
 <response name="error" type="request-redirect"
One of my freemarker file has a url link like:

When I click that link, it will call removeIt() in my
service definition, then I want to pass the parameter:
view=10 to ListIt.
If I use type="request-redirect", it will pass all
parameters, but id=11 should be removed.
If I use request-redirect-noparam, it will not pass
parameters at all.

Is there a way to decide which parameter will be

tomcat acec

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