I can not help on RMI since I use JNP and a handler that uses xml for
data transfers.
the POS is built on top of the ofbiz framework and has it own
(standalone) UI.
hope that helps.
Muhammad Aamir sent the following on 6/26/2010 10:05 AM:
BJ Freeman
http://bjfreeman.elance.comStrategic Power Office with Supplier Automation <
Specialtymarket.com <
Systems Integrator-- Glad to Assist
Chat Y! messenger: bjfr33man
> Hi,
> I am working on a project and want to connect a swing client to ofbiz.
> I created a simple standalone client and was able to invoke userLogin
> service. I figured out that all services where auth=true, I have to pass the
> userLogin GV that was returned by userLogin service. I have a concern that
> if a client was able to get hold of userLogin GV probably by invoking
> getRelatedOne() sort of method, he would be able to invoke a service with
> that retrieved userLogin. In sum, my main concern is over security when it
> comes to connected with RMI.
> Secondly, I had a quick look on POS application and noticed that it is using
> GenericDelegator. My question is that if POS is a standalone application,
> how the derogator is accessible.
> Thank you
> Muhammed Aamir