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Dev - ASF Progress?

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Dev - ASF Progress?

254 posts
Hi guys,

Wanted to check in on progress:

*) Mailing list transfer.

*) Eliminating LGPL/other incompatibly licensed code.

*) CLA's.

Other things?

Have a nice weekend:-)
David N. Welton
 - http://www.dedasys.com/davidw/

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Re: Dev - ASF Progress?

254 posts
> Wanted to check in on progress:

Just so that it's clear, there's no rush, but there should also be
steady progress over time.

Also, I think everyone but Si (whose CLA hasn't been processed) should
have their Apache username and login.  Email me (or one of the other
mentors) privately if there are any issues with these.

David N. Welton
 - http://www.dedasys.com/davidw/

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Re: Dev - ASF Progress?

David E. Jones
1146 posts
In reply to this post by davidnwelton

On Mar 4, 2006, at 12:21 PM, David Welton wrote:

> Hi guys,
> Wanted to check in on progress:
> *) Mailing list transfer.

I guess this is just going to take some work. We need to find out  
more about what can or needs to be done to move over the mailing list  
histories. We could move over the subscription lists and close the  
old mailing list, but do we want to before we can transfer histories  
(anyone have an opinion on that)?

> *) Eliminating LGPL/other incompatibly licensed code.

There is still work going on here, but there are some issues with  
Geronimo that we are still trying to find a way around. The main  
issue is with class loading, but there may be others as well. Andy is  
taking the lead on this. There are some things in Geronimo 1.1 that  
may help, or we may have to get creative.

As it is right now it is a lot of work to get it deployed and would  
be difficult or brittle running it directly from SVN. That's one  
thing that's nice about OFBiz right now for most people, and  
something we don't want to lose.

> *) CLA's.

This is underway and there is pretty regular progress, but there is  
still a lot to do and it is pretty regularly changing. Status can be  
seen here:


It looks like the CLA list that Jim maintains is only updated every  
so often, so I guess we should see these appearing there in sets over  


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Re: Dev - ASF Progress?

Jacopo Cappellato
1743 posts
In reply to this post by davidnwelton
David W.,

about the account subject: yes, my login is working fine and I can
post/receive mails using the new apache email address, thanks.

Also, I've configured it following the information in the Apache dev
pages (except for the setup of the OpenPGP public key, because I ignore
on how to get such a key... but this is my ignorance!).

One question: I've noticed that our names are no more listed in the
committers' page



David Welton wrote:

>> Wanted to check in on progress:
> Just so that it's clear, there's no rush, but there should also be
> steady progress over time.
> Also, I think everyone but Si (whose CLA hasn't been processed) should
> have their Apache username and login.  Email me (or one of the other
> mentors) privately if there are any issues with these.
> --
> David N. Welton
>  - http://www.dedasys.com/davidw/
> Linux, Open Source Consulting
>  - http://www.dedasys.com/
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Re: Dev - ASF Progress?

254 posts
In reply to this post by David E. Jones
> > *) Mailing list transfer.
> I guess this is just going to take some work. We need to find out
> more about what can or needs to be done to move over the mailing list
> histories. We could move over the subscription lists and close the
> old mailing list, but do we want to before we can transfer histories
> (anyone have an opinion on that)?

> > *) Eliminating LGPL/other incompatibly licensed code.
> There is still work going on here, but there are some issues with
> Geronimo that we are still trying to find a way around. The main
> issue is with class loading, but there may be others as well. Andy is
> taking the lead on this. There are some things in Geronimo 1.1 that
> may help, or we may have to get creative.

Ok... your email regarding Geronimo was interesting.

> As it is right now it is a lot of work to get it deployed and would
> be difficult or brittle running it directly from SVN. That's one
> thing that's nice about OFBiz right now for most people, and
> something we don't want to lose.

Most certainly.  Licensing should take a back seat to high quality,
even if that slows things down some.

> > *) CLA's.
> This is underway and there is pretty regular progress, but there is
> still a lot to do and it is pretty regularly changing. Status can be
> seen here:
> http://ofbizwiki.go-integral.com/Wiki.jsp?page=OFBizDevelopers

Ok, I'll link to that from the OFBiz status page.

> It looks like the CLA list that Jim maintains is only updated every
> so often, so I guess we should see these appearing there in sets over
> time.


David N. Welton
 - http://www.dedasys.com/davidw/

Linux, Open Source Consulting
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Re: Dev - ASF Progress?

254 posts
In reply to this post by Jacopo Cappellato
On 3/6/06, Jacopo Cappellato <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Also, I've configured it following the information in the Apache dev
> pages (except for the setup of the OpenPGP public key, because I ignore
> on how to get such a key... but this is my ignorance!).

OpenPGP is the standard - you can use either PGP or GPG, but perhaps
there are other programs as well.

gpg comes with most modern Linux distributions.  Here's the home page for it:


Be sure to read up on it before going ahead, because if you're not
careful, you can end up compromising security.  Once you're ready, I'd
be happy to sign your key.

> One question: I've noticed that our names are no more listed in the
> committers' page
> http://people.apache.org/~jim/committers.html
> Why?

I don't know the answer - good question for the incubator list... I'll
send something off this evening if someone else doesn't get to it

David N. Welton
 - http://www.dedasys.com/davidw/

Linux, Open Source Consulting
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Re: Dev - ASF Progress?

Adam Heath-2
1963 posts
yOn Mon, 6 Mar 2006, David Welton wrote:

> On 3/6/06, Jacopo Cappellato <[hidden email]> wrote:
> > Also, I've configured it following the information in the Apache dev
> > pages (except for the setup of the OpenPGP public key, because I ignore
> > on how to get such a key... but this is my ignorance!).
> OpenPGP is the standard - you can use either PGP or GPG, but perhaps
> there are other programs as well.
> gpg comes with most modern Linux distributions.  Here's the home page for it:
> http://www.gnupg.org/
> Be sure to read up on it before going ahead, because if you're not
> careful, you can end up compromising security.  Once you're ready, I'd
> be happy to sign your key.


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Re: Dev - ASF Progress?

David E. Jones
1146 posts

On Mar 6, 2006, at 10:52 AM, Adam Heath wrote:

> yOn Mon, 6 Mar 2006, David Welton wrote:
>> On 3/6/06, Jacopo Cappellato <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> Also, I've configured it following the information in the Apache dev
>>> pages (except for the setup of the OpenPGP public key, because I  
>>> ignore
>>> on how to get such a key... but this is my ignorance!).
>> OpenPGP is the standard - you can use either PGP or GPG, but perhaps
>> there are other programs as well.
>> gpg comes with most modern Linux distributions.  Here's the home  
>> page for it:
>> http://www.gnupg.org/
>> Be sure to read up on it before going ahead, because if you're not
>> careful, you can end up compromising security.  Once you're ready,  
>> I'd
>> be happy to sign your key.
> NO!
Actually, in this case David W. and Jacopo live pretty close to each  
other and have met (and can easily meet) face to face...

But yeah, this is a good clarification...


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