Dev - Producing an XML response

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Dev - Producing an XML response

Alexandre Vaillancourt

That's my first time posting on this list. ;o)

I'm trying to integrate OFBiz within another web application. What I need to do
is extract the global menu (name and links) and output it in xml. (The global
menu will be removed from the pages) This is working fine, the outupt is
correctly formatted. The only problem I get is that the response's contentType
won't set to text/xml with this code, even if it's there (in the bsh file). My
browser receives a text/html content type response.

Have I missed something?

I tried to browse and search the lists archives, but I did not find anything
aoubt this. If this subject has already been discussed, please tell me where.

Please see the content of the files attached.

Thanks a lot!
Dev mailing list
[hidden email]

myTestsBsh.bsh (630 bytes) Download Attachment
main.ftl (1K) Download Attachment
controller.xml (4K) Download Attachment
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Re: Dev - Producing an XML response

Fred Forester-2

I had the same problem with the AJAX autocomplete. take a look at this especially at the
request-map and how a return of success has a type of none.

hope that helps

[hidden email] wrote:

> Hi!
> That's my first time posting on this list. ;o)
> I'm trying to integrate OFBiz within another web application. What I need to do
> is extract the global menu (name and links) and output it in xml. (The global
> menu will be removed from the pages) This is working fine, the outupt is
> correctly formatted. The only problem I get is that the response's contentType
> won't set to text/xml with this code, even if it's there (in the bsh file). My
> browser receives a text/html content type response.
> Have I missed something?
> I tried to browse and search the lists archives, but I did not find anything
> aoubt this. If this subject has already been discussed, please tell me where.
> Thanks!
> Please see the content of the files attached.
> Thanks a lot!
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> Dev mailing list
> [hidden email]
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Re: Dev - Producing an XML response

David E. Jones
In reply to this post by Alexandre Vaillancourt

The mime type and character encoding are set in the view-map tag in the controller.xml file. See the Control Servlet Guide on for documentation.


[hidden email] wrote:

> Hi!
> That's my first time posting on this list. ;o)
> I'm trying to integrate OFBiz within another web application. What I need to do
> is extract the global menu (name and links) and output it in xml. (The global
> menu will be removed from the pages) This is working fine, the outupt is
> correctly formatted. The only problem I get is that the response's contentType
> won't set to text/xml with this code, even if it's there (in the bsh file). My
> browser receives a text/html content type response.
> Have I missed something?
> I tried to browse and search the lists archives, but I did not find anything
> aoubt this. If this subject has already been discussed, please tell me where.
> Thanks!
> Please see the content of the files attached.
> Thanks a lot!
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
> <#if (>
> <#assign security =>
> </#if>
> <#if (requestAttributes.externalLoginKey)?exists>
> <#assign externalKeyParam = "?externalLoginKey=" + requestAttributes.externalLoginKey?if_exists>
> </#if>
> <#if (externalLoginKey)?exists>
> <#assign externalKeyParam = "?externalLoginKey=" + requestAttributes.externalLoginKey?if_exists>
> </#if>
> <#assign ofbizServerName = application.getAttribute("_serverId")?default("default-server")>
> <#assign contextPath = request.getContextPath()>
> <#assign displayApps = Static["org.ofbiz.base.component.ComponentConfig"].getAppBarWebInfos(ofbizServerName)>
> <#if requestAttributes.uiLabelMap?exists>
> <#assign uiLabelMap = requestAttributes.uiLabelMap>
> </#if>
> <#if requestAttributes.userLogin?has_content>
> <#assign userLogin = requestAttributes.userLogin>
> </#if>
> <ofbizGlobalMenu>
> <#if userLogin?has_content>
> <#list displayApps as display>
>  <#assign thisApp = display.getContextRoot()>
>  <#assign permission = true>
>  <#assign permissions = display.getBasePermission()>
>  <#list permissions as perm>
>      <#if (perm != "NONE" && !security.hasEntityPermission(perm, "_VIEW", session))>
>          <#assign permission = false>
>      </#if>
>  </#list>
>  <#if permission == true>
> <application link="${response.encodeURL(thisApp + "/control/main" + externalKeyParam)}" title="<#if uiLabelMap?exists>${uiLabelMap[display.title]}<#else>${display.title}</#if>" />
>  </#if>
> </#list>
> </#if>
> </ofbizGlobalMenu>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
> <!--
>  *  Copyright (c) 2003-2005 The Open For Business Project -
>  *
>  *  Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
>  *  copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
>  *  to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
>  *  the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
>  *  and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
>  *  Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
>  *
>  *  The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
>  *  in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
>  *
>  *
>  *@author     Si Chen ([hidden email])
>  *
> -->
> <site-conf xmlns:xsi=""
>         xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
>     <description>First myTests World Site Configuration File</description>
>     <owner>Open For Business Project (c) 2005 </owner>
>     <errorpage>/error/error.jsp</errorpage>
>     <handler name="java" type="request" class="org.ofbiz.webapp.event.JavaEventHandler"/>
>     <handler name="soap" type="request" class="org.ofbiz.webapp.event.SOAPEventHandler"/>
>     <handler name="service" type="request" class="org.ofbiz.webapp.event.ServiceEventHandler"/>
>     <handler name="service-multi" type="request" class="org.ofbiz.webapp.event.ServiceMultiEventHandler"/>
>     <handler name="simple" type="request" class="org.ofbiz.webapp.event.SimpleEventHandler"/>
>     <handler name="bsf" type="request" class="org.ofbiz.webapp.event.BsfEventHandler"/>
>     <handler name="ftl" type="view" class="org.ofbiz.webapp.ftl.FreeMarkerViewHandler"/>
>     <handler name="jsp" type="view" class="org.ofbiz.webapp.view.JspViewHandler"/>
>     <handler name="screen" type="view" class="org.ofbiz.widget.screen.ScreenWidgetViewHandler"/>
>     <handler name="http" type="view" class="org.ofbiz.webapp.view.HttpViewHandler"/>
>     <preprocessor>
>         <!-- Events to run on every request before security (chains exempt) -->
>         <!-- <event type="java" path="org.ofbiz.webapp.event.TestEvent" invoke="test"/>
>         <event type="java" path="org.ofbiz.securityext.login.LoginEvents" invoke="checkExternalLoginKey"/>-->
>     </preprocessor>
>     <postprocessor>
>         <!-- Events to run on every request after all other processing (chains exempt) -->
>         <!-- <event type="java" path="org.ofbiz.webapp.event.TestEvent" invoke="test"/> -->
>     </postprocessor>
>     <!-- Request Mappings -->
>     <request-map uri="main">
>         <response name="success" type="view" value="main"/>
>     </request-map>
>     <!--
>     <request-map uri="login">
>       <security https="true" auth="false"/>
>       <event type="java" path="org.ofbiz.securityext.login.LoginEvents" invoke="login"/>
>       <response name="success" type="view" value="main"/>
>       <response name="error" type="view" value="login"/>
>     </request-map>
>     -->
>     <request-map uri="login">
>     <description>Logs in a user</description>
>       <security https="true" auth="false"/>
>       <event type="bsf" path="/" invoke="myTestsBsh.bsh"/>
>       <response name="success" type="request" value="checkLogin"/>
>       <response name="error" type="view" value="login"/>
>     </request-map>
>     <request-map uri="checkLogin" edit="false">
>         <description>Verify a user is logged in.</description>
>         <security https="true" auth="false"/>
>         <event type="java" path="org.ofbiz.securityext.login.LoginEvents" invoke="checkLogin" />
>         <response name="success" type="view" value="main" />
>         <response name="error" type="view" value="login" />
>     </request-map>
>     <!-- end of request mappings -->
>     <!-- View Mappings -->
>     <view-map name="error" type="jsp" page="/error/error.jsp"/>
>     <view-map name="main" type="ftl" page="main.ftl"/>
>     <view-map name="login" type="ftl" page="login.ftl"/>
>     <!-- end of view mappings -->
> </site-conf>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> Dev mailing list
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Re: Dev - Producing an XML response

Alexandre Vaillancourt
In reply to this post by Alexandre Vaillancourt
Great!! Thanks a lot!
Alexandre Vaillancourt

> Date: Mon, 29 May 2006 12:31:27 -0600
> From: "David E. Jones" <[hidden email]>
> Subject: Re: [OFBiz] Dev - Producing an XML response
> To: OFBiz Project Development Discussion <[hidden email]>
> Message-ID: <[hidden email]>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> The mime type and character encoding are set in the view-map tag in
> the controller.xml file. See the Control Servlet Guide on
> for documentation.
> -David
> [hidden email] wrote:
>> Hi!
>> That's my first time posting on this list. ;o)
>> I'm trying to integrate OFBiz within another web application. What I
>> need to do
>> is extract the global menu (name and links) and output it in xml.
>> (The global
>> menu will be removed from the pages) This is working fine, the outupt is
>> correctly formatted. The only problem I get is that the response's
>> contentType
>> won't set to text/xml with this code, even if it's there (in the bsh
>> file). My
>> browser receives a text/html content type response.
>> Have I missed something?
>> I tried to browse and search the lists archives, but I did not find anything
>> aoubt this. If this subject has already been discussed, please tell
>> me where.
>> Thanks!
>> Please see the content of the files attached.
>> Thanks a lot!

Dev mailing list
[hidden email]
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Re: Dev - Producing an XML response

Alexandre Vaillancourt
In reply to this post by Alexandre Vaillancourt
Great!! Thanks a lot!
Alexandre Vaillancourt

> Date: Mon, 29 May 2006 12:31:27 -0600
> From: "David E. Jones" <[hidden email]>
> Subject: Re: [OFBiz] Dev - Producing an XML response
> To: OFBiz Project Development Discussion <[hidden email]>
> Message-ID: <[hidden email]>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> The mime type and character encoding are set in the view-map tag in
> the controller.xml file. See the Control Servlet Guide on
> for documentation.
> -David
> [hidden email] wrote:
>> Hi!
>> That's my first time posting on this list. ;o)
>> I'm trying to integrate OFBiz within another web application. What I
>> need to do
>> is extract the global menu (name and links) and output it in xml.
>> (The global
>> menu will be removed from the pages) This is working fine, the outupt is
>> correctly formatted. The only problem I get is that the response's
>> contentType
>> won't set to text/xml with this code, even if it's there (in the bsh
>> file). My
>> browser receives a text/html content type response.
>> Have I missed something?
>> I tried to browse and search the lists archives, but I did not find anything
>> aoubt this. If this subject has already been discussed, please tell
>> me where.
>> Thanks!
>> Please see the content of the files attached.
>> Thanks a lot!

Dev mailing list
[hidden email]
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Re: Dev - Producing an XML response

Alexandre Vaillancourt
In reply to this post by Alexandre Vaillancourt
Great!! Thanks a lot!
Alexandre Vaillancourt

> Date: Mon, 29 May 2006 12:31:27 -0600
> From: "David E. Jones" <[hidden email]>
> Subject: Re: [OFBiz] Dev - Producing an XML response
> To: OFBiz Project Development Discussion <[hidden email]>
> Message-ID: <[hidden email]>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> The mime type and character encoding are set in the view-map tag in
> the controller.xml file. See the Control Servlet Guide on
> for documentation.
> -David
> [hidden email] wrote:
>> Hi!
>> That's my first time posting on this list. ;o)
>> I'm trying to integrate OFBiz within another web application. What I
>> need to do
>> is extract the global menu (name and links) and output it in xml.
>> (The global
>> menu will be removed from the pages) This is working fine, the outupt is
>> correctly formatted. The only problem I get is that the response's
>> contentType
>> won't set to text/xml with this code, even if it's there (in the bsh
>> file). My
>> browser receives a text/html content type response.
>> Have I missed something?
>> I tried to browse and search the lists archives, but I did not find anything
>> aoubt this. If this subject has already been discussed, please tell
>> me where.
>> Thanks!
>> Please see the content of the files attached.
>> Thanks a lot!

Dev mailing list
[hidden email]
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Re: Dev - Producing an XML response

Alexandre Vaillancourt
In reply to this post by Alexandre Vaillancourt
Great!! Thanks a lot!
Alexandre Vaillancourt

> Date: Mon, 29 May 2006 12:31:27 -0600
> From: "David E. Jones" <[hidden email]>
> Subject: Re: [OFBiz] Dev - Producing an XML response
> To: OFBiz Project Development Discussion <[hidden email]>
> Message-ID: <[hidden email]>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> The mime type and character encoding are set in the view-map tag in
> the controller.xml file. See the Control Servlet Guide on
> for documentation.
> -David
> [hidden email] wrote:
>> Hi!
>> That's my first time posting on this list. ;o)
>> I'm trying to integrate OFBiz within another web application. What I
>> need to do
>> is extract the global menu (name and links) and output it in xml.
>> (The global
>> menu will be removed from the pages) This is working fine, the outupt is
>> correctly formatted. The only problem I get is that the response's
>> contentType
>> won't set to text/xml with this code, even if it's there (in the bsh
>> file). My
>> browser receives a text/html content type response.
>> Have I missed something?
>> I tried to browse and search the lists archives, but I did not find anything
>> aoubt this. If this subject has already been discussed, please tell
>> me where.
>> Thanks!
>> Please see the content of the files attached.
>> Thanks a lot!

Dev mailing list
[hidden email]