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Dev - a few thoughts/questions

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Dev - a few thoughts/questions


Still thinking about OFBiz with regards to some work related things...

*) In the categories admin section, it shows 'products in this
category'.  What happens if you have thousands of products?

*) What would be the best way of keeping track of stock in a facility
that's not controlled by the same organization that is running OFBiz?
Let's say they share information on stock on hand, but of course,
OFBiz can't just 'transfer' inventory between their facility and ours
- we have to order it from them.  A facility is the right model in
some ways, but I'm not sure how that might work out in reality...

David N. Welton
 - http://www.dedasys.com/davidw/

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Re: Dev - a few thoughts/questions

> *) What would be the best way of keeping track of stock in a facility
> that's not controlled by the same organization that is running OFBiz?
> Let's say they share information on stock on hand, but of course,
> OFBiz can't just 'transfer' inventory between their facility and ours
> - we have to order it from them.  A facility is the right model in
> some ways, but I'm not sure how that might work out in reality...

I guess 'keeping track' wouldn't be a problem, because that data is
imported from outside in any case.  Things get tricky when we start
trying to guestimate how much stock they might have left by at least
subtracting what we've ordered from them.   Further complications
arise when we attempt to make an order decision based on who has what
in stock, and who simply doesn't tell us.


David N. Welton
 - http://www.dedasys.com/davidw/

Linux, Open Source Consulting
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Re: Dev - a few thoughts/questions

BJ Freeman
In reply to this post by davidnwelton
David, I deal with this with my clients.
they have Dropshippers and Fulfilment houses. Both are similar, in they
are not a real facility.
ofbiz does have some code for fulfilment, but not really for Dropshippers.

in general here is how I handled it:
I created a Dropshipper group and that is the key in my code to handle
things differently.
each dropshipper wharehose is a facility. this is so the shipping
estimations have a zipcode to work from. Some Dropshipper have 3 or more
warehouse they ship from accross the country.
Since we require inventory levels and these are provided by some of the
Dropshippers, I changed the code haveing todo with inventory control and
eveluation for this group.
In the final analysis, for accconting purposes, the Shipper Invoice is
used to give correct product costing, once it is re-conciled with the
electronic or paper invoice recieved from the shipper.

as a side note: I developed import routines for CSV and XML to import
supplier info and Product info seperately. this way they can do mass
imports. For real large imports they have to put it in, in sections.

David Welton sent the following on 3/21/06 8:03 AM:

> Hi,
> Still thinking about OFBiz with regards to some work related things...
> *) In the categories admin section, it shows 'products in this
> category'.  What happens if you have thousands of products?
> *) What would be the best way of keeping track of stock in a facility
> that's not controlled by the same organization that is running OFBiz?
> Let's say they share information on stock on hand, but of course,
> OFBiz can't just 'transfer' inventory between their facility and ours
> - we have to order it from them.  A facility is the right model in
> some ways, but I'm not sure how that might work out in reality...
> Thanks,
> --
> David N. Welton
>  - http://www.dedasys.com/davidw/
> Linux, Open Source Consulting
>  - http://www.dedasys.com/
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Re: Dev - a few thoughts/questions

Si Chen-2
In reply to this post by davidnwelton
The facility module has now been extended to include an ownerPartyId at both the Facility and InventoryItem level, so you can track who owns the inventory.  You can set up a Facility of the other organization, have it all owned by them, and then track it separately.  The only issue right now is that you'd have to modify the  inventory reservation services--it may not be properly taking ownership into account.

David Welton wrote:
*) What would be the best way of keeping track of stock in a facility
that's not controlled by the same organization that is running OFBiz?
Let's say they share information on stock on hand, but of course,
OFBiz can't just 'transfer' inventory between their facility and ours
- we have to order it from them.  A facility is the right model in
some ways, but I'm not sure how that might work out in reality...

I guess 'keeping track' wouldn't be a problem, because that data is
imported from outside in any case.  Things get tricky when we start
trying to guestimate how much stock they might have left by at least
subtracting what we've ordered from them.   Further complications
arise when we attempt to make an order decision based on who has what
in stock, and who simply doesn't tell us.


David N. Welton
 - http://www.dedasys.com/davidw/

Linux, Open Source Consulting
 - http://www.dedasys.com/
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