Dev - quickbooks via soap

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Dev - quickbooks via soap

Can anyone share a simple example of getting information out of quickbooks by consuming quickbook's services?

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Re: Dev - quickbooks via soap

David E. Jones

I wasn't aware that QuickBooks had any features to communicate via  
SOAP... Do you have any references for this that I and others could  
take a look at?

I am aware of some QBXML based work that Si Chen (and others) have  
done. You can find more information about Si's work from the Users  
Conference recording of his accounting presentation, which is  
available for free download on the site.


On Dec 8, 2005, at 1:21 PM, Chris Howe wrote:

> Can anyone share a simple example of getting information out of  
> quickbooks by consuming quickbook's services?
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Re: Dev - quickbooks via soap

Brian Johnson-7
In reply to this post by cjhowe
Chris Howe wrote:
> Can anyone share a simple example of getting information out of
> quickbooks by consuming quickbook's services?

I've posted what I've got here:

the 'qbsoap notes' file is really all there is for documentation.

I've written the beginnings of a quickbooks entity engine.  this borrows
from the entity engine interface to get data from quickbooks. You can
look at the 2 reports and the QBDelegatorTest beanshell files for an
idea of the interface.

The majority of the code is under qbsync because the goal is
synchronizing with ofbiz. If I missed something, just ask. This does
work here. I've using the QB SDK 4.0, I haven't tested it with the new
5.0. You'll obviously need to have the QuickBooks RDS running on the
"server" machine.

Anyone who uses this, please let me know.

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Re: Dev - quickbooks via soap


I've just started looking at your code from my test
machine which doesn't have access to a quickbooks
server instance. It looks like something I can start
from, so I had a few questions for you.

#1 What have you been using this for so far?
#2 What limitations have you been seeing so far?
#3 What do you think would be beneficial to add to it?

#4 Can you explain what functionality exactly you're
trying to support with the entity model additions

Just briefly going through this is what I'm seeing
without knowing whether things work or not.  Just to
get an idea of what to expect as things stand.  Please
correct me if I misunderstand/state something

A. The services point to your hard coded qb-server as
opposed to one that's configured using a webtool that
exists or could exist.
B. The only way a user currently has to pass data to
qbooks is to enter QBXML into an html <input> box
C. qbxmlops40.xml is not included in your zip file as
it's called by both the Backlog Report and the OpenPo
D. SeedData for QBSyncType entity, but no QBSyncType
entity created from the model

--- Brian Johnson <[hidden email]>

> Chris Howe wrote:
> > Can anyone share a simple example of getting
> information out of
> > quickbooks by consuming quickbook's services?
> I've posted what I've got here:

> the 'qbsoap notes' file is really all there is for
> documentation.
> I've written the beginnings of a quickbooks entity
> engine.  this borrows
> from the entity engine interface to get data from
> quickbooks. You can
> look at the 2 reports and the QBDelegatorTest
> beanshell files for an
> idea of the interface.
> The majority of the code is under qbsync because the
> goal is
> synchronizing with ofbiz. If I missed something,
> just ask. This does
> work here. I've using the QB SDK 4.0, I haven't
> tested it with the new
> 5.0. You'll obviously need to have the QuickBooks
> RDS running on the
> "server" machine.
> Anyone who uses this, please let me know.
> --
> Brian
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Re: Dev - quickbooks via soap

Brian Johnson-7
Chris Howe wrote:
> Brian,
> I've just started looking at your code from my test
> machine which doesn't have access to a quickbooks
> server instance. It looks like something I can start
> from, so I had a few questions for you.
> #1 What have you been using this for so far?

So far I've mostly just been developing it.  The 2 reports that are
there are what I've been using it for so far.

> #2 What limitations have you been seeing so far?

I haven't been working on this lately, so I had to look at it again to
refresh my memory of it.  You can send any xml queries you want and
parse the xml responses.  The qbentity stuff should work well for
reading data, and can write data, but I haven't finished handling things
like DataExt objects in the writing code, but that's my next step.

> #3 What do you think would be beneficial to add to it?

Testing would be good, move the server configuration options and such
into a config file. General cleanup stuff.  Make sure what I'm doing is
sane :)

The qbentity writing code should be tested before used in production to
make sure it doesn't loose data.

> #4 Can you explain what functionality exactly you're
> trying to support with the entity model additions

I haven't used this yet.  It's mostly roughly copied from the entitysync
  model. I was originally going to do a quick and dirty qbsync, and then
got off on abstracting out the qbentity code.  I haven't gone back to
the synchronization part.

> Just briefly going through this is what I'm seeing
> without knowing whether things work or not.  Just to
> get an idea of what to expect as things stand.  Please
> correct me if I misunderstand/state something
> A. The services point to your hard coded qb-server as
> opposed to one that's configured using a webtool that
> exists or could exist.


> B. The only way a user currently has to pass data to
> qbooks is to enter QBXML into an html <input> box

No, you should be able to modify an qbentity and commit it back.  I've
only done some rudimentary testing on this so far.

> C. qbxmlops40.xml is not included in your zip file as
> it's called by both the Backlog Report and the OpenPo
> Report

That file is from the QuickBooks SDK. I didn't include it because it has
their copyright on it, but you can download the SDK for free and include
that file.

The first 3 lines in the "qbsoap notes" file are commands that you need
to run to make it work (import the QBSDKRemote.pem certificate, and copy
qbxmlops40.xml and to the correct locations). The
following is an example of how to execute a QBXML command and get back
and XML response from QuickBooks. Of course it's easier to use the
qbentity stuff now.

The Backlog and OpenPO reports should both be good examples of how to
use the qbentity stuff.  Also I run the QBDelegatorTest.bsh from the
beanshell terminal, that's a good basic code example as well.

> D. SeedData for QBSyncType entity, but no QBSyncType
> entity created from the model

That's old, and no longer used. The qbxmlops40.xml file is used for this


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