Different VAT percentages in same Category

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Different VAT percentages in same Category


I plan to use OFBiz for an ecommerce application so I did install OFBiz and did extensive tests. I'm impressed what can be done more or less out of the box, but there is one point I didn't find a solution for.

The ecommerce shop shall be placed for customers in Switzerland. We have different VAT percentages (e.g. 7.6% and 2.6%) for different products.
I was able to set a VAT percentage per category (PRODUCT_CATEGORY) with help of entries in TaxAuthority and TaxAuthorityProductRates. This is OK as long as all products in one category shall have the same VAT percentage. Unfortunately this is not the case.

My question is: Is it possible to attach the VAT not to a category but to single products? If yes, how can I do this?

Thanks in advance
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Re: Different VAT percentages in same Category

David E Jones

Don't think of a category as a category on your ecommerce site, think of a category as a general way to group and organize products.

Just have a different set of categories for tax purposes than you do for customer browsing purposes. And yeah, there are many other purposes as well.


Pfuschi71 wrote:

> Hello
> I plan to use OFBiz for an ecommerce application so I did install OFBiz and
> did extensive tests. I'm impressed what can be done more or less out of the
> box, but there is one point I didn't find a solution for.
> The ecommerce shop shall be placed for customers in Switzerland. We have
> different VAT percentages (e.g. 7.6% and 2.6%) for different products.
> I was able to set a VAT percentage per category (PRODUCT_CATEGORY) with help
> of entries in TaxAuthority and TaxAuthorityProductRates. This is OK as long
> as all products in one category shall have the same VAT percentage.
> Unfortunately this is not the case.
> My question is: Is it possible to attach the VAT not to a category but to
> single products? If yes, how can I do this?
> Thanks in advance
> Roger
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Re: Different VAT percentages in same Category

Ray Barlow
In reply to this post by Pfuschi71
You can approach this from another direction. Create one product
category for each VAT rate you have, meaning create product category Id
VAT_01 (or even VAT_FOOD if it makes sense) and copy all your 7.6%
products into that category and adjust the tax authority settings to use
and apply the relevant VAT for that category. Then just add another
product category VAT_02 for 2.6% and so on, and should the VAT rate
change you just adjust the % without worrying about the Id.

Although these are standard product categories they don't have to be
visible to the user or part of any category hierarchy so you are free to
put in as many as you like and use them how you like.


Pfuschi71 wrote:

> Hello
> I plan to use OFBiz for an ecommerce application so I did install OFBiz and
> did extensive tests. I'm impressed what can be done more or less out of the
> box, but there is one point I didn't find a solution for.
> The ecommerce shop shall be placed for customers in Switzerland. We have
> different VAT percentages (e.g. 7.6% and 2.6%) for different products.
> I was able to set a VAT percentage per category (PRODUCT_CATEGORY) with help
> of entries in TaxAuthority and TaxAuthorityProductRates. This is OK as long
> as all products in one category shall have the same VAT percentage.
> Unfortunately this is not the case.
> My question is: Is it possible to attach the VAT not to a category but to
> single products? If yes, how can I do this?
> Thanks in advance
> Roger