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[OFBiz] Users - Re: Material Requirement Not Working?

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[OFBiz] Users - Re: Material Requirement Not Working?

Gan Chun Yee
26 posts
Hi Jacopo,
I tried to follow the steps to create production run,
but still can't get the requirement generated.
Appreciate if you can give me some guidance. Below are
the steps that done by me:

1. Setup Warehouse - DEFAULT_WAREHOUSE
2. Setup Product - SDRAM_128
3. Setup Raw Material - CHIP_16M_MODEL_A by specifying
Requirement Method Enum to Generate Requirements when
reach QOH
4. Setup Raw Material - CB_250_MODEL_A by specifying
Requirement Method Enum to Generate Requirements when
reach QOH
5. Setup Minimum QOH for CHIP_16M_MODEL_A at Facility
tab by selecting DEFAULT_WAREHOUSE and set Minimum QOH
= 500, Reorder

Quantity = 1000
6. Setup Minimum QOH for CB_250_MODEL_A at Facility
tab by selecting DEFAULT_WAREHOUSE and set Minimum QOH
= 300, Reorder

Quantity = 500
7. Setup Inventory Item:
        7.1 Inventory Item for CHIP_16M_MODEL_A, 1500 at
        7.2 Inventory Item for CB_250_MODEL_A, 1000 at
8. Run InitLowLevelCodes Job
9. RUN SQL Query to check the BILL_Of_Material level
for Products. Result generated:

Returned 48 rows.
BoatRowSimple 0
Cap 0
CB_240_MODEL_A 1
SDRAM_128 0

10. Create Bill Of Material for Product SDRAM_128:
        10.1 8 CHIP_16M_MODEL_A
        10.2 1 CB_250_MODEL_A
11. Create Production Run for SDRAM_128 that produce
150 unit at facility DEFAULT_WAREHOUSE
        11.1 CHIP_16M_MODEL_A, 1200 unit
        11.2 CB_250_MODEL_A, 150
12. Quick Run Production Run
13. Raw Material Inventory issued
14. New Inventory Raw Material:
        14.1 CHIP_16M_MODEL_A, 1500 - 1200 = 300
        14.2 CB_250_MODEL_A, 1000 - 150 = 850
15. Check Approve Requirements List, No Requirements generated.

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