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[OFBiz] Users - Re: would like to changethe, contentmanagementcomponent of OfBiz

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[OFBiz] Users - Re: would like to changethe, contentmanagementcomponent of OfBiz

Rohit Rai
43 posts

Andrew, thanks for reminding me to publish this.

I have collected info about seven toolkits, You can find it from my blog at http://mytechrantings.blogspot.com, pretty long to put in mail. Also got a PDF file to download from there.
Personally I find DWR & AjaxTags quite promising. Please read the stuff out and tell me what you think. I am mailing you the PDF.

Late entry: http://javawebparts.sourceforge.net/ Java webparts, looks quite intresting too.

There was one thing I went through when reading the messages Jaques forwarded.

Lazslo: I have worked with that thing. Our company has open source the project to make RIA using Laszlo server. Out of experience I can say, it would not be suitable for use with Ofbiz becuase the LPS is huge and too heavy. Though the language used to describe the UI is XML, the O/P is flash. I think we should remain more cross platform using AJAX stuff. There is also another option to Lazslo i.e. WebORB but it too has the same problems.


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Re: [OFBiz] Users - Re: would like to changethe,contentmanagementcomponent of OfBiz

Jacques Le Roux
17869 posts
>Lazslo: I have worked with that thing. Our company has open source the
project to make RIA using Laszlo server. Out of experience I can say, it
would not be suitable for use with Ofbiz becuase the LPS >is huge and too
heavy. Though the language used to describe the UI is XML, the O/P is flash.
I think we should remain more cross platform using AJAX stuff. There is also
another option to Lazslo i.e. >WebORB but it too has the same problems.

Thanks Tohit for this information, many people are asking themselves about
this point !


----- Original Message -----
From: Rohit Rai
To: [hidden email]
Sent: Saturday, September 03, 2005 12:52 AM
Subject: [OFBiz] Users - Re: would like to
changethe,contentmanagementcomponent of OfBiz

Andrew, thanks for reminding me to publish this.
I have collected info about seven toolkits, You can find it from my blog at
http://mytechrantings.blogspot.com, pretty long to put in mail. Also got a
PDF file to download from there.
Personally I find DWR & AjaxTags quite promising. Please read the stuff out
and tell me what you think. I am mailing you the PDF.
Late entry: http://javawebparts.sourceforge.net/ Java webparts, looks quite
intresting too.
There was one thing I went through when reading the messages Jaques
Lazslo: I have worked with that thing. Our company has open source the
project to make RIA using Laszlo server. Out of experience I can say, it
would not be suitable for use with Ofbiz becuase the LPS is huge and too
heavy. Though the language used to describe the UI is XML, the O/P is flash.
I think we should remain more cross platform using AJAX stuff. There is also
another option to Lazslo i.e. WebORB but it too has the same problems.


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Re: [OFBiz] Users - Re: would like to changethe, contentmanagementcomponent of OfBiz

Rohit Rai
43 posts
In reply to this post by Rohit Rai
Hi! Jacques,
I am sorry! Either we have got too much communication difference or probably I am just too bad at english. I just don't get the point you are trying to put. last time I messed up this time I don't want to. So I will appreciate if you could be more specific.
Actually, I was going to write more on this point today cause was busy on a project yesterday.
Lazslo, is basically a presentation server that takes in XML input and gives out output in Flash. We were trying to make a RIA Generator as part of our R&D effort. That time I got to work with Lazslo. We have made a basic Java Application that takes in User Input as the data he wants to maintain and give the O/P in form of Lazslo XML files (.lzx) The process is very easy, specifically due to the fact that the LZX files are true XML files with predefined Lazslo tags.
The problem with this is. The Lazslo Presentation Server on Windows XP running on a Intel PIV 2.2Ghz with 256 MB DDR RAM takes around 8-10 mins to start and around 15 mins to actually deliver the first page. Also whenever you veisit a page for the first time there is a overhead of about 3 mins.
As compared to Ofbiz (Which runs pretty perfectly even on my Thinkpad) LPS is too much overload. Once I run LPS on the ThinkPad I am not able to even work on it. Its damn too sluggish.
The second point is it generates Flash O/P which can be only veiwed with the Flash plugin. While Ofbiz in current form can be used even in the Basic browsers and even applying AJAX will mean compatibility with most of the browsers.
I hope that explains the point I was mentioning there quite well. In any further queries you can ask me. Also you can have a look at our project at http://sourceforge.net/projects/rwadt
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jacques Le Roux <[hidden email]>
To: OFBiz Users / Usage Discussion <[hidden email]>
Date: Sat, 03 Sep 2005 13:04:08 +0200
Subject: Re: [OFBiz] Users - Re: would like to changethe,contentmanagementcomponent of OfBiz
>Lazslo: I have worked with that thing. Our company has open source the
project to make RIA using Laszlo server. Out of experience I can say, it
would not be suitable for use with Ofbiz becuase the LPS >is huge and too
heavy. Though the language used to describe the UI is XML, the O/P is flash.
I think we should remain more cross platform using AJAX stuff. There is also
another option to Lazslo i.e. >WebORB but it too has the same problems.

Thanks Tohit for this information, many people are asking themselves about
this point !



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Re: [OFBiz] Users - Re: would like to changethe,contentmanagementcomponent of OfBiz

Jacques Le Roux
17869 posts

>I am sorry! Either we have got too much communication difference or
>probably I am just too bad at english. I just don't get the point you are
>trying to put. last time I messed up this time I don't want to. So I will
>appreciate if you could be more specific.

Don't be sorry, my English is certainly worst than yours (but I got an
excuse : I'm french ;o)

>The problem with this is. The Lazslo Presentation Server on Windows XP
>running on a Intel PIV 2.2Ghz with 256 MB DDR RAM takes around 8-10 mins to
>start and around 15 mins to actually deliver the first page. Also whenever
>you veisit a page for the first time there is a overhead of about 3 mins.

Your explanations are very welcome : you are the first on this ML reporting
real use of Lazslo and this reinforces some of my "a priori" against Lazslo
and pro Ajax. Althougth (and specialy for this type of think) 256MB on XP is
certainly a bit short. Quickness is the main but not the only reason :

. As you said "it generates Flash O/P which can be only veiwed
  with the Flash plugin."
. And Flash is proprietary so : specifications might change, or even Flash
  might disappear (don't laugh, who remembers the Eighties PC DB "standard"
  DBase III ? There are so much examples...)
. Flash is not read by non graphic navigators (for blinds, by example) and
  *worst* by crawlers
. And finally, Flash is really not a W3c standard (as opposed to  CSS and
  XHTML -  of course XML - and even *ECMAScript* and DOM)

At this point I try to resume all the links we have got on this subject :

Some  Rich Web Application Development Tool
(7 of them) http://mytechrantings.blogspot.com +

Java Rich Internet Applications
They also use Jira :o)
see on : http://webtest.canoo.com/manual/WebTestHome.html

A good Ajax demo (Rico) http://openrico.org/rico/demos.page

Rico is based upon : http://prototype.conio.net/

I will make a page in the Wiki about all that, did I forgot something ?


----- Original Message -----
From: Rohit Rai
To: [hidden email]
Sent: Saturday, September 03, 2005 10:27 PM
Subject: Re: [OFBiz] Users - Re: would like to
changethe,contentmanagementcomponent of OfBiz

Hi! Jacques,

I am sorry! Either we have got too much communication difference or probably
I am just too bad at english. I just don't get the point you are trying to
put. last time I messed up this time I don't want to. So I will appreciate
if you could be more specific.

Actually, I was going to write more on this point today cause was busy on a
project yesterday.

Lazslo, is basically a presentation server that takes in XML input and gives
out output in Flash. We were trying to make a RIA Generator as part of our
R&D effort. That time I got to work with Lazslo. We have made a basic Java
Application that takes in User Input as the data he wants to maintain and
give the O/P in form of Lazslo XML files (.lzx) The process is very easy,
specifically due to the fact that the LZX files are true XML files with
predefined Lazslo tags.

The problem with this is. The Lazslo Presentation Server on Windows XP
running on a Intel PIV 2.2Ghz with 256 MB DDR RAM takes around 8-10 mins to
start and around 15 mins to actually deliver the first page. Also whenever
you veisit a page for the first time there is a overhead of about 3 mins.

As compared to Ofbiz (Which runs pretty perfectly even on my Thinkpad) LPS
is too much overload. Once I run LPS on the ThinkPad I am not able to even
work on it. Its damn too sluggish.

The second point is it generates Flash O/P which can be only veiwed with the
Flash plugin. While Ofbiz in current form can be used even in the Basic
browsers and even applying AJAX will mean compatibility with most of the

I hope that explains the point I was mentioning there quite well. In any
further queries you can ask me. Also you can have a look at our project at

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jacques Le Roux <[hidden email]>
To: OFBiz Users / Usage Discussion < [hidden email]>
Date: Sat, 03 Sep 2005 13:04:08 +0200
Subject: Re: [OFBiz] Users - Re: would like to
changethe,contentmanagementcomponent of OfBiz
>Lazslo: I have worked with that thing. Our company has open source the
project to make RIA using Laszlo server. Out of experience I can say, it
would not be suitable for use with Ofbiz becuase the LPS >is huge and too
heavy. Though the language used to describe the UI is XML, the O/P is flash.
I think we should remain more cross platform using AJAX stuff. There is also
another option to Lazslo i.e. >WebORB but it too has the same problems.

Thanks Tohit for this information, many people are asking themselves about
this point !


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Re: [OFBiz] Users - Presentation Layer [Re: would like to changethe, contentmanagementcomponent of OfBiz]

Oliver Lietz-2
10 posts
Am Sonntag, 4. September 2005 02:23 schrieb Jacques Le Roux:
> >The problem with this is. The Lazslo Presentation Server on Windows XP
> >running on a Intel PIV 2.2Ghz with 256 MB DDR RAM takes around 8-10 mins
> > to start and around 15 mins to actually deliver the first page. Also
> > whenever you veisit a page for the first time there is a overhead of
> > about 3 mins.

The "performance" is indeed bad. 256 MB RAM is surely not enough for a J2EE
application like OpenLaszlo and Windows. I have a very good performance
experience with Flex on PowerPC G4 1,2GHz with 1280 MB RAM (development
machine, not yet in production).

> Your explanations are very welcome : you are the first on this ML reporting
> real use of Lazslo and this reinforces some of my "a priori" against Lazslo
> and pro Ajax. Althougth (and specialy for this type of think) 256MB on XP
> is certainly a bit short. Quickness is the main but not the only reason :
> . As you said "it generates Flash O/P which can be only veiwed
>   with the Flash plugin."

That does not have to be a disadvantage. Flash is more cross-browser than AJAX
and AJAX is more cross-platform than Flash. Safari and Konqueror can't render
most of the demos of openrico.org. This cross-browser vs. cross-platform
ratio might change in future because of ongoing efforts to develop an open
source Flash player. The cross-browser DHTML stuff is fragile and I can't see
that it will change in future.

> . And Flash is proprietary so : specifications might change, or even Flash
>   might disappear (don't laugh, who remembers the Eighties PC DB "standard"
>   DBase III ? There are so much examples...)

but SWF is not closed, see http://www.osflash.org and

> . Flash is not read by non graphic navigators (for blinds, by example) and
>   *worst* by crawlers

You can use Flash's accessibility features:

And you normally don't need crawles accessing your web applications (not web
sites), but you can of course add other interfaces like HTML, WML, SOAP or
XML-RPC to your applications.

> . And finally, Flash is really not a W3c standard (as opposed to  CSS and
>   XHTML -  of course XML - and even *ECMAScript* and DOM)

Not, it's not yet. Let's see what happens after Adobe has aquired Macromedia.
Maybe Flash/SWF becomes a standard like PDF or PS.

> At this point I try to resume all the links we have got on this subject :
> Some  Rich Web Application Development Tool
> (7 of them) http://mytechrantings.blogspot.com +
> http://javawebparts.sourceforge.net/
> Java Rich Internet Applications
> http://www.canoo.com/ulc/
> They also use Jira :o)
> see on : http://webtest.canoo.com/manual/WebTestHome.html
> A good Ajax demo (Rico) http://openrico.org/rico/demos.page
> Rico is based upon : http://prototype.conio.net/
> I will make a page in the Wiki about all that, did I forgot something ?

Maybe you find something useful on my list of RIA and RIA related

Flash (SWF):
Macromedia Flash

Macromedia Flex

Macromedia Central


Snapp MX


ULC (UltraLightClient)

Casabac GUI Server (SWT)

XDP (Adobe XML Data Package), Adobe LiveCycle Designer

Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript + XML)

Casabac GUI Server (HTML)

NextApp Echo

DWR - Direct Web Remoting


XUL (XML User Interface Language)

XAML (eXtensible Application Markup Language)

UIML (User Interface Markup Language)

SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)

Java Web Start

SWT (Standard Widget Toolkit)


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Re: [OFBiz] Users - Presentation Layer [Re: would like to changethe,contentmanagementcomponent of OfBiz]

Jacques Le Roux
17869 posts

Thanks for all these informations. Il will put them also on an OFBiz Wiki
page soon...

> > . And finally, Flash is really not a W3c standard (as opposed to  CSS
> >   XHTML -  of course XML - and even *ECMAScript* and DOM)
> Not, it's not yet. Let's see what happens after Adobe has aquired
> Maybe Flash/SWF becomes a standard like PDF or PS.

I meaned W3C (open) standards, but you are right PDF and PS are also
Perhaps as Firefox 1.5 includes natively SVG, this technology must be also
regarded ?


PS :
> http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/javascript/2002/05/24/swf_not_flash.html.
I just read this page, very interesting. Just one thing :  Macromedia is not
W3C ;o)

----- Original Message -----  From: "Oliver Lietz" <[hidden email]>
> Am Sonntag, 4. September 2005 02:23 schrieb Jacques Le Roux:
> [...]
> > >The problem with this is. The Lazslo Presentation Server on Windows XP
> > >running on a Intel PIV 2.2Ghz with 256 MB DDR RAM takes around 8-10
> > > to start and around 15 mins to actually deliver the first page. Also
> > > whenever you veisit a page for the first time there is a overhead of
> > > about 3 mins.
> The "performance" is indeed bad. 256 MB RAM is surely not enough for a
> application like OpenLaszlo and Windows. I have a very good performance
> experience with Flex on PowerPC G4 1,2GHz with 1280 MB RAM (development
> machine, not yet in production).
> > Your explanations are very welcome : you are the first on this ML
> > real use of Lazslo and this reinforces some of my "a priori" against
> > and pro Ajax. Althougth (and specialy for this type of think) 256MB on
> > is certainly a bit short. Quickness is the main but not the only reason
> >
> > . As you said "it generates Flash O/P which can be only veiwed
> >   with the Flash plugin."
> That does not have to be a disadvantage. Flash is more cross-browser than
> and AJAX is more cross-platform than Flash. Safari and Konqueror can't
> most of the demos of openrico.org. This cross-browser vs. cross-platform
> ratio might change in future because of ongoing efforts to develop an open
> source Flash player. The cross-browser DHTML stuff is fragile and I can't
> that it will change in future.
> > . And Flash is proprietary so : specifications might change, or even
> >   might disappear (don't laugh, who remembers the Eighties PC DB
> >   DBase III ? There are so much examples...)
> but SWF is not closed, see http://www.osflash.org and
> http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/javascript/2002/05/24/swf_not_flash.html.
> > . Flash is not read by non graphic navigators (for blinds, by example)
> >   *worst* by crawlers
> You can use Flash's accessibility features:
> And you normally don't need crawles accessing your web applications (not
> sites), but you can of course add other interfaces like HTML, WML, SOAP or
> XML-RPC to your applications.
> > . And finally, Flash is really not a W3c standard (as opposed to  CSS
> >   XHTML -  of course XML - and even *ECMAScript* and DOM)
> Not, it's not yet. Let's see what happens after Adobe has aquired
> Maybe Flash/SWF becomes a standard like PDF or PS.
> > At this point I try to resume all the links we have got on this subject

> >
> > Some  Rich Web Application Development Tool
> > (7 of them) http://mytechrantings.blogspot.com +
> > http://javawebparts.sourceforge.net/
> >
> > Java Rich Internet Applications
> > http://www.canoo.com/ulc/
> > They also use Jira :o)
> > see on : http://webtest.canoo.com/manual/WebTestHome.html
> >
> > A good Ajax demo (Rico) http://openrico.org/rico/demos.page
> >
> > Rico is based upon : http://prototype.conio.net/
> >
> > I will make a page in the Wiki about all that, did I forgot something ?
> Maybe you find something useful on my list of RIA and RIA related
> technologies:
> Flash (SWF):
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Macromedia Flash
> http://www.macromedia.com/software/flash/
> Macromedia Flex
> http://www.macromedia.com/software/flex/
> Macromedia Central
> http://www.macromedia.com/software/central/
> OpenLaszlo
> http://www.openlaszlo.org
> Snapp MX
> http://www.snappmx.com
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Java:
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Applets
> http://java.sun.com/applets/
> ULC (UltraLightClient)
> http://www.canoo.com/ulc/
> Casabac GUI Server (SWT)
> http://www.casabac.com
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> XDP (Adobe XML Data Package), Adobe LiveCycle Designer
> http://www.adobe.com/products/server/adobedesigner/
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript + XML)
> http://www.adaptivepath.com/publications/essays/archives/000385.php
> Casabac GUI Server (HTML)
> http://www.casabac.com
> NextApp Echo
> http://www.nextapp.com/products/echo/
> DWR - Direct Web Remoting
> http://www.getahead.ltd.uk/dwr/
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> other:
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Bindows
> http://www.bindows.net
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> related:
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> XUL (XML User Interface Language)
> http://www.mozilla.org/projects/xul/
> XAML (eXtensible Application Markup Language)

> UIML (User Interface Markup Language)
> http://www.uiml.org
> SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)
> http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/
> Java Web Start
> http://java.sun.com/products/javawebstart/
> SWT (Standard Widget Toolkit)
> http://www.eclipse.org/swt/
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Oliver

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Re: [OFBiz] Users - Re: would like to changethe, contentmanagementcomponent of OfBiz

David E. Jones
1146 posts
In reply to this post by Rohit Rai


Your English looks fine, except one little part: instead of "damn too  
sluggish" it should probably be "too damn sluggish". I hear you on  
this one, that's one of my pet peeves and even OFBiz is a little slow  
for me sometimes (wish we could do something about the Tomcat  
initialization times for example...).


On Sep 3, 2005, at 9:27 PM, Rohit Rai wrote:

> Hi! Jacques,
> I am sorry! Either we have got too much communication difference or  
> probably I am just too bad at english. I just don't get the point  
> you are trying to put. last time I messed up this time I don't want  
> to. So I will appreciate if you could be more specific.
> Actually, I was going to write more on this point today cause was  
> busy on a project yesterday.
> Lazslo, is basically a presentation server that takes in XML input  
> and gives out output in Flash. We were trying to make a RIA  
> Generator as part of our R&D effort. That time I got to work with  
> Lazslo. We have made a basic Java Application that takes in User  
> Input as the data he wants to maintain and give the O/P in form of  
> Lazslo XML files (.lzx) The process is very easy, specifically due  
> to the fact that the LZX files are true XML files with predefined  
> Lazslo tags.
> The problem with this is. The Lazslo Presentation Server on Windows  
> XP running on a Intel PIV 2.2Ghz with 256 MB DDR RAM takes around  
> 8-10 mins to start and around 15 mins to actually deliver the first  
> page. Also whenever you veisit a page for the first time there is a  
> overhead of about 3 mins.
> As compared to Ofbiz (Which runs pretty perfectly even on my  
> Thinkpad) LPS is too much overload. Once I run LPS on the ThinkPad  
> I am not able to even work on it. Its damn too sluggish.
> The second point is it generates Flash O/P which can be only veiwed  
> with the Flash plugin. While Ofbiz in current form can be used even  
> in the Basic browsers and even applying AJAX will mean  
> compatibility with most of the browsers.
> I hope that explains the point I was mentioning there quite well.  
> In any further queries you can ask me. Also you can have a look at  
> our project at http://sourceforge.net/projects/rwadt
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Jacques Le Roux <[hidden email]>
> To: OFBiz Users / Usage Discussion < [hidden email]>
> Date: Sat, 03 Sep 2005 13:04:08 +0200
> Subject: Re: [OFBiz] Users - Re: would like to  
> changethe,contentmanagementcomponent of OfBiz
> >Lazslo: I have worked with that thing. Our company has open source  
> the
> project to make RIA using Laszlo server. Out of experience I can  
> say, it
> would not be suitable for use with Ofbiz becuase the LPS >is huge  
> and too
> heavy. Though the language used to describe the UI is XML, the O/P  
> is flash.
> I think we should remain more cross platform using AJAX stuff.  
> There is also
> another option to Lazslo i.e. >WebORB but it too has the same  
> problems.
> Thanks Tohit for this information, many people are asking  
> themselves about
> this point !
> Jacques
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