The Open For Business Project (OFBiz) is an open source enterprise automation software project. By open source enterprise automation we mean: Open Source ERP, Open Source CRM, Open Source E-Business / E-Commerce, Open Source SCM, Open Source MRP, Open Source CMMS/EAM, and so on. It is one of the few apps of this type to be developed by a community, rather than one corporation.

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Topics (195312)
Replies Last Post Views Sub Forum
jleroux@apache.org svn commit: r1326080 - in /ofbiz/trunk/framework/base/config: both-containers.xml test-containers.xml by jleroux@apache.org
jleroux@apache.org by jleroux@apache.org
OFBiz - Commits
jleroux@apache.org svn commit: r1326072 - /ofbiz/trunk/framework/base/config/ofbiz-containers.xml by jleroux@apache.org
jleroux@apache.org by jleroux@apache.org
OFBiz - Commits
Nicolas Malin (Jira) [jira] [Created] (OFBIZ-4242) CatalinaContainer Doesn't Respect <distributable/> Node for web.xml files. by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
Nicolas Malin (Jira) by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
OFBiz - Dev
jleroux@apache.org svn commit: r1326064 - in /ofbiz/trunk/framework: base/src/org/ofbiz/base/util/FileUtil.java catalina/src/org/ofbiz/catalina/container/CatalinaContainer.java by jleroux@apache.org
jleroux@apache.org by jleroux@apache.org
OFBiz - Commits
Nicolas Malin (Jira) [jira] [Closed] (OFBIZ-3490) Create theme build script by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
Nicolas Malin (Jira) by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
OFBiz - Dev
jacopoc svn commit: r1326054 - /ofbiz/site/pmc/ofbiz.rdf by jacopoc
jacopoc by jacopoc
OFBiz - Commits
Nicolas Malin (Jira) [jira] [Commented] (OFBIZ-3490) Create theme build script by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
Nicolas Malin (Jira) by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
OFBiz - Dev
Nicolas Malin (Jira) [jira] [Created] (OFBIZ-4227) Adding product content of type "Image - Detail" (for example) causes an error in catalog manager. by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
Nicolas Malin (Jira) by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
OFBiz - Dev
Nicolas Malin (Jira) [jira] [Created] (OFBIZ-4351) Static text for reports at the ordermanager replaced by labels by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
Nicolas Malin (Jira) by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
OFBiz - Dev
Nicolas Malin (Jira) [jira] [Closed] (OFBIZ-2958) Proposal on French translations by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
Nicolas Malin (Jira) by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
OFBiz - Dev
Nicolas Malin (Jira) [jira] [Commented] (OFBIZ-3907) Product Promo Worker description patch by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
Nicolas Malin (Jira) by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
OFBiz - Dev
Nicolas Malin (Jira) [jira] [Commented] (OFBIZ-3490) Create theme build script by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
Nicolas Malin (Jira) by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
OFBiz - Dev
Nicolas Malin (Jira) [jira] [Closed] (OFBIZ-3162) Add a PortOffset properties to easily change all ports numbers by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
Nicolas Malin (Jira) by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
OFBiz - Dev
Nicolas Malin (Jira) [jira] [Closed] (OFBIZ-1984) Adding forgot password feature in framework by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
Nicolas Malin (Jira) by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
OFBiz - Dev
Pierre Smits OFBIZ-3155 SFA enhancement by Pierre Smits
Jacques Le Roux by Jacques Le Roux
OFBiz - Dev
Jacques Le Roux Demos crashed by Jacques Le Roux
Ravindra Mandre-2 by Ravindra Mandre-2
OFBiz - User
ChrisG-2 svn commit: r1325807 - in /ofbiz/trunk: applications/accounting/config/ applications/order/config/ applications/party/config/ applications/workeffort/config/ framework/common/config/ by ChrisG-2
ChrisG-2 by ChrisG-2
OFBiz - Commits
Jacopo Cappellato-4 Invoking a script method from a screen by Jacopo Cappellato-4
Jacopo Cappellato-4 by Jacopo Cappellato-4
OFBiz - Dev
jacopoc svn commit: r1325750 - /ofbiz/trunk/framework/base/src/org/ofbiz/base/util/ScriptUtil.java by jacopoc
jacopoc by jacopoc
OFBiz - Commits
jleroux@apache.org svn commit: r1325701 - /ofbiz/trunk/framework/webtools/widget/ServiceForms.xml by jleroux@apache.org
jleroux@apache.org by jleroux@apache.org
OFBiz - Commits
jacopoc svn commit: r1325620 - /ofbiz/trunk/framework/base/src/org/ofbiz/base/util/GroovyUtil.java by jacopoc
jacopoc by jacopoc
OFBiz - Commits
Nathan C Hampton Odd SQL Exception by Nathan C Hampton
rrhati2010 by rrhati2010
OFBiz - User
Foo Shyn Chung view-entity view-link for multiple aliases by Foo Shyn Chung
Foo Shyn Chung by Foo Shyn Chung
OFBiz - User
Nicolas Malin (Jira) [jira] [Created] (OFBIZ-4783) ./ant can't find the cobertura class by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
Nicolas Malin (Jira) by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
OFBiz - Dev
jleroux@apache.org svn commit: r1325369 - /ofbiz/trunk/framework/start/src/org/ofbiz/base/start/Config.java by jleroux@apache.org
jleroux@apache.org by jleroux@apache.org
OFBiz - Commits
Nicolas Malin (Jira) [jira] [Created] (OFBIZ-4793) unify admin port and key setting: single point of definition in start.properties by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
Nicolas Malin (Jira) by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
OFBiz - Dev
Sujeet Integrating third party POS with Apache Ofbiz by Sujeet
Sujeet by Sujeet
jacopoc svn commit: r1325254 - /ofbiz/trunk/framework/service/src/org/ofbiz/service/engine/GroovyEngine.java by jacopoc
jacopoc by jacopoc
OFBiz - Commits
jacopoc svn commit: r1325253 - in /ofbiz/trunk/framework: service/src/org/ofbiz/service/engine/GroovyEngine.java webapp/src/org/ofbiz/webapp/event/GroovyEventHandler.java by jacopoc
jacopoc by jacopoc
OFBiz - Commits
jleroux@apache.org svn commit: r1325136 - in /ofbiz/trunk/applications/marketing/widget/sfa: AccountScreens.xml forms/AccountForms.xml by jleroux@apache.org
jleroux@apache.org by jleroux@apache.org
OFBiz - Commits
Pierre Smits OFBIZ Manufacturing by Pierre Smits
Jacques Le Roux by Jacques Le Roux
OFBiz - Dev
Florin Popa [Fwd: Re: JobInvoker crashes while reading serviceengine.xml] by Florin Popa
masionas by masionas
OFBiz - User
jacopoc svn commit: r1325017 - /ofbiz/trunk/hot-deploy/README.txt by jacopoc
jacopoc by jacopoc
OFBiz - Commits
Jacques Le Roux Re: svn commit: r1324989 - in /ofbiz/trunk: ./ framework/entity/src/org/ofbiz/entity/ framework/start/src/org/ofbiz/base/start/ tools/ by Jacques Le Roux
Jacques Le Roux by Jacques Le Roux
OFBiz - Dev
Pierre Smits Building with Jenkins - cobertura and sonar by Pierre Smits
Erwan de FERRIERES by Erwan de FERRIERES
OFBiz - Dev
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