The Open For Business Project (OFBiz) is an open source enterprise automation software project. By open source enterprise automation we mean: Open Source ERP, Open Source CRM, Open Source E-Business / E-Commerce, Open Source SCM, Open Source MRP, Open Source CMMS/EAM, and so on. It is one of the few apps of this type to be developed by a community, rather than one corporation.

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Topics (194799)
Replies Last Post Views Sub Forum
doogie-3 svn commit: r930733 - /ofbiz/trunk/framework/base/src/org/ofbiz/base/util/string/FlexibleStringExpander.java by doogie-3
doogie-3 by doogie-3
OFBiz - Commits
doogie-3 svn commit: r930732 - /ofbiz/trunk/framework/base/src/org/ofbiz/base/lang/LockedBy.java by doogie-3
doogie-3 by doogie-3
OFBiz - Commits
doogie-3 svn commit: r930731 - in /ofbiz/trunk: LICENSE framework/base/lib/javacc/javacc.jar lib/ lib/build/ lib/build/javacc/ lib/build/javacc/javacc.jar macros.xml by doogie-3
doogie-3 by doogie-3
OFBiz - Commits
Adam Heath-2 Re: svn commit: r930729 - in /ofbiz/branches/executioncontext20091231: ./ applications/accounting/ applications/accounting/config/ applications/accounting/data/ applications/accounting/data/helpdata/ applications/accounting/documents/ applications/accounti... by Adam Heath-2
Adrian Crum-2 by Adrian Crum-2
OFBiz - Dev
adrianc svn commit: r930729 - in /ofbiz/branches/executioncontext20091231: ./ applications/accounting/ applications/accounting/config/ applications/accounting/data/ applications/accounting/data/helpdata/ applications/accounting/documents/ applications/accounti... by adrianc
adrianc by adrianc
OFBiz - Commits
BJ Freeman rev 930580 broke by BJ Freeman
BJ Freeman by BJ Freeman
OFBiz - User
Nicolas Malin (Jira) [jira] Created: (OFBIZ-3634) ProductPromoWorker PROMO_GWP hard-codes a required inventory check by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
Nicolas Malin (Jira) by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
OFBiz - Dev
adrianc svn commit: r930719 [1/2] - in /ofbiz/branches/executioncontext20091231: ./ applications/accounting/ applications/content/ applications/manufacturing/ applications/marketing/ applications/order/ applications/party/ applications/product/ applications/wo... by adrianc
adrianc by adrianc
OFBiz - Commits
adrianc svn commit: r930719 [2/2] - in /ofbiz/branches/executioncontext20091231: ./ applications/accounting/ applications/content/ applications/manufacturing/ applications/marketing/ applications/order/ applications/party/ applications/product/ applications/wo... by adrianc
adrianc by adrianc
OFBiz - Commits
bibryam svn commit: r930707 - in /ofbiz/trunk: applications/accounting/widget/ applications/order/widget/ordermgr/ applications/party/widget/partymgr/ applications/product/widget/catalog/ applications/product/widget/facility/ applications/workeffort/widget/ fr... by bibryam
bibryam by bibryam
OFBiz - Commits
Nicolas Malin (Jira) [jira] Created: (OFBIZ-3593) specialpurpose - assetmaint by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
Nicolas Malin (Jira) by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
OFBiz - Dev
adrianc svn commit: r930706 - /ofbiz/trunk/specialpurpose/assetmaint/src/org/ofbiz/assetmaint/FixedAssetMaintServices.java by adrianc
adrianc by adrianc
OFBiz - Commits
Nicolas Malin (Jira) [jira] Created: (OFBIZ-3546) FreeMarkerViewHandler should load templates via the FreeMarkerWorker by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
Nicolas Malin (Jira) by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
OFBiz - Dev
Nicolas Malin (Jira) [jira] Created: (OFBIZ-3622) XHTML validation errors (framework excluding widget) by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
Nicolas Malin (Jira) by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
OFBiz - Dev
Nicolas Malin (Jira) [jira] Created: (OFBIZ-3543) Ability to use the actual form name in javascript snippets in extended forms by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
Nicolas Malin (Jira) by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
OFBiz - Dev
adrianc svn commit: r930701 - in /ofbiz/trunk/framework: common/webcommon/portal/ example/widget/example/ testtools/webapp/testtools/ webtools/webapp/webtools/artifactinfo/ webtools/webapp/webtools/cache/ webtools/webapp/webtools/datafile/ webtools/webapp/webt... by adrianc
adrianc by adrianc
OFBiz - Commits
bsreekanth Apache sold to Oracle for $1.5 Billion by bsreekanth
Ravindra Mandre-2 by Ravindra Mandre-2
OFBiz - User
bibryam svn commit: r930670 - /ofbiz/trunk/framework/widget/src/org/ofbiz/widget/form/MacroFormRenderer.java by bibryam
bibryam by bibryam
OFBiz - Commits
bibryam svn commit: r930666 - /ofbiz/trunk/framework/widget/templates/htmlFormMacroLibrary.ftl by bibryam
bibryam by bibryam
OFBiz - Commits
bibryam svn commit: r930660 - in /ofbiz/trunk: applications/product/webapp/catalog/ framework/base/src/org/ofbiz/base/util/ framework/common/webcommon/includes/ framework/webtools/webapp/webtools/entity/ framework/widget/config/ framework/widget/templates/ by bibryam
bibryam by bibryam
OFBiz - Commits
Nicolas Malin (Jira) [jira] Created: (OFBIZ-3632) Extending the service model to specify more complex permissions using permission service by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
Nicolas Malin (Jira) by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
OFBiz - Dev
Ashish Vijaywargiya-5 Planning to update "createQuoteFromCart" service by Ashish Vijaywargiya-...
Ashish Vijaywargiya by Ashish Vijaywargiya
OFBiz - Dev
ashish-18 svn commit: r930630 - in /ofbiz/trunk/applications/order: script/org/ofbiz/order/quote/QuoteServices.xml webapp/ordermgr/entry/orderShortcuts.ftl by ashish-18
ashish-18 by ashish-18
OFBiz - Commits
Nicolas Malin (Jira) [jira] Created: (OFBIZ-3592) application - workeffort by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
Nicolas Malin (Jira) by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
OFBiz - Dev
adrianc svn commit: r930626 - /ofbiz/trunk/applications/workeffort/src/org/ofbiz/workeffort/workeffort/ by adrianc
adrianc by adrianc
OFBiz - Commits
BJ Freeman Re: svn commit: r930471 - /ofbiz/trunk/build.xml by BJ Freeman
BJ Freeman by BJ Freeman
OFBiz - Dev
Adam Heath-2 multi-threaded EntityDataLoadContainer and SequenceUtil by Adam Heath-2
Adrian Crum-2 by Adrian Crum-2
OFBiz - Dev
BJ Freeman Discussion Multitenant Entity Loading. by BJ Freeman
Adrian Crum-2 by Adrian Crum-2
OFBiz - Dev
Nicolas Malin (Jira) [jira] Created: (OFBIZ-3578) tenant login can cause a problem with contactinating a delegaor by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
Nicolas Malin (Jira) by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
OFBiz - Dev
jleroux@apache.org svn commit: r930580 - /ofbiz/trunk/framework/webapp/src/org/ofbiz/webapp/control/LoginWorker.java by jleroux@apache.org
jleroux@apache.org by jleroux@apache.org
OFBiz - Commits
jleroux@apache.org svn commit: r930575 - /ofbiz/trunk/applications/product/webapp/catalog/main.ftl by jleroux@apache.org
jleroux@apache.org by jleroux@apache.org
OFBiz - Commits
BJ Freeman Re: svn commit: r930470 - /ofbiz/trunk/framework/entity/data/TenantDemoData.xml by BJ Freeman
Jacques Le Roux by Jacques Le Roux
OFBiz - Dev
Alexander1893 Debug simple-method in Eclipse by Alexander1893
Jacques Le Roux by Jacques Le Roux
OFBiz - User
Nicolas Malin (Jira) [jira] Created: (OFBIZ-3582) unable to intialize tenant Database by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
Nicolas Malin (Jira) by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
OFBiz - Dev
mor-2 svn commit: r930551 - in /ofbiz/trunk/applications/product: script/org/ofbiz/shipment/receipt/ShipmentReceiptServices.xml servicedef/services_shipment.xml by mor-2
mor-2 by mor-2
OFBiz - Commits
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