Hi All
A final reminder that Apachecon NA is happening a week from today and that we have our full OFBiz track set for Wednesday 15th April. If you haven't seen the schedule then you can view it on Sched.org at the link below.
http://apacheconna2015.sched.org/overview/type/ofbiz#.VSI89culilNSome of our project Committers and PMC members will be presenting so please come along and participate, meet people face and have informal discussions over a coffee or a beer.
As well as our track there will be a wide range of other projects and topics presented including Big Data, Science, Mobile Technology, Cloud, Security..... it just goes on!
Anyway for all the people going to Apachecon NA, I'm sure that you will have a great time and if you do get a spare moment then please feel free to let us know what's going on throughout the week.