PaymentGatewayService and PayflowPro lock

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PaymentGatewayService and PayflowPro lock

Len Shein
My system will hang each time when 'releasing' order payments.  I have
tracked down the problem down to the 'releaseOrderPaymentPreference' inside
the PaymentGatewayService class, in this method the authorized transaction
is gotten in order to get the amount necessary to be released, then based on
the product store's payment settings the release service is called, in my
case I have the payflowCCVoid.  The PayflowPro.ccVoid method will get the
authorized transaction again if one is not found in context (not passed in),
this is where I am seeing a lock-up or system freeze in
PaymentGatewayService .getAuthorizedTransaction.


Has anyone experienced any lock-ups in this area of the system?  If the
'authorized transaction' is passed into the PayflowPro methods everything
works fine.  Is this a bug?


Any information concerning the Payment Gateway and PayFlowPro calles would
be greatly appreciated?



Thank You


Len Shein


Email: [hidden email]

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Office: 516.742.7888 ext.225


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