Re: Running ofbiz in Eclipse can't find SimpleMethod document

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Re: Running ofbiz in Eclipse can't find SimpleMethod document

Art Hughes
Hi to all,
I'm fairly new to Ofbiz. I've spent 6 months evaluating the opentaps
version of Ofbiz. I have a small Medical device company and I'm planning
to add a section or two for the needs of this industry. To start the
process I've installed the eclipse debugger and run into the "can't find
SimpleMethod document" as described here. For me, this is arising from
order services and hence an Ofbiz issue I believe. As Brett Palmer has
expressed, it only seems to happen when running Ofbiz within the eclipse
debugger. I believe the debugger is uncovering a more serious problem
within the Ofbiz code base.

To demonstrate the problem, first do all necessary configurations and
changes to allow Ofbiz to run within the debugger. Start Ofbiz in debug
mode and wait for the system initialization to finish. Then:

1) Go to your browser and create a new purchase order.
2) Mark the order as created.
3) Edit Items, change Unit Price and mark the check box.
4) Update Items

The "can't find SimpleMethod document" error will now appear.

---- exception report
Error running Entity ECA action service
Exception: org.ofbiz.service.GenericServiceException
Message: Error running simple method [checkCreateOrderRequirement] in
XML file [org/ofbiz/order/order/OrderServices.xml]:  (Could not find
SimpleMethod XML document in resource:
---- stack trace
org.ofbiz.service.GenericServiceException: Error running simple method
[checkCreateOrderRequirement] in XML file
[org/ofbiz/order/order/OrderServices.xml]:  (Could not find SimpleMethod
XML document in resource: org/ofbiz/order/order/OrderServices.xml)

I did some tracking of the problem, however I'm not versed enough with
the inner workings of Ofbiz to fix the problem. I do think the following
may help though and give some insight at to what is going on.


Function: runSync

    public Map runSync(String serviceName, Map context) throws
ServiceValidationException, GenericServiceException {
        ModelService service = ctx.getModelService(serviceName);
        return dispatcher.runSync(, service, context);

These are the variables before executing 'ModelService service =

serviceName  "checkCreateOrderRequirement"  

this  GenericDispatcher  (id=374)  
  ctx  DispatchContext  (id=477)
    attributes  FastMap<K,V>  (id=485)  
    dispatcher  GenericDispatcher  (id=374)  
    loader  Launcher$AppClassLoader  (id=226)  
    localReaders  null  
    name  "entity-default"  
  dispatcher  ServiceDispatcher  (id=220)  
  name  "entity-default"  

Notice the ctx variables dispatcher and loader.
I beleave these ctx variables should be similar to this service:

serviceName  "updateOrderItems"  

this  WebAppDispatcher  (id=221)  
  ctx  DispatchContext  (id=310)  
    attributes  FastMap<K,V>  (id=2964)  
    dispatcher  WebAppDispatcher  (id=221)  
    loader  WebappClassLoader  (id=572)  
    localReaders  ArrayList<E>  (id=2965)  
    name  "order"  
  dispatcher  ServiceDispatcher  (id=220)  
  name  "order"  

The code tries to Launch $AppClassLoader on an xml file which does not

This is the stack trace from the breakpoint with a few var comments that
may give some insight to the problem:

Thread [http-] (Suspended (breakpoint at line 135
in GenericDispatcher))  
  GenericDispatcher.runSync(String, Map) line: 135  
this  GenericDispatcher  (id=374)  
  ctx  DispatchContext  (id=477)  
    attributes  FastMap<K,V>  (id=485)  
    dispatcher  GenericDispatcher  (id=374)  
    loader  Launcher$AppClassLoader  (id=226)  
    localReaders  null  
    name  "entity-default"  
  dispatcher  ServiceDispatcher  (id=220)  
  name  "entity-default"  

  EntityEcaAction.runAction(DispatchContext, GenericEntity) line: 92  
  EntityEcaRule.eval(String, DispatchContext, GenericEntity, boolean,
Set) line: 112  
  DelegatorEcaHandler.evalRules(String, Map, String, GenericEntity,
boolean) line: 85  
  GenericDelegator.evalEcaRules(String, String, GenericEntity, Map,
boolean, boolean) line: 2410, boolean) line: 1002  
  GenericDelegator.storeAll(List, boolean, boolean) line: 1123  
  GenericDelegator.storeAll(List, boolean) line: 1047  

  GenericDelegator.storeAll(List) line: 1032  
this  GenericDelegator  (id=251)  
  andCacheFieldSets  FastMap<K,V>  (id=3872)  
  cache  Cache  (id=3873)  
  crypto  EntityCrypto  (id=3875)  
  delegatorInfo  DelegatorInfo  (id=3877)  
    distributedCacheClearUserLoginId  "system"  
    entityEcaReader  "main"  
    entityGroupReader  "main"  
    entityModelReader  "main"  
    groupMap  HashMap<K,V>  (id=4159)  
    name  "default"  
    sequencedIdPrefix  ""  
    useDistributedCacheClear  false  
    useEntityEca  true  
  delegatorName  "default"  
  distributedCacheClear  null  
  entityEcaHandler  DelegatorEcaHandler  (id=719)  
    dctx  DispatchContext  (id=477)  
      attributes  FastMap<K,V>  (id=485)  
      dispatcher  GenericDispatcher  (id=374)  
      loader  Launcher$AppClassLoader  (id=226)  
      localReaders  null  
      name  "entity-default"  
    delegator  GenericDelegator  (id=251)  
      andCacheFieldSets  FastMap<K,V>  (id=3872)  
      cache  Cache  (id=3873)  
      crypto  EntityCrypto  (id=3875)  
      delegatorInfo  DelegatorInfo  (id=3877)  
      delegatorName  "default"  
      distributedCacheClear  null  
      entityEcaHandler  DelegatorEcaHandler  (id=719)  
      modelGroupReader  ModelGroupReader  (id=3892)  
      modelReader  ModelReader  (id=3895)  
      sequencer  SequenceUtil  (id=3898)  
    delegatorName  "default"  
    entityEcaReaderName  "main"  
  modelGroupReader  ModelGroupReader  (id=3892)  
  modelReader  ModelReader  (id=3895)  
  sequencer  SequenceUtil  (id=3898)  

GenericDelegator, ShoppingCart, Locale, GenericValue, String) line:
/* Vars:
dispatcher  WebAppDispatcher  (id=221)  
  ctx  DispatchContext  (id=310)  
    attributes  FastMap<K,V>  (id=2964)  
    dispatcher  WebAppDispatcher  (id=221)  
    loader  WebappClassLoader  (id=572)  
    localReaders  ArrayList<E>  (id=2965)  
    name  "order"  
  dispatcher  ServiceDispatcher  (id=220)  
  name  "order"  

  OrderServices.updateApprovedOrderItems(DispatchContext, Map) line:
/* Vars
dctx  DispatchContext  (id=310)  
  attributes  FastMap<K,V>  (id=2964)  
  dispatcher  WebAppDispatcher  (id=221)  
  loader  WebappClassLoader  (id=572)  
  localReaders  ArrayList<E>  (id=2965)  
  name  "order"  
dispatcher  WebAppDispatcher  (id=221)  
  ctx  DispatchContext  (id=310)  
    attributes  FastMap<K,V>  (id=2964)  
    dispatcher  WebAppDispatcher  (id=221)  
    loader  WebappClassLoader  (id=572)  
    localReaders  ArrayList<E>  (id=2965)  
    name  "order"  
  dispatcher  ServiceDispatcher  (id=220)  
  name  "order"  


On Fri, 25 May 2007 08:55:47 GMT - "Brett Palmer"
<[hidden email]> wrote:

I've got a strange problem when I try to run ofbiz within eclipse.  If I
execute a service that is a simple method I get an error that it can't find
the simple method document.  I don't have the problem when the service is a
Java service.

Here is a sample of the stack trace:

at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit.runner.RemoteTestRunner.runTests(
    at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit.runner.RemoteTestRunner.main(
org.ofbiz.minilang.MiniLangException: Could not find SimpleMethod XML
document in resource: org/ofbiz/order/order/OrderServices.xml
    at org.ofbiz.minilang.SimpleMethod.getSimpleMethods(
    at org.ofbiz.minilang.SimpleMethod.runSimpleMethod(
    at org.ofbiz.minilang.SimpleMethod.runSimpleService(
    at org.ofbiz.minilang.SimpleServiceEngine.serviceInvoker(
    at org.ofbiz.minilang.SimpleServiceEngine.runSync(
    at org.ofbiz.service.ServiceDispatcher.runSync(
    at org.ofbiz.service.ServiceDispatcher.runSync(
    at org.ofbiz.service.GenericDispatcher.runSync(
    at org.ofbiz.service.rmi.RemoteDispatcherImpl.runSync(

If I run ofbiz from the command line all the services run all right.  It is
only within eclipse that I see this error.  There must be something I am
missing in my eclipse configuration.  Has anyone seen this error before?



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Re: Running ofbiz in Eclipse can't find SimpleMethod document

Scott Gray
Hi Art

I can't offer much help for your problem, but I can tell you that you would
be much better off connecting your debugger remotely, it's easy to setup and
works fine.


On 25/06/07, Art Hughes <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi to all,
> I'm fairly new to Ofbiz. I've spent 6 months evaluating the opentaps
> version of Ofbiz. I have a small Medical device company and I'm planning
> to add a section or two for the needs of this industry. To start the
> process I've installed the eclipse debugger and run into the "can't find
> SimpleMethod document" as described here. For me, this is arising from
> order services and hence an Ofbiz issue I believe. As Brett Palmer has
> expressed, it only seems to happen when running Ofbiz within the eclipse
> debugger. I believe the debugger is uncovering a more serious problem
> within the Ofbiz code base.
> To demonstrate the problem, first do all necessary configurations and
> changes to allow Ofbiz to run within the debugger. Start Ofbiz in debug
> mode and wait for the system initialization to finish. Then:
> 1) Go to your browser and create a new purchase order.
> 2) Mark the order as created.
> 3) Edit Items, change Unit Price and mark the check box.
> 4) Update Items
> The "can't find SimpleMethod document" error will now appear.
> ---- exception report
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> Error running Entity ECA action service
> Exception: org.ofbiz.service.GenericServiceException
> Message: Error running simple method [checkCreateOrderRequirement] in
> XML file [org/ofbiz/order/order/OrderServices.xml]:  (Could not find
> SimpleMethod XML document in resource:
> org/ofbiz/order/order/OrderServices.xml)
> ---- stack trace
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> org.ofbiz.service.GenericServiceException: Error running simple method
> [checkCreateOrderRequirement] in XML file
> [org/ofbiz/order/order/OrderServices.xml]:  (Could not find SimpleMethod
> XML document in resource: org/ofbiz/order/order/OrderServices.xml)
> org.ofbiz.minilang.SimpleServiceEngine.serviceInvoker(
> org.ofbiz.minilang.SimpleServiceEngine.runSync(
> :51)
> I did some tracking of the problem, however I'm not versed enough with
> the inner workings of Ofbiz to fix the problem. I do think the following
> may help though and give some insight at to what is going on.
> -----------
> File:
> ofbiz/framework/service/src/org/ofbiz/service/
> Function: runSync
>     public Map runSync(String serviceName, Map context) throws
> ServiceValidationException, GenericServiceException {
>         ModelService service = ctx.getModelService(serviceName);
>         return dispatcher.runSync(, service, context);
>     }
> These are the variables before executing 'ModelService service =
> ctx.getModelService(serviceName);'
> serviceName  "checkCreateOrderRequirement"
> this  GenericDispatcher  (id=374)
>   ctx  DispatchContext  (id=477)
>     attributes  FastMap<K,V>  (id=485)
>     dispatcher  GenericDispatcher  (id=374)
>     loader  Launcher$AppClassLoader  (id=226)
>     localReaders  null
>     name  "entity-default"
>   dispatcher  ServiceDispatcher  (id=220)
>   name  "entity-default"
> Notice the ctx variables dispatcher and loader.
> I beleave these ctx variables should be similar to this service:
> serviceName  "updateOrderItems"
> this  WebAppDispatcher  (id=221)
>   ctx  DispatchContext  (id=310)
>     attributes  FastMap<K,V>  (id=2964)
>     dispatcher  WebAppDispatcher  (id=221)
>     loader  WebappClassLoader  (id=572)
>     localReaders  ArrayList<E>  (id=2965)
>     name  "order"
>   dispatcher  ServiceDispatcher  (id=220)
>   name  "order"
> The code tries to Launch $AppClassLoader on an xml file which does not
> work.
> This is the stack trace from the breakpoint with a few var comments that
> may give some insight to the problem:
> Thread [http-] (Suspended (breakpoint at line 135
> in GenericDispatcher))
>   GenericDispatcher.runSync(String, Map) line: 135
> /*
> this  GenericDispatcher  (id=374)
>   ctx  DispatchContext  (id=477)
>     attributes  FastMap<K,V>  (id=485)
>     dispatcher  GenericDispatcher  (id=374)
>     loader  Launcher$AppClassLoader  (id=226)
>     localReaders  null
>     name  "entity-default"
>   dispatcher  ServiceDispatcher  (id=220)
>   name  "entity-default"
> */
>   EntityEcaAction.runAction(DispatchContext, GenericEntity) line: 92
>   EntityEcaRule.eval(String, DispatchContext, GenericEntity, boolean,
> Set) line: 112
>   DelegatorEcaHandler.evalRules(String, Map, String, GenericEntity,
> boolean) line: 85
>   GenericDelegator.evalEcaRules(String, String, GenericEntity, Map,
> boolean, boolean) line: 2410
>, boolean) line: 1002
>   GenericDelegator.storeAll(List, boolean, boolean) line: 1123
>   GenericDelegator.storeAll(List, boolean) line: 1047
>   GenericDelegator.storeAll(List) line: 1032
> /*
> this  GenericDelegator  (id=251)
>   andCacheFieldSets  FastMap<K,V>  (id=3872)
>   cache  Cache  (id=3873)
>   crypto  EntityCrypto  (id=3875)
>   delegatorInfo  DelegatorInfo  (id=3877)
>     distributedCacheClearClassName
> "org.ofbiz.entityext.cache.EntityCacheServices"
>     distributedCacheClearUserLoginId  "system"
>     entityEcaHandlerClassName
> "org.ofbiz.entityext.eca.DelegatorEcaHandler"
>     entityEcaReader  "main"
>     entityGroupReader  "main"
>     entityModelReader  "main"
>     groupMap  HashMap<K,V>  (id=4159)
>     name  "default"
>     sequencedIdPrefix  ""
>     useDistributedCacheClear  false
>     useEntityEca  true
>   delegatorName  "default"
>   distributedCacheClear  null
>   entityEcaHandler  DelegatorEcaHandler  (id=719)
>     dctx  DispatchContext  (id=477)
>       attributes  FastMap<K,V>  (id=485)
>       dispatcher  GenericDispatcher  (id=374)
>       loader  Launcher$AppClassLoader  (id=226)
>       localReaders  null
>       name  "entity-default"
>     delegator  GenericDelegator  (id=251)
>       andCacheFieldSets  FastMap<K,V>  (id=3872)
>       cache  Cache  (id=3873)
>       crypto  EntityCrypto  (id=3875)
>       delegatorInfo  DelegatorInfo  (id=3877)
>       delegatorName  "default"
>       distributedCacheClear  null
>       entityEcaHandler  DelegatorEcaHandler  (id=719)
>       modelGroupReader  ModelGroupReader  (id=3892)
>       modelReader  ModelReader  (id=3895)
>       sequencer  SequenceUtil  (id=3898)
>     delegatorName  "default"
>     entityEcaReaderName  "main"
>   modelGroupReader  ModelGroupReader  (id=3892)
>   modelReader  ModelReader  (id=3895)
>   sequencer  SequenceUtil  (id=3898)
> */
>   OrderServices.saveUpdatedCartToOrder(LocalDispatcher,
> GenericDelegator, ShoppingCart, Locale, GenericValue, String) line:
> 3430
> /* Vars:
> dispatcher  WebAppDispatcher  (id=221)
>   ctx  DispatchContext  (id=310)
>     attributes  FastMap<K,V>  (id=2964)
>     dispatcher  WebAppDispatcher  (id=221)
>     loader  WebappClassLoader  (id=572)
>     localReaders  ArrayList<E>  (id=2965)
>     name  "order"
>   dispatcher  ServiceDispatcher  (id=220)
>   name  "order"
> */
>   OrderServices.updateApprovedOrderItems(DispatchContext, Map) line:
> 3168
> /* Vars
> dctx  DispatchContext  (id=310)
>   attributes  FastMap<K,V>  (id=2964)
>   dispatcher  WebAppDispatcher  (id=221)
>   loader  WebappClassLoader  (id=572)
>   localReaders  ArrayList<E>  (id=2965)
>   name  "order"
> dispatcher  WebAppDispatcher  (id=221)
>   ctx  DispatchContext  (id=310)
>     attributes  FastMap<K,V>  (id=2964)
>     dispatcher  WebAppDispatcher  (id=221)
>     loader  WebappClassLoader  (id=572)
>     localReaders  ArrayList<E>  (id=2965)
>     name  "order"
>   dispatcher  ServiceDispatcher  (id=220)
>   name  "order"
> */
> -----------
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> On Fri, 25 May 2007 08:55:47 GMT - "Brett Palmer"
> <[hidden email]> wrote:
> I've got a strange problem when I try to run ofbiz within eclipse.  If I
> execute a service that is a simple method I get an error that it can't
> find
> the simple method document.  I don't have the problem when the service is
> a
> Java service.
> Here is a sample of the stack trace:
> at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit.runner.RemoteTestRunner.runTests(
>     at
>     at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit.runner.RemoteTestRunner.main(
> org.ofbiz.minilang.MiniLangException: Could not find SimpleMethod XML
> document in resource: org/ofbiz/order/order/OrderServices.xml
>     at org.ofbiz.minilang.SimpleMethod.getSimpleMethods(
> :132)
>     at org.ofbiz.minilang.SimpleMethod.runSimpleMethod(
> :100)
>     at org.ofbiz.minilang.SimpleMethod.runSimpleService(
> :87)
>     at org.ofbiz.minilang.SimpleServiceEngine.serviceInvoker(
>     at org.ofbiz.minilang.SimpleServiceEngine.runSync(
>     at org.ofbiz.service.ServiceDispatcher.runSync(
> :336)
>     at org.ofbiz.service.ServiceDispatcher.runSync(
> :211)
>     at org.ofbiz.service.GenericDispatcher.runSync(
> :136)
>     at org.ofbiz.service.rmi.RemoteDispatcherImpl.runSync(
> If I run ofbiz from the command line all the services run all right.  It
> is
> only within eclipse that I see this error.  There must be something I am
> missing in my eclipse configuration.  Has anyone seen this error before?
> Thanks,
> Brett
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Re: Running ofbiz in Eclipse can't find SimpleMethod document

Jacques Le Roux
In reply to this post by Art Hughes
I tried and did not get this error.


De : "Art Hughes" <[hidden email]>

> Hi to all,
> I'm fairly new to Ofbiz. I've spent 6 months evaluating the opentaps
> version of Ofbiz. I have a small Medical device company and I'm planning
> to add a section or two for the needs of this industry. To start the
> process I've installed the eclipse debugger and run into the "can't find
> SimpleMethod document" as described here. For me, this is arising from
> order services and hence an Ofbiz issue I believe. As Brett Palmer has
> expressed, it only seems to happen when running Ofbiz within the eclipse
> debugger. I believe the debugger is uncovering a more serious problem
> within the Ofbiz code base.
> To demonstrate the problem, first do all necessary configurations and
> changes to allow Ofbiz to run within the debugger. Start Ofbiz in debug
> mode and wait for the system initialization to finish. Then:
> 1) Go to your browser and create a new purchase order.
> 2) Mark the order as created.
> 3) Edit Items, change Unit Price and mark the check box.
> 4) Update Items
> The "can't find SimpleMethod document" error will now appear.
> ---- exception report
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> Error running Entity ECA action service
> Exception: org.ofbiz.service.GenericServiceException
> Message: Error running simple method [checkCreateOrderRequirement] in
> XML file [org/ofbiz/order/order/OrderServices.xml]:  (Could not find
> SimpleMethod XML document in resource:
> org/ofbiz/order/order/OrderServices.xml)
> ---- stack trace
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> org.ofbiz.service.GenericServiceException: Error running simple method
> [checkCreateOrderRequirement] in XML file
> [org/ofbiz/order/order/OrderServices.xml]:  (Could not find SimpleMethod
> XML document in resource: org/ofbiz/order/order/OrderServices.xml)
> org.ofbiz.minilang.SimpleServiceEngine.serviceInvoker(
> org.ofbiz.minilang.SimpleServiceEngine.runSync(
> I did some tracking of the problem, however I'm not versed enough with
> the inner workings of Ofbiz to fix the problem. I do think the following
> may help though and give some insight at to what is going on.
> -----------
> File:
> ofbiz/framework/service/src/org/ofbiz/service/
> Function: runSync
>     public Map runSync(String serviceName, Map context) throws
> ServiceValidationException, GenericServiceException {
>         ModelService service = ctx.getModelService(serviceName);
>         return dispatcher.runSync(, service, context);
>     }
> These are the variables before executing 'ModelService service =
> ctx.getModelService(serviceName);'
> serviceName  "checkCreateOrderRequirement"  
> this  GenericDispatcher  (id=374)  
>   ctx  DispatchContext  (id=477)
>     attributes  FastMap<K,V>  (id=485)  
>     dispatcher  GenericDispatcher  (id=374)  
>     loader  Launcher$AppClassLoader  (id=226)  
>     localReaders  null  
>     name  "entity-default"  
>   dispatcher  ServiceDispatcher  (id=220)  
>   name  "entity-default"  
> Notice the ctx variables dispatcher and loader.
> I beleave these ctx variables should be similar to this service:
> serviceName  "updateOrderItems"  
> this  WebAppDispatcher  (id=221)  
>   ctx  DispatchContext  (id=310)  
>     attributes  FastMap<K,V>  (id=2964)  
>     dispatcher  WebAppDispatcher  (id=221)  
>     loader  WebappClassLoader  (id=572)  
>     localReaders  ArrayList<E>  (id=2965)  
>     name  "order"  
>   dispatcher  ServiceDispatcher  (id=220)  
>   name  "order"  
> The code tries to Launch $AppClassLoader on an xml file which does not
> work.
> This is the stack trace from the breakpoint with a few var comments that
> may give some insight to the problem:
> Thread [http-] (Suspended (breakpoint at line 135
> in GenericDispatcher))  
>   GenericDispatcher.runSync(String, Map) line: 135  
> /*
> this  GenericDispatcher  (id=374)  
>   ctx  DispatchContext  (id=477)  
>     attributes  FastMap<K,V>  (id=485)  
>     dispatcher  GenericDispatcher  (id=374)  
>     loader  Launcher$AppClassLoader  (id=226)  
>     localReaders  null  
>     name  "entity-default"  
>   dispatcher  ServiceDispatcher  (id=220)  
>   name  "entity-default"  
> */
>   EntityEcaAction.runAction(DispatchContext, GenericEntity) line: 92  
>   EntityEcaRule.eval(String, DispatchContext, GenericEntity, boolean,
> Set) line: 112  
>   DelegatorEcaHandler.evalRules(String, Map, String, GenericEntity,
> boolean) line: 85  
>   GenericDelegator.evalEcaRules(String, String, GenericEntity, Map,
> boolean, boolean) line: 2410  
>, boolean) line: 1002  
>   GenericDelegator.storeAll(List, boolean, boolean) line: 1123  
>   GenericDelegator.storeAll(List, boolean) line: 1047  
>   GenericDelegator.storeAll(List) line: 1032  
> /*
> this  GenericDelegator  (id=251)  
>   andCacheFieldSets  FastMap<K,V>  (id=3872)  
>   cache  Cache  (id=3873)  
>   crypto  EntityCrypto  (id=3875)  
>   delegatorInfo  DelegatorInfo  (id=3877)  
>     distributedCacheClearClassName
> "org.ofbiz.entityext.cache.EntityCacheServices"  
>     distributedCacheClearUserLoginId  "system"  
>     entityEcaHandlerClassName
> "org.ofbiz.entityext.eca.DelegatorEcaHandler"  
>     entityEcaReader  "main"  
>     entityGroupReader  "main"  
>     entityModelReader  "main"  
>     groupMap  HashMap<K,V>  (id=4159)  
>     name  "default"  
>     sequencedIdPrefix  ""  
>     useDistributedCacheClear  false  
>     useEntityEca  true  
>   delegatorName  "default"  
>   distributedCacheClear  null  
>   entityEcaHandler  DelegatorEcaHandler  (id=719)  
>     dctx  DispatchContext  (id=477)  
>       attributes  FastMap<K,V>  (id=485)  
>       dispatcher  GenericDispatcher  (id=374)  
>       loader  Launcher$AppClassLoader  (id=226)  
>       localReaders  null  
>       name  "entity-default"  
>     delegator  GenericDelegator  (id=251)  
>       andCacheFieldSets  FastMap<K,V>  (id=3872)  
>       cache  Cache  (id=3873)  
>       crypto  EntityCrypto  (id=3875)  
>       delegatorInfo  DelegatorInfo  (id=3877)  
>       delegatorName  "default"  
>       distributedCacheClear  null  
>       entityEcaHandler  DelegatorEcaHandler  (id=719)  
>       modelGroupReader  ModelGroupReader  (id=3892)  
>       modelReader  ModelReader  (id=3895)  
>       sequencer  SequenceUtil  (id=3898)  
>     delegatorName  "default"  
>     entityEcaReaderName  "main"  
>   modelGroupReader  ModelGroupReader  (id=3892)  
>   modelReader  ModelReader  (id=3895)  
>   sequencer  SequenceUtil  (id=3898)  
> */
>   OrderServices.saveUpdatedCartToOrder(LocalDispatcher,
> GenericDelegator, ShoppingCart, Locale, GenericValue, String) line:
> 3430  
> /* Vars:
> dispatcher  WebAppDispatcher  (id=221)  
>   ctx  DispatchContext  (id=310)  
>     attributes  FastMap<K,V>  (id=2964)  
>     dispatcher  WebAppDispatcher  (id=221)  
>     loader  WebappClassLoader  (id=572)  
>     localReaders  ArrayList<E>  (id=2965)  
>     name  "order"  
>   dispatcher  ServiceDispatcher  (id=220)  
>   name  "order"  
> */
>   OrderServices.updateApprovedOrderItems(DispatchContext, Map) line:
> 3168  
> /* Vars
> dctx  DispatchContext  (id=310)  
>   attributes  FastMap<K,V>  (id=2964)  
>   dispatcher  WebAppDispatcher  (id=221)  
>   loader  WebappClassLoader  (id=572)  
>   localReaders  ArrayList<E>  (id=2965)  
>   name  "order"  
> dispatcher  WebAppDispatcher  (id=221)  
>   ctx  DispatchContext  (id=310)  
>     attributes  FastMap<K,V>  (id=2964)  
>     dispatcher  WebAppDispatcher  (id=221)  
>     loader  WebappClassLoader  (id=572)  
>     localReaders  ArrayList<E>  (id=2965)  
>     name  "order"  
>   dispatcher  ServiceDispatcher  (id=220)  
>   name  "order"  
> */
> -----------
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> On Fri, 25 May 2007 08:55:47 GMT - "Brett Palmer"
> <[hidden email]> wrote:
> I've got a strange problem when I try to run ofbiz within eclipse.  If I
> execute a service that is a simple method I get an error that it can't find
> the simple method document.  I don't have the problem when the service is a
> Java service.
> Here is a sample of the stack trace:
> at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit.runner.RemoteTestRunner.runTests(
>     at
>     at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit.runner.RemoteTestRunner.main(
> org.ofbiz.minilang.MiniLangException: Could not find SimpleMethod XML
> document in resource: org/ofbiz/order/order/OrderServices.xml
>     at org.ofbiz.minilang.SimpleMethod.getSimpleMethods(
> :132)
>     at org.ofbiz.minilang.SimpleMethod.runSimpleMethod(
> :100)
>     at org.ofbiz.minilang.SimpleMethod.runSimpleService(
> :87)
>     at org.ofbiz.minilang.SimpleServiceEngine.serviceInvoker(
>     at org.ofbiz.minilang.SimpleServiceEngine.runSync(
>     at org.ofbiz.service.ServiceDispatcher.runSync(
> :336)
>     at org.ofbiz.service.ServiceDispatcher.runSync(
> :211)
>     at org.ofbiz.service.GenericDispatcher.runSync(
> :136)
>     at org.ofbiz.service.rmi.RemoteDispatcherImpl.runSync(
> If I run ofbiz from the command line all the services run all right.  It is
> only within eclipse that I see this error.  There must be something I am
> missing in my eclipse configuration.  Has anyone seen this error before?
> Thanks,
> Brett