On 2/23/06, David E. Jones <
[hidden email]> wrote:
> BTW, I don't know if we'll be moving the specialized applications
> over in the first pass moving to the ASF. What I'm actually hoping
> for is that OFBiz will become a top-level project, and then we can
> have sub-projects for specialized and other similar things.
If I might make a suggestion: perhaps it would be easiest / less
disruptive to users, is to move everything as-is, and then, if the
subprojects gain momentum on their own, break them out into
subprojects. I don't know much about how they've been developed so
far, though. And of course, it also depends on what the developers of
that code would prefer.
David N. Welton
http://www.dedasys.com/davidw/Linux, Open Source Consulting
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