Users - [FWD: layouts]

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Users - [FWD: layouts]

Nate Reed-2
I originally posted this question to the palmtree-devel list.  As Brett
Palmer suggested, I'm re-posting this here.  I did find some
potentially good resources on web design and CSS on the ofbiz site.  


> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: layouts
> From: Nate Reed <[hidden email]>
> Date: Thu, February 23, 2006 6:34 am
> To: [hidden email]
> I noticed some comments in the code about how columns should be
> formatted using CSS, but I find it difficult to specify the precise
> positioning of various elements without using tables.  The screen widget
> works well with CSS, but it is ackward to try to implement
> elaborate table-based layouts with it.
> So, a couple of questions: is it considered standard practice now to use
> CSS (not tables) for formatting columns?  I noticed some comments about
> this in MainScreens.xml ("The styles here (centerarea, contentarea) are
> CSS styles.  Formatting of columns is supposed to be done with CSS").
> Does anyone have any good references for web design using HTML/CSS that
> is easy to digest for someone whose primary job is not web design? :)
> Thanks,
> Nate

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