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Users - IBM DB2

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Users - IBM DB2

Hao Jiang-4
65 posts
Just received the DVD of IBM's free DB2 express-c, but was very
surprised that there is no configuration for DB2 in entityengine.xml,
does it mean that ofbiz is not ready for DB2?



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Re: Users - IBM DB2

David E. Jones
1146 posts

DB2 should work fine, but no there is not a fieldtypesdb2.xml file, nor a sample configuration. The fieldtypesdb2.xml file should be _very_ similar to (possibly exactly the same as) the fieldtypesderby.xml file. The entityengine.xml datasource element should also be similar, but require different information for the JDBC driver and such to point to the DB2 JDBC driver.

It would be nice to get a sample DB2 configuration in place. I believe people have used it with OFBiz before, but I as far as I know no configuration has ever been contributed.


Hao Jiang wrote:

> Just received the DVD of IBM's free DB2 express-c, but was very
> surprised that there is no configuration for DB2 in entityengine.xml,
> does it mean that ofbiz is not ready for DB2?
> Thanks
> Hao
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Re: Users - IBM DB2

Jørgen Gantrii
2 posts
I am planning to do this as well in the not so far future.


-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]]
On Behalf Of David E Jones
Sent: 26. april 2006 19:36
To: OFBiz Users / Usage Discussion
Subject: Re: [OFBiz] Users - IBM DB2

DB2 should work fine, but no there is not a fieldtypesdb2.xml file, nor a
sample configuration. The fieldtypesdb2.xml file should be _very_ similar to
(possibly exactly the same as) the fieldtypesderby.xml file. The
entityengine.xml datasource element should also be similar, but require
different information for the JDBC driver and such to point to the DB2 JDBC

It would be nice to get a sample DB2 configuration in place. I believe
people have used it with OFBiz before, but I as far as I know no
configuration has ever been contributed.


Hao Jiang wrote:

> Just received the DVD of IBM's free DB2 express-c, but was very
> surprised that there is no configuration for DB2 in entityengine.xml,
> does it mean that ofbiz is not ready for DB2?
> Thanks
> Hao
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Re: Users - IBM DB2

Hao Jiang-4
65 posts
In reply to this post by Hao Jiang-4
Did a quick search about DB2 java connection, that's what I found

There are two different ways of JDBC-connecting to DB2 offered by IBM:

1) access via the COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.DB2Driver
This access requires DB2 Client-software (DB-Connect) installed on the
local machine (the computer where tomcat runs).
To use this access, you must call the Client-Configuration programm of
DB2 and make a local name for the Database you want to access.
Now you can open it in JDBC with the url jdbc:db2:<local-databasename>
By the way: having given the name, you could also acces it via the
jdbc-odbc bridge.

2) The alternative way is to connect via the
This access is designed for easy-to-deploy clients tlike applets or
stand-alone clients where an installation of the (native) DB2-client is
too complicated. (In fact it is)
Access is slower compared to the app-driver.
To be able to use it, you must run the db2jstrt <portnumber> command on
the DB-Server. (NOT on the computer, where the tomcat runs., but on the
computer, where DB2 runs).
To run this command, there are two ways (you must do it physically on
the db2-server):
-just open a DB2-console (you find it in the task-bar) and type the
-if you don't find the DB2-console on the task bar: open a console and
navigate to the IBM-installation/SQLLIB/bin directory and type the

After that, you can JDBC connect with the net-driver via the url
<port-number> is the number, you used with the db2jstrt command

clearly for a webserver, the natural choice would be the app-driver


On Wed, 2006-04-26 at 19:52 +0200, Jørgen Gantrii wrote:

> I am planning to do this as well in the not so far future.
> /Jørgen
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]]
> On Behalf Of David E Jones
> Sent: 26. april 2006 19:36
> To: OFBiz Users / Usage Discussion
> Subject: Re: [OFBiz] Users - IBM DB2
> DB2 should work fine, but no there is not a fieldtypesdb2.xml file, nor a
> sample configuration. The fieldtypesdb2.xml file should be _very_ similar to
> (possibly exactly the same as) the fieldtypesderby.xml file. The
> entityengine.xml datasource element should also be similar, but require
> different information for the JDBC driver and such to point to the DB2 JDBC
> driver.
> It would be nice to get a sample DB2 configuration in place. I believe
> people have used it with OFBiz before, but I as far as I know no
> configuration has ever been contributed.
> -David
> Hao Jiang wrote:
> > Just received the DVD of IBM's free DB2 express-c, but was very
> > surprised that there is no configuration for DB2 in entityengine.xml,
> > does it mean that ofbiz is not ready for DB2?
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > Hao
> >
> >
> >  
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Re: Users - IBM DB2

Jørgen Gantrii
2 posts
You should basically select between

1) Type2 jdbc driver (java + native code)
2) Type4 jdbc driver.

1) equals your 1 and is the obvious and fastest to use. Especially when
Your appserver is on the same machine as DB2.

2) Is a pure java driver and is the easiest one if db2 is on another
Machine, since it require no db2-installation on you app-server - only
A couple of jar-file.



-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]]
On Behalf Of Hao Jiang
Sent: 26. april 2006 20:07
To: OFBiz Users / Usage Discussion
Subject: Re: [OFBiz] Users - IBM DB2

Did a quick search about DB2 java connection, that's what I found

There are two different ways of JDBC-connecting to DB2 offered by IBM:

1) access via the COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.DB2Driver
This access requires DB2 Client-software (DB-Connect) installed on the
local machine (the computer where tomcat runs).
To use this access, you must call the Client-Configuration programm of
DB2 and make a local name for the Database you want to access.
Now you can open it in JDBC with the url jdbc:db2:<local-databasename>
By the way: having given the name, you could also acces it via the
jdbc-odbc bridge.

2) The alternative way is to connect via the
This access is designed for easy-to-deploy clients tlike applets or
stand-alone clients where an installation of the (native) DB2-client is
too complicated. (In fact it is)
Access is slower compared to the app-driver.
To be able to use it, you must run the db2jstrt <portnumber> command on
the DB-Server. (NOT on the computer, where the tomcat runs., but on the
computer, where DB2 runs).
To run this command, there are two ways (you must do it physically on
the db2-server):
-just open a DB2-console (you find it in the task-bar) and type the
-if you don't find the DB2-console on the task bar: open a console and
navigate to the IBM-installation/SQLLIB/bin directory and type the

After that, you can JDBC connect with the net-driver via the url
<port-number> is the number, you used with the db2jstrt command

clearly for a webserver, the natural choice would be the app-driver


On Wed, 2006-04-26 at 19:52 +0200, Jørgen Gantrii wrote:

> I am planning to do this as well in the not so far future.
> /Jørgen
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]]
> On Behalf Of David E Jones
> Sent: 26. april 2006 19:36
> To: OFBiz Users / Usage Discussion
> Subject: Re: [OFBiz] Users - IBM DB2
> DB2 should work fine, but no there is not a fieldtypesdb2.xml file, nor a
> sample configuration. The fieldtypesdb2.xml file should be _very_ similar
> (possibly exactly the same as) the fieldtypesderby.xml file. The
> entityengine.xml datasource element should also be similar, but require
> different information for the JDBC driver and such to point to the DB2

> driver.
> It would be nice to get a sample DB2 configuration in place. I believe
> people have used it with OFBiz before, but I as far as I know no
> configuration has ever been contributed.
> -David
> Hao Jiang wrote:
> > Just received the DVD of IBM's free DB2 express-c, but was very
> > surprised that there is no configuration for DB2 in entityengine.xml,
> > does it mean that ofbiz is not ready for DB2?
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > Hao
> >
> >
> >  
> > _______________________________________________
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> > http://lists.ofbiz.org/mailman/listinfo/users
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