It would be nice if you could specify a cache capacity - so you could
test the cache with a smaller data set.
On 5/14/2012 8:22 PM, Adam Heath wrote:
> Well, good news. I just had UtilCacheTests.testExpire fail on me.
> Since I'm the one who created that test, I'm the most qualified to fix it.
> Unfortunately, the test itself attempts to use all memory, so that
> UtilCache will attempt to expire all soft references. Sometimes, that
> doesn't work. I might have to do something hackish, by seeing how
> much total memory is available, allocating 40% of that into a
> soft-reference cache, then multiple objects of 15%, stored
> locally(there-by they are hard-references), then seeing if that clears
> the item. But it's all still a bit racy.