What about moving the images to runtime folder?

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What about moving the images to runtime folder?

Jacopo Cappellato-4
All the images and content that are loaded (or loadable) at runtime should in my opinion be stored somewhere under the runtime folder by default (runtime/content ?) instead of framework/images
This would also affect the demo images we are bundling with the system. Ideally the framework, but also the applications, could be a read only folder (after it is built, of course).

What do you think?

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Re: What about moving the images to runtime folder?

Adrian Crum-2
From what I recall, the framework/images folder was intended to contain static content. That folder could be copied to a static content provider, and the OFBiz settings (see url.properties) could be updated to point to the static content provider.


--- On Wed, 4/21/10, Jacopo Cappellato <[hidden email]> wrote:

> From: Jacopo Cappellato <[hidden email]>
> Subject: What about moving the images to runtime folder?
> To: [hidden email]
> Date: Wednesday, April 21, 2010, 12:20 AM
> All the images and content that are
> loaded (or loadable) at runtime should in my opinion be
> stored somewhere under the runtime folder by default
> (runtime/content ?) instead of framework/images
> This would also affect the demo images we are bundling with
> the system. Ideally the framework, but also the
> applications, could be a read only folder (after it is
> built, of course).
> What do you think?
> Jacopo

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Re: What about moving the images to runtime folder?

Jacques Le Roux
Yes, this is what the ofbizContentUrl ftl macro is for, for instance. But this may be changed also of course ;o)


From: "Adrian Crum" <[hidden email]>

> >From what I recall, the framework/images folder was intended to contain static content. That folder could be copied to a static
> >content provider, and the OFBiz settings (see url.properties) could be updated to point to the static content provider.
> -Adrian
> --- On Wed, 4/21/10, Jacopo Cappellato <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> From: Jacopo Cappellato <[hidden email]>
>> Subject: What about moving the images to runtime folder?
>> To: [hidden email]
>> Date: Wednesday, April 21, 2010, 12:20 AM
>> All the images and content that are
>> loaded (or loadable) at runtime should in my opinion be
>> stored somewhere under the runtime folder by default
>> (runtime/content ?) instead of framework/images
>> This would also affect the demo images we are bundling with
>> the system. Ideally the framework, but also the
>> applications, could be a read only folder (after it is
>> built, of course).
>> What do you think?
>> Jacopo

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Re: What about moving the images to runtime folder?

BJ Freeman
In reply to this post by Jacopo Cappellato-4
Runtime to me is volatile.
most files are cleared with a clean-all.
and it some cases, it just me, I clear the complete runtime.
if it is moving the demo out of the frame work then put them in the
specialpurpose in their own folder or expand the URL.properties to put
them in their respective applications folders. Since the properties in
the decorators can access them that should not be to much of a change.

BJ Freeman
Strategic Power Office with Supplier Automation <http://www.businessesnetwork.com/automation/viewforum.php?f=93>
Specialtymarket.com <http://www.specialtymarket.com/>

Systems Integrator-- Glad to Assist

Chat  Y! messenger: bjfr33man

Jacopo Cappellato sent the following on 4/21/2010 12:20 AM:
> All the images and content that are loaded (or loadable) at runtime should in my opinion be stored somewhere under the runtime folder by default (runtime/content ?) instead of framework/images
> This would also affect the demo images we are bundling with the system. Ideally the framework, but also the applications, could be a read only folder (after it is built, of course).
> What do you think?
> Jacopo

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Re: What about moving the images to runtime folder?

Ean Schuessler
In reply to this post by Jacopo Cappellato-4
I've sometimes thought that it would be nice if all the ofbiz components ran under some distinct top level path like "/ofbiz". Path names like "/images" and "/content" can commonly be in use for some existing site. That would be a major change and makes the URLs even less user friendly so I have mixed feelings about the idea. In a perfect world, all the image URLs would be dynamic and you could move the images directory anywhere you want and have it just work.

----- "Jacopo Cappellato" wrote:
> All the images and content that are loaded (or loadable) at runtime should in my opinion be stored somewhere under the runtime folder by default (runtime/content ?) instead of framework/images
> This would also affect the demo images we are bundling with the system. Ideally the framework, but also the applications, could be a read only folder (after it is built, of course).

Ean Schuessler, CTO Brainfood.com
[hidden email] - http://www.brainfood.com - 214-720-0700 x 315