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how to disable an application from ofbiz webtools

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how to disable an application from ofbiz webtools

9 posts
I am trying to remove an application from the ofbiz webtools because I am
not using all of the ofbiz functionalities and I don't want to build all of
them and that they appear on the application.

So my question is: how can I do that?

I tried to remove applications/accounting folder and changing
applications/component-load.xml but I got error messages when running
ofbiz.jar due to dependency. Is there a way to remove the application
without breaking dependencies? If it's not possible, is there anyway to
avoid users to access to it?

Where can I change the content of the top menu? For example, I want to
remove the Accounting tab, how can I do that?

Thank you for your answers.

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Re: how to disable an application from ofbiz webtools

Adrian Crum
2435 posts
It's best to leave all applications running. As you have discovered, they are co-dependent.

The main navigation tabs are controlled by user permissions. If you don't want a user to see a
particular application, then don't assign any of that application's permissions to that user.


marc wrote:

> I am trying to remove an application from the ofbiz webtools because I am
> not using all of the ofbiz functionalities and I don't want to build all of
> them and that they appear on the application.
> So my question is: how can I do that?
> I tried to remove applications/accounting folder and changing
> applications/component-load.xml but I got error messages when running
> ofbiz.jar due to dependency. Is there a way to remove the application
> without breaking dependencies? If it's not possible, is there anyway to
> avoid users to access to it?
> Where can I change the content of the top menu? For example, I want to
> remove the Accounting tab, how can I do that?
> Thank you for your answers.

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Re: how to disable an application from ofbiz webtools

vijay Si
68 posts
You can remove the "tabs" by keeping the "title" property of webapp tag to
Location : /applications/component/ofbiz-component.xml.

However by doing this you are not at all removing the application
dependencies. You will have to work out permissions as mentioned by Adrian

On 10/22/07, Adrian Crum <[hidden email]> wrote:

> It's best to leave all applications running. As you have discovered, they
> are co-dependent.
> The main navigation tabs are controlled by user permissions. If you don't
> want a user to see a
> particular application, then don't assign any of that application's
> permissions to that user.
> -Adrian
> marc wrote:
> > I am trying to remove an application from the ofbiz webtools because I
> am
> > not using all of the ofbiz functionalities and I don't want to build all
> of
> > them and that they appear on the application.
> >
> > So my question is: how can I do that?
> >
> > I tried to remove applications/accounting folder and changing
> > applications/component-load.xml but I got error messages when running
> > ofbiz.jar due to dependency. Is there a way to remove the application
> > without breaking dependencies? If it's not possible, is there anyway to
> > avoid users to access to it?
> >
> > Where can I change the content of the top menu? For example, I want to
> > remove the Accounting tab, how can I do that?
> >
> >
> > Thank you for your answers.
> >
> >
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Re: how to disable an application from ofbiz webtools

BJ Freeman
6819 posts
the correct way to remove a tab completely is to use the
component-load.xml in each application and enter this
into the

this leave the application running but the tab is not showing.

vijay Si sent the following on 10/22/2007 11:13 AM:

> You can remove the "tabs" by keeping the "title" property of webapp tag to
> "".
> Location : /applications/component/ofbiz-component.xml.
> However by doing this you are not at all removing the application
> dependencies. You will have to work out permissions as mentioned by Adrian
> On 10/22/07, Adrian Crum <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> It's best to leave all applications running. As you have discovered, they
>> are co-dependent.
>> The main navigation tabs are controlled by user permissions. If you don't
>> want a user to see a
>> particular application, then don't assign any of that application's
>> permissions to that user.
>> -Adrian
>> marc wrote:
>>> I am trying to remove an application from the ofbiz webtools because I
>> am
>>> not using all of the ofbiz functionalities and I don't want to build all
>> of
>>> them and that they appear on the application.
>>> So my question is: how can I do that?
>>> I tried to remove applications/accounting folder and changing
>>> applications/component-load.xml but I got error messages when running
>>> ofbiz.jar due to dependency. Is there a way to remove the application
>>> without breaking dependencies? If it's not possible, is there anyway to
>>> avoid users to access to it?
>>> Where can I change the content of the top menu? For example, I want to
>>> remove the Accounting tab, how can I do that?
>>> Thank you for your answers.
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How to create a login ID for a person?

Mathius Allo
39 posts
In reply to this post by vijay Si
  Where is the link to create a login ID for a newly created person?

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Re: How to create a login ID for a person?

BJ Freeman
6819 posts
it should be already created and found in there profile

Mathius Allo sent the following on 10/22/2007 11:56 AM:

> Hi,
>   Where is the link to create a login ID for a newly created person?
>   Regards,
>   Mathius
>  __________________________________________________
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> Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
> http://mail.yahoo.com 
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Re: How to create a login ID for a person?

Adrian Crum
2435 posts
In reply to this post by Mathius Allo

Mathius Allo wrote:

> Hi,
>   Where is the link to create a login ID for a newly created person?
>   Regards,
>   Mathius
>  __________________________________________________
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
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Re: how to disable an application from ofbiz webtools

Matheus Eduardo Machado Moreira-3
5 posts
In reply to this post by ttux
    I need to do something similar, but I want to remove __all__ the
applications. I want to use OFBiz as a framework and don't want it loading
all applications, db definitions and seed data. The only application that
might be useful for me is WebTools, since I could use it to manage my
database. So, I want a "naked" OFBiz. Any ideas?


Matheus Eduardo Machado Moreira
[hidden email]

"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent."
        Salvor Hardin (The Foundation, Isaac Asimov)

2007/10/22, marc <[hidden email]>:

> I am trying to remove an application from the ofbiz webtools because I am
> not using all of the ofbiz functionalities and I don't want to build all
> of
> them and that they appear on the application.
> So my question is: how can I do that?
> I tried to remove applications/accounting folder and changing
> applications/component-load.xml but I got error messages when running
> ofbiz.jar due to dependency. Is there a way to remove the application
> without breaking dependencies? If it's not possible, is there anyway to
> avoid users to access to it?
> Where can I change the content of the top menu? For example, I want to
> remove the Accounting tab, how can I do that?
> Thank you for your answers.
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Re: how to disable an application from ofbiz webtools

David E Jones
1775 posts

Just delete the entire applications folder (and you can delete the  
specialpurpose folder as well).

I haven't tested this in a while, but it should still work without  
problems unless a new framework -> applications dependency has  
slipped in (which is a big NO NO!).


On Oct 22, 2007, at 1:35 PM, Matheus Eduardo Machado Moreira wrote:

>     I need to do something similar, but I want to remove __all__ the
> applications. I want to use OFBiz as a framework and don't want it  
> loading
> all applications, db definitions and seed data. The only  
> application that
> might be useful for me is WebTools, since I could use it to manage my
> database. So, I want a "naked" OFBiz. Any ideas?
>     Atenciosamente,
> Matheus Eduardo Machado Moreira
> [hidden email]
> "Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent."
>         Salvor Hardin (The Foundation, Isaac Asimov)
> 2007/10/22, marc <[hidden email]>:
>> I am trying to remove an application from the ofbiz webtools  
>> because I am
>> not using all of the ofbiz functionalities and I don't want to  
>> build all
>> of
>> them and that they appear on the application.
>> So my question is: how can I do that?
>> I tried to remove applications/accounting folder and changing
>> applications/component-load.xml but I got error messages when running
>> ofbiz.jar due to dependency. Is there a way to remove the application
>> without breaking dependencies? If it's not possible, is there  
>> anyway to
>> avoid users to access to it?
>> Where can I change the content of the top menu? For example, I  
>> want to
>> remove the Accounting tab, how can I do that?
>> Thank you for your answers.

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Re: how to disable an application from ofbiz webtools

Adrian Crum
2435 posts
I recommend deleting the framework/webapp/config/applicationTransforms.properties file to help
reduce error messages. The framework will operate fine without it.

David E Jones wrote:

> Just delete the entire applications folder (and you can delete the  
> specialpurpose folder as well).
> I haven't tested this in a while, but it should still work without  
> problems unless a new framework -> applications dependency has  slipped
> in (which is a big NO NO!).
> -David
> On Oct 22, 2007, at 1:35 PM, Matheus Eduardo Machado Moreira wrote:
>>     I need to do something similar, but I want to remove __all__ the
>> applications. I want to use OFBiz as a framework and don't want it  
>> loading
>> all applications, db definitions and seed data. The only  application
>> that
>> might be useful for me is WebTools, since I could use it to manage my
>> database. So, I want a "naked" OFBiz. Any ideas?
>>     Atenciosamente,
>> Matheus Eduardo Machado Moreira
>> [hidden email]
>> "Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent."
>>         Salvor Hardin (The Foundation, Isaac Asimov)
>> 2007/10/22, marc <[hidden email]>:
>>> I am trying to remove an application from the ofbiz webtools  because
>>> I am
>>> not using all of the ofbiz functionalities and I don't want to  build
>>> all
>>> of
>>> them and that they appear on the application.
>>> So my question is: how can I do that?
>>> I tried to remove applications/accounting folder and changing
>>> applications/component-load.xml but I got error messages when running
>>> ofbiz.jar due to dependency. Is there a way to remove the application
>>> without breaking dependencies? If it's not possible, is there  anyway to
>>> avoid users to access to it?
>>> Where can I change the content of the top menu? For example, I  want to
>>> remove the Accounting tab, how can I do that?
>>> Thank you for your answers.

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Re: How to create a login ID for a person?

Mathius Allo
39 posts
In reply to this post by Adrian Crum
The following line shows me "No party found with the partyId of:" even after replacing "admin" with the newly created party ID

The following are the steps tried to create a new Person:
1. Click on "Create New Person" link from Party Manager Application

2. Enter details and click on save button. I verified that a new party is created under PARTY table. There isn't any record created under USER_LOGIN table. I should expect this as the system should not create my login ID automatically.

Question: Where can I find the link to create a login ID and link it to this newly created person?

Under PartyForm.xml I notice a form called "AddUserLogin" so there there must be a link to allow me to specify my login ID & password.

I tried to add a new user login directly through the below URL but I don't know how to link this user login to a person:



Adrian Crum <[hidden email]> wrote: https://localhost:8443/partymgr/control/viewprofile#partyUserLogins?partyId=admin

Mathius Allo wrote:

> Hi,
>   Where is the link to create a login ID for a newly created person?
>   Regards,
>   Mathius
>  __________________________________________________
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
> http://mail.yahoo.com 

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Re: how to disable an application from ofbiz webtools

Carl Gleisner
47 posts
In reply to this post by David E Jones
I have tried naked 4.0 and it works well for me. However it would be great to have partymgr and securityext for logins. Am I wrong about this? If not, is anyone else interested in this aswell?

David E Jones wrote
Just delete the entire applications folder (and you can delete the  
specialpurpose folder as well).

I haven't tested this in a while, but it should still work without  
problems unless a new framework -> applications dependency has  
slipped in (which is a big NO NO!).


On Oct 22, 2007, at 1:35 PM, Matheus Eduardo Machado Moreira wrote:

>     I need to do something similar, but I want to remove __all__ the
> applications. I want to use OFBiz as a framework and don't want it  
> loading
> all applications, db definitions and seed data. The only  
> application that
> might be useful for me is WebTools, since I could use it to manage my
> database. So, I want a "naked" OFBiz. Any ideas?
>     Atenciosamente,
> Matheus Eduardo Machado Moreira
> matheus.emm@gmail.com
> "Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent."
>         Salvor Hardin (The Foundation, Isaac Asimov)
> 2007/10/22, marc <marc@ttux.net>:
>> I am trying to remove an application from the ofbiz webtools  
>> because I am
>> not using all of the ofbiz functionalities and I don't want to  
>> build all
>> of
>> them and that they appear on the application.
>> So my question is: how can I do that?
>> I tried to remove applications/accounting folder and changing
>> applications/component-load.xml but I got error messages when running
>> ofbiz.jar due to dependency. Is there a way to remove the application
>> without breaking dependencies? If it's not possible, is there  
>> anyway to
>> avoid users to access to it?
>> Where can I change the content of the top menu? For example, I  
>> want to
>> remove the Accounting tab, how can I do that?
>> Thank you for your answers.

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Re: how to disable an application from ofbiz webtools

David E Jones
1775 posts

On Oct 23, 2007, at 1:24 AM, Carl Johansson wrote:

> I have tried naked 4.0 and it works well for me. However it would  
> be great to
> have partymgr and securityext for logins. Am I wrong about this? If  
> not, is
> anyone else interested in this aswell?

Could you be more specific about what you have in mind? The UserLogin  
entity is in the framework and should work fine without the party and  
securityext components.

If you want the partymgr you're opening a whole can of worms, as  
there is a lot in it and it isn't designed to be used independent of  
the other applications components. It can certainly be isolated, but  
I'd be very surprised if it was worth the effort.


> David E Jones wrote:
>> Just delete the entire applications folder (and you can delete the
>> specialpurpose folder as well).
>> I haven't tested this in a while, but it should still work without
>> problems unless a new framework -> applications dependency has
>> slipped in (which is a big NO NO!).
>> -David

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Re: how to disable an application from ofbiz webtools

Carl Gleisner
47 posts
Yes of course. I was under the impression - as you probably noticed - that the UserLogin entity was in the Party application. Basically what I am wondering then is if I can use the framework alone to manage permissions and logins in a secure way. The way you always do in the other apps.

David E Jones wrote
On Oct 23, 2007, at 1:24 AM, Carl Johansson wrote:

> I have tried naked 4.0 and it works well for me. However it would  
> be great to
> have partymgr and securityext for logins. Am I wrong about this? If  
> not, is
> anyone else interested in this aswell?

Could you be more specific about what you have in mind? The UserLogin  
entity is in the framework and should work fine without the party and  
securityext components.

If you want the partymgr you're opening a whole can of worms, as  
there is a lot in it and it isn't designed to be used independent of  
the other applications components. It can certainly be isolated, but  
I'd be very surprised if it was worth the effort.


> David E Jones wrote:
>> Just delete the entire applications folder (and you can delete the
>> specialpurpose folder as well).
>> I haven't tested this in a while, but it should still work without
>> problems unless a new framework -> applications dependency has
>> slipped in (which is a big NO NO!).
>> -David

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Re: How to create a login ID for a person?

Mathius Allo
39 posts
In reply to this post by Mathius Allo
Ok. I could see there is a way to specify user/password for the creation of the following:

   Create Customer
   Create Prospect
   Create Employee
Just wondering on why Create New Person does not have login associate with it.


Mathius Allo <[hidden email]> wrote: The following line shows me "No party found with the partyId of:" even after replacing "admin" with the newly created party ID

The following are the steps tried to create a new Person:
1. Click on "Create New Person" link from Party Manager Application

2. Enter details and click on save button. I verified that a new party is created under PARTY table. There isn't any record created under USER_LOGIN table. I should expect this as the system should not create my login ID automatically.

Question: Where can I find the link to create a login ID and link it to this newly created person?

Under PartyForm.xml I notice a form called "AddUserLogin" so there there must be a link to allow me to specify my login ID & password.

I tried to add a new user login directly through the below URL but I don't know how to link this user login to a  person:



Adrian Crum <[hidden email]> wrote: https://localhost:8443/partymgr/control/viewprofile#partyUserLogins?partyId=admin

Mathius Allo wrote:

> Hi,
>   Where is the link to create a login ID for a newly created person?
>   Regards,
>   Mathius
>  __________________________________________________
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
> http://mail.yahoo.com 

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Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
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Re: how to disable an application from ofbiz webtools

Mathius Allo
39 posts
In reply to this post by Carl Gleisner
Hi Carl,

Did you document on the steps to avoid the dependency issues?


Carl Johansson <[hidden email]> wrote:
Yes of course. I was under the impression - as you probably noticed - that
the UserLogin entity was in the Party application. Basically what I am
wondering then is if I can use the framework alone to manage permissions and
logins in a secure way. The way you always do in the other apps.

David E Jones wrote:

> On Oct 23, 2007, at 1:24 AM, Carl Johansson wrote:
>> I have tried naked 4.0 and it works well for me. However it would  
>> be great to
>> have partymgr and securityext for logins. Am I wrong about this? If  
>> not, is
>> anyone else interested in this aswell?
> Could you be more specific about what you have in mind? The UserLogin  
> entity is in the framework and should work fine without the party and  
> securityext components.
> If you want the partymgr you're opening a whole can of worms, as  
> there is a lot in it and it isn't designed to be used independent of  
> the other applications components. It can certainly be isolated, but  
> I'd be very surprised if it was worth the effort.
> -David
>> David E Jones wrote:
>>> Just delete the entire applications folder (and you can delete the
>>> specialpurpose folder as well).
>>> I haven't tested this in a while, but it should still work without
>>> problems unless a new framework -> applications dependency has
>>> slipped in (which is a big NO NO!).
>>> -David

View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/how-to-disable-an-application-from-ofbiz-webtools-tf4672472.html#a13359349
Sent from the OFBiz - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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Re: how to disable an application from ofbiz webtools

Carl Gleisner
47 posts
Hi Hathius!

I did not keep any of the applications so there was really no dependency issue. I just removed the application folder and adjusted the component load. Or did I get you wrong now?

Mathius Allo wrote
Hi Carl,

Did you document on the steps to avoid the dependency issues?


Carl Johansson <mail@carl-johansson.com> wrote:
Yes of course. I was under the impression - as you probably noticed - that
the UserLogin entity was in the Party application. Basically what I am
wondering then is if I can use the framework alone to manage permissions and
logins in a secure way. The way you always do in the other apps.

David E Jones wrote:
> On Oct 23, 2007, at 1:24 AM, Carl Johansson wrote:
>> I have tried naked 4.0 and it works well for me. However it would  
>> be great to
>> have partymgr and securityext for logins. Am I wrong about this? If  
>> not, is
>> anyone else interested in this aswell?
> Could you be more specific about what you have in mind? The UserLogin  
> entity is in the framework and should work fine without the party and  
> securityext components.
> If you want the partymgr you're opening a whole can of worms, as  
> there is a lot in it and it isn't designed to be used independent of  
> the other applications components. It can certainly be isolated, but  
> I'd be very surprised if it was worth the effort.
> -David
>> David E Jones wrote:
>>> Just delete the entire applications folder (and you can delete the
>>> specialpurpose folder as well).
>>> I haven't tested this in a while, but it should still work without
>>> problems unless a new framework -> applications dependency has
>>> slipped in (which is a big NO NO!).
>>> -David

View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/how-to-disable-an-application-from-ofbiz-webtools-tf4672472.html#a13359349
Sent from the OFBiz - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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Re: how to disable an application from ofbiz webtools

Mathius Allo
39 posts
Ok. I see. I haven't tried this as I read previous posts that there will be dependency issues if trying to slim down OFBiz. I'll try it out.
Carl Johansson <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Hathius!

I did not keep any of the applications so there was really no dependency
issue. I just removed the application folder and adjusted the component
load. Or did I get you wrong now?

Mathius Allo wrote:

> Hi Carl,
> Did you document on the steps to avoid the dependency issues?
> Thanks,
> Mathius
> Carl Johansson wrote:
> Yes of course. I was under the impression - as you probably noticed - that
> the UserLogin entity was in the Party application. Basically what I am
> wondering then is if I can use the framework alone to manage permissions
> and
> logins in a secure way. The way you always do in the other apps.
> David E Jones wrote:
>> On Oct 23, 2007, at 1:24 AM, Carl Johansson wrote:
>>> I have tried naked 4.0 and it works well for me. However it would
>>> be great to
>>> have partymgr and securityext for logins. Am I wrong about this? If
>>> not, is
>>> anyone else interested in this aswell?
>> Could you be more specific about what you have in mind? The UserLogin
>> entity is in the framework and should work fine without the party and
>> securityext components.
>> If you want the partymgr you're opening a whole can of worms, as
>> there is a lot in it and it isn't designed to be used independent of
>> the other applications components. It can certainly be isolated, but
>> I'd be very surprised if it was worth the effort.
>> -David
>>> David E Jones wrote:
>>>> Just delete the entire applications folder (and you can delete the
>>>> specialpurpose folder as well).
>>>> I haven't tested this in a while, but it should still work without
>>>> problems unless a new framework -> applications dependency has
>>>> slipped in (which is a big NO NO!).
>>>> -David
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://www.nabble.com/how-to-disable-an-application-from-ofbiz-webtools-tf4672472.html#a13359349
> Sent from the OFBiz - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
> __________________________________________________
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
> http://mail.yahoo.com 

View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/how-to-disable-an-application-from-ofbiz-webtools-tf4672472.html#a13359897
Sent from the OFBiz - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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Re: how to disable an application from ofbiz webtools

Carl Gleisner
47 posts
It depends. If you use 4.0 and just remove applications and special purpose and edit them out in the component load you should be just fine. Perhaps you using the trunk, then I wouldn't know.

Mathius Allo wrote
Ok. I see. I haven't tried this as I read previous posts that there will be dependency issues if trying to slim down OFBiz. I'll try it out.
Carl Johansson <mail@carl-johansson.com> wrote:
Hi Hathius!

I did not keep any of the applications so there was really no dependency
issue. I just removed the application folder and adjusted the component
load. Or did I get you wrong now?

Mathius Allo wrote:
> Hi Carl,
> Did you document on the steps to avoid the dependency issues?
> Thanks,
> Mathius
> Carl Johansson wrote:
> Yes of course. I was under the impression - as you probably noticed - that
> the UserLogin entity was in the Party application. Basically what I am
> wondering then is if I can use the framework alone to manage permissions
> and
> logins in a secure way. The way you always do in the other apps.
> David E Jones wrote:
>> On Oct 23, 2007, at 1:24 AM, Carl Johansson wrote:
>>> I have tried naked 4.0 and it works well for me. However it would
>>> be great to
>>> have partymgr and securityext for logins. Am I wrong about this? If
>>> not, is
>>> anyone else interested in this aswell?
>> Could you be more specific about what you have in mind? The UserLogin
>> entity is in the framework and should work fine without the party and
>> securityext components.
>> If you want the partymgr you're opening a whole can of worms, as
>> there is a lot in it and it isn't designed to be used independent of
>> the other applications components. It can certainly be isolated, but
>> I'd be very surprised if it was worth the effort.
>> -David
>>> David E Jones wrote:
>>>> Just delete the entire applications folder (and you can delete the
>>>> specialpurpose folder as well).
>>>> I haven't tested this in a while, but it should still work without
>>>> problems unless a new framework -> applications dependency has
>>>> slipped in (which is a big NO NO!).
>>>> -David
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Re: How to create a login ID for a person?

BJ Freeman
6819 posts
In reply to this post by Mathius Allo
Normally create person is used for adding a person to an already PartyID.
going to the https://localhost:8443/partymgr/control/createUserLogin
requires passing the partyid.
Can you tell me what you are attempting to accomplish.

Mathius Allo sent the following on 10/22/2007 10:49 PM:

> The following line shows me "No party found with the partyId of:" even after replacing "admin" with the newly created party ID
> The following are the steps tried to create a new Person:
> 1. Click on "Create New Person" link from Party Manager Application
> 2. Enter details and click on save button. I verified that a new party is created under PARTY table. There isn't any record created under USER_LOGIN table. I should expect this as the system should not create my login ID automatically.
> Question: Where can I find the link to create a login ID and link it to this newly created person?
> Under PartyForm.xml I notice a form called "AddUserLogin" so there there must be a link to allow me to specify my login ID & password.
> I tried to add a new user login directly through the below URL but I don't know how to link this user login to a person:
> https://localhost:8443/partymgr/control/createUserLogin
> Thanks
> Mathius
> Adrian Crum <[hidden email]> wrote: https://localhost:8443/partymgr/control/viewprofile#partyUserLogins?partyId=admin
> Mathius Allo wrote:
>> Hi,
>>   Where is the link to create a login ID for a newly created person?
>>   Regards,
>>   Mathius
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