The Open For Business Project (OFBiz) is an open source enterprise automation software project. By open source enterprise automation we mean: Open Source ERP, Open Source CRM, Open Source E-Business / E-Commerce, Open Source SCM, Open Source MRP, Open Source CMMS/EAM, and so on. It is one of the few apps of this type to be developed by a community, rather than one corporation.

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Topics (193822)
Replies Last Post Views Sub Forum
BJ Freeman Origin Email address not known! would also be nice to have by BJ Freeman
BJ Freeman by BJ Freeman
OFBiz - Dev
hansbak-2 svn commit: r698810 - in /ofbiz/trunk/applications/party: config/PartyUiLabels.xml webapp/partymgr/WEB-INF/actions/party/PartyFinancailHistory.groovy webapp/partymgr/party/PartyForms.xml widget/partymgr/PartyScreens.xml by hansbak-2
hansbak-2 by hansbak-2
OFBiz - Commits
myofbiz storing data into database by myofbiz
Surya Kusumakar-2 by Surya Kusumakar-2
OFBiz - User
myofbiz not clear with services.xml by myofbiz
Surya Kusumakar-2 by Surya Kusumakar-2
OFBiz - User
hansbak-2 svn commit: r698803 - in /ofbiz/trunk: applications/order/script/org/ofbiz/order/request/ specialpurpose/mypage/widget/ specialpurpose/projectmgr/config/ specialpurpose/projectmgr/webapp/projectmgr/WEB-INF/ specialpurpose/projectmgr/widget/ by hansbak-2
hansbak-2 by hansbak-2
OFBiz - Commits
Nicolas Malin (Jira) [jira] Created: (OFBIZ-1967) allow assignment of port for the Javamail container. by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
Nicolas Malin (Jira) by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
OFBiz - Dev
myofbiz not clear with services.xml by myofbiz
awdesh parihar by awdesh parihar
OFBiz - User
Jacopo Cappellato-4 Question about "convertUom" service by Jacopo Cappellato-4
David E Jones by David E Jones
OFBiz - Dev
myofbiz sorry for sending same question multiple times by myofbiz
myofbiz by myofbiz
OFBiz - User
Bruno Busco Sending Mail Test by Bruno Busco
BJ Freeman by BJ Freeman
OFBiz - User
Nicolas Malin (Jira) [jira] Assigned: (OFBIZ-221) Numeric parameters are parsed ignoring the user's locale in the "performFind" service. by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
Nicolas Malin (Jira) by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
OFBiz - Dev
Nicolas Malin (Jira) [jira] Assigned: (OFBIZ-221) Numeric parameters are parsed ignoring the user's locale in the "performFind" service. by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
Nicolas Malin (Jira) by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
OFBiz - Dev
Nicolas Malin (Jira) [jira] Commented: (OFBIZ-221) Numeric parameters are parsed ignoring the user's locale in the "performFind" service. by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
Nicolas Malin (Jira) by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
OFBiz - Dev
Nicolas Malin (Jira) [jira] Created: (OFBIZ-1698) Locale labels in language dirrerent from the fallback sometime are not displayed by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
Nicolas Malin (Jira) by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
OFBiz - Dev
hansbak-2 svn commit: r698619 - in /ofbiz/trunk/specialpurpose/mypage: script/org/ofbiz/mypage/MyPageServices.xml templates/email/CompletedCustRequestNotification.ftl templates/email/CreateCustRequestNotification.ftl by hansbak-2
hansbak-2 by hansbak-2
OFBiz - Commits
Nicolas Malin (Jira) [jira] Created: (OFBIZ-749) Service to create Requirement for Preventive Maintenance coming up on a FixedAssets by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
Nicolas Malin (Jira) by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
OFBiz - Dev
myofbiz which address should i mail my questions to get the replies... by myofbiz
BJ Freeman by BJ Freeman
OFBiz - User
Radhika vk When the payment will have the status PAYMENT_SETTELED? by Radhika vk
Radhika vk by Radhika vk
OFBiz - User
Nicolas Malin (Jira) [jira] Created: (OFBIZ-1885) Selectable Visual Themes by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
Jacques Le Roux by Jacques Le Roux
OFBiz - Dev
ashish-18 svn commit: r698477 - in /ofbiz/trunk/applications/product: entitydef/entitymodel_old.xml script/org/ofbiz/product/UpgradeServices.xml servicedef/services_upgrade.xml by ashish-18
ashish-18 by ashish-18
OFBiz - Commits
hansbak-2 svn commit: r698445 - in /ofbiz/trunk: applications/party/webapp/partymgr/communication/CommForms.xml specialpurpose/mypage/widget/MyPageScreens.xml specialpurpose/projectmgr/widget/Menus.xml by hansbak-2
hansbak-2 by hansbak-2
OFBiz - Commits
jonesde svn commit: r698432 - /ofbiz/trunk/framework/entity/config/entityengine.xml by jonesde
jonesde by jonesde
OFBiz - Commits
Adrian Crum Re: svn commit: r697218 - /ofbiz/trunk/applications/party/config/PartyUiLabels.xml by Adrian Crum
Adrian Crum-2 by Adrian Crum-2
OFBiz - Dev
adrianc svn commit: r698429 - /ofbiz/trunk/framework/base/src/org/ofbiz/base/util/UtilProperties.java by adrianc
adrianc by adrianc
OFBiz - Commits
jonesde Re: svn commit: r698159 - in /ofbiz/trunk/applications/product: ./ config/ entitydef/ script/org/ofbiz/product/ script/org/ofbiz/product/storage/ servicedef/ webapp/facility/WEB-INF/ webapp/facility/facility/ widget/facility/ by jonesde
jonesde by jonesde
OFBiz - Dev
ashish-18 svn commit: r698159 - in /ofbiz/trunk/applications/product: ./ config/ entitydef/ script/org/ofbiz/product/ script/org/ofbiz/product/storage/ servicedef/ webapp/facility/WEB-INF/ webapp/facility/facility/ widget/facility/ by ashish-18
jonesde by jonesde
OFBiz - Commits
Enrique Ruibal Ofbiz broken Rev. 698373 by Enrique Ruibal
Scott Gray by Scott Gray
OFBiz - User
lektran svn commit: r698426 - in /ofbiz/trunk/specialpurpose/webpos: ./ build/ by lektran
lektran by lektran
OFBiz - Commits
Surya Kusumakar-2 Getting error while taking update by Surya Kusumakar-2
Surya Kusumakar-2 by Surya Kusumakar-2
OFBiz - User
rohit 'Contact Us' link, how does it work? by rohit
Sumit Pandit-3 by Sumit Pandit-3
OFBiz - User
Nicolas Malin (Jira) [jira] Assigned: (OFBIZ-221) Numeric parameters are parsed ignoring the user's locale in the "performFind" service. by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
Nicolas Malin (Jira) by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
OFBiz - Dev
Nicolas Malin (Jira) [jira] Commented: (OFBIZ-221) Numeric parameters are parsed ignoring the user's locale in the "performFind" service. by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
Nicolas Malin (Jira) by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
OFBiz - Dev
Nicolas Malin (Jira) [jira] Created: (OFBIZ-1575) Edit Communication Content Doesn't Work by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
Nicolas Malin (Jira) by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
OFBiz - Dev
adrianc svn commit: r698373 - /ofbiz/trunk/applications/content/src/org/ofbiz/content/ContentManagementServices.java by adrianc
adrianc by adrianc
OFBiz - Commits
Shi Yusen Add dependency check in build.xml? by Shi Yusen
BJ Freeman by BJ Freeman
OFBiz - Dev
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