The Open For Business Project (OFBiz) is an open source enterprise automation software project. By open source enterprise automation we mean: Open Source ERP, Open Source CRM, Open Source E-Business / E-Commerce, Open Source SCM, Open Source MRP, Open Source CMMS/EAM, and so on. It is one of the few apps of this type to be developed by a community, rather than one corporation.

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Topics (194336)
Replies Last Post Views Sub Forum
Philip W. Dalrymple Errors in the display-name and description on a few components by Philip W. Dalrymple
Jacques Le Roux by Jacques Le Roux
OFBiz - Dev
jleroux@apache.org svn commit: r698343 - /ofbiz/trunk/specialpurpose/mypage/webapp/mypage/WEB-INF/web.xml by jleroux@apache.org
jleroux@apache.org by jleroux@apache.org
OFBiz - Commits
jleroux@apache.org svn commit: r698341 - in /ofbiz/trunk/specialpurpose: ebay/webapp/ebay/WEB-INF/web.xml mypage/webapp/mypage/WEB-INF/web.xml by jleroux@apache.org
jleroux@apache.org by jleroux@apache.org
OFBiz - Commits
David E Jones-3 Learning Experience and Documentation Help - The Advanced Framework Videos Transcript by David E Jones-3
David E Jones by David E Jones
OFBiz - Dev
jleroux@apache.org svn commit: r698317 - /ofbiz/trunk/applications/party/config/PartyUiLabels.xml by jleroux@apache.org
jleroux@apache.org by jleroux@apache.org
OFBiz - Commits
Nicolas Malin (Jira) [jira] Closed: (OFBIZ-616) Re-Factor Accounting permissions to follow new patterns by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
Nicolas Malin (Jira) by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
OFBiz - Dev
adrianc svn commit: r698242 - /ofbiz/trunk/applications/accounting/servicedef/services_fixedasset.xml by adrianc
adrianc by adrianc
OFBiz - Commits
Adrian Crum Accounting Component Security Holes by Adrian Crum
Adrian Crum by Adrian Crum
OFBiz - Dev
Erwan de FERRIERES-3 New ofbiz.fr website by Erwan de FERRIERES-3
Erwan de FERRIERES-3 by Erwan de FERRIERES-3
OFBiz - User
jleroux@apache.org svn commit: r698169 - in /ofbiz/trunk/applications: content/config/ ecommerce/config/ manufacturing/config/ marketing/config/ party/config/ product/config/ workeffort/config/ by jleroux@apache.org
jleroux@apache.org by jleroux@apache.org
OFBiz - Commits
ashish-18 svn commit: r698167 - /ofbiz/trunk/applications/product/servicedef/services_upgrade.xml by ashish-18
ashish-18 by ashish-18
OFBiz - Commits
ashish-18 svn commit: r698160 - /ofbiz/trunk/applications/product/servicedef/services_facility.xml by ashish-18
ashish-18 by ashish-18
OFBiz - Commits
Nicolas Malin (Jira) [jira] Created: (OFBIZ-1963) Added support for migrating FacilityRole to FacilityParty by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
Nicolas Malin (Jira) by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
OFBiz - Dev
jleroux@apache.org svn commit: r698116 [1/3] - in /ofbiz/trunk/applications: content/config/ content/webapp/content/website/ ecommerce/config/ manufacturing/config/ order/config/ party/config/ product/config/ by jleroux@apache.org
jleroux@apache.org by jleroux@apache.org
OFBiz - Commits
jleroux@apache.org svn commit: r698116 [2/3] - in /ofbiz/trunk/applications: content/config/ content/webapp/content/website/ ecommerce/config/ manufacturing/config/ order/config/ party/config/ product/config/ by jleroux@apache.org
jleroux@apache.org by jleroux@apache.org
OFBiz - Commits
jleroux@apache.org svn commit: r698116 [3/3] - in /ofbiz/trunk/applications: content/config/ content/webapp/content/website/ ecommerce/config/ manufacturing/config/ order/config/ party/config/ product/config/ by jleroux@apache.org
jleroux@apache.org by jleroux@apache.org
OFBiz - Commits
Ritesh Trivedi PO creation for aggregated product for a drop ship group is broken? by Ritesh Trivedi
Bilgin Ibryam by Bilgin Ibryam
OFBiz - Dev
hansbak-2 svn commit: r698100 - in /ofbiz/trunk/specialpurpose/mypage/templates/email: CompletedCustRequestNotification.ftl CreateCustRequestNotification.ftl by hansbak-2
hansbak-2 by hansbak-2
OFBiz - Commits
Nicolas Malin (Jira) [jira] Created: (OFBIZ-715) Utils for doing data calculations based on timeUomIds by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
Nicolas Malin (Jira) by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
OFBiz - Dev
adrianc svn commit: r698055 - in /ofbiz/trunk/framework: base/src/org/ofbiz/base/util/ service/src/org/ofbiz/service/calendar/ by adrianc
adrianc by adrianc
OFBiz - Commits
Ritesh Trivedi Preventing emails getting sent on ECA and other errors by Ritesh Trivedi
BJ Freeman by BJ Freeman
OFBiz - User
mrisaliti@libero.it A new web pos application by mrisaliti@libero.it
Tim Ruppert by Tim Ruppert
OFBiz - Dev
Nicolas Malin (Jira) [jira] Created: (OFBIZ-1920) Patch to add support for Postgresql with TEXT type fields by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
Nicolas Malin (Jira) by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
OFBiz - Dev
jleroux@apache.org svn commit: r697967 - in /ofbiz/trunk/framework/entity: config/entityengine.xml fieldtype/fieldtypepostnew.xml by jleroux@apache.org
jleroux@apache.org by jleroux@apache.org
OFBiz - Commits
jleroux@apache.org svn commit: r697962 - in /ofbiz/trunk/applications/product: config/ProductUiLabels.xml webapp/catalog/promo/EditProductPromoRules.ftl by jleroux@apache.org
jleroux@apache.org by jleroux@apache.org
OFBiz - Commits
ian tabangay Concerned about how ofbiz is doing paginate by ian tabangay
Jacques Le Roux by Jacques Le Roux
OFBiz - User
doogie-3 svn commit: r697926 - /ofbiz/trunk/framework/entity/src/org/ofbiz/entity/util/EntityUtil.java by doogie-3
doogie-3 by doogie-3
OFBiz - Commits
doogie-3 svn commit: r697890 - in /ofbiz/trunk/framework/widget/src/org/ofbiz/widget: ./ screen/ by doogie-3
doogie-3 by doogie-3
OFBiz - Commits
Christian Geisert Re: svn commit: r696941 - in /ofbiz/trunk/applications/party: config/ webapp/partymgr/WEB-INF/ webapp/partymgr/WEB-INF/actions/party/ webapp/partymgr/party/ widget/partymgr/ by Christian Geisert
hans_bakker by hans_bakker
OFBiz - Dev
doogie-3 svn commit: r697867 - in /ofbiz/trunk/framework/start/src/org/ofbiz/base/start: install.properties jetty.properties pos.properties rmi.properties setup.properties start.properties test.properties by doogie-3
doogie-3 by doogie-3
OFBiz - Commits
doogie-3 svn commit: r697866 - /ofbiz/trunk/framework/start/src/org/ofbiz/base/start/Start.java by doogie-3
doogie-3 by doogie-3
OFBiz - Commits
Nicolas Malin (Jira) [jira] Created: (OFBIZ-1966) Improvement in "updateTaskAssignment" Service. by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
Nicolas Malin (Jira) by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
OFBiz - Dev
ashish-18 svn commit: r697833 - in /ofbiz/trunk/specialpurpose/projectmgr: script/org/ofbiz/project/ProjectServices.xml servicedef/services.xml by ashish-18
ashish-18 by ashish-18
OFBiz - Commits
BJ Freeman [Fwd: service never returns] by BJ Freeman
BJ Freeman by BJ Freeman
OFBiz - User
BJ Freeman service never returns by BJ Freeman
BJ Freeman by BJ Freeman
OFBiz - Dev
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