The Open For Business Project (OFBiz) is an open source enterprise automation software project. By open source enterprise automation we mean: Open Source ERP, Open Source CRM, Open Source E-Business / E-Commerce, Open Source SCM, Open Source MRP, Open Source CMMS/EAM, and so on. It is one of the few apps of this type to be developed by a community, rather than one corporation.

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Topics (194680)
Replies Last Post Views Sub Forum
Jacques Le Roux Demo servers by Jacques Le Roux
Jacques Le Roux by Jacques Le Roux
OFBiz - User
Selvakumar Ganesan server integration by Selvakumar Ganesan
Jacques Le Roux by Jacques Le Roux
OFBiz - User
Koon Sang Multi-lingual suport for FOP in OFBIZ 9.04? by Koon Sang
Jacopo Cappellato-4 by Jacopo Cappellato-4
OFBiz - User
Chris Snow-3 getting parent component name by Chris Snow-3
Bob Morley by Bob Morley
OFBiz - User
S K Pradeep kumar Google base Error by S K Pradeep kumar
S K Pradeep kumar by S K Pradeep kumar
OFBiz - User
doogie-3 svn commit: r936467 - in /ofbiz/trunk/applications/order/src/org/ofbiz/order/shoppingcart: ShoppingCart.java ShoppingCartServices.java product/ProductPromoWorker.java by doogie-3
doogie-3 by doogie-3
OFBiz - Commits
doogie-3 svn commit: r936466 - /ofbiz/trunk/applications/order/src/org/ofbiz/order/shoppingcart/ShoppingCartServices.java by doogie-3
doogie-3 by doogie-3
OFBiz - Commits
David E. Jones-2 The ofbiz.org domain by David E. Jones-2
BJ Freeman by BJ Freeman
OFBiz - Dev
Scott Gray-2 Re: svn commit: r936100 - in /ofbiz/trunk: applications/product/entitydef/ applications/product/servicedef/ applications/product/src/org/ofbiz/product/category/ applications/product/widget/catalog/ framework/common/config/ by Scott Gray-2
Adam Heath-2 by Adam Heath-2
OFBiz - Dev
Adrian Crum-2 Security Redesign and Release 10.x Branch by Adrian Crum-2
Jacques Le Roux by Jacques Le Roux
OFBiz - Dev
Hammad Afridi Entity Engine Tools by Hammad Afridi
BJ Freeman by BJ Freeman
OFBiz - User
Nicolas Malin (Jira) [jira] Created: (OFBIZ-3716) Fields rendered with renderDisplayField needs a css style by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
Nicolas Malin (Jira) by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
OFBiz - Dev
erwan svn commit: r936385 - in /ofbiz/trunk: framework/common/webcommon/WEB-INF/portal-controller.xml framework/common/widget/PortalPageScreens.xml specialpurpose/myportal/widget/CommonScreens.xml by erwan
erwan by erwan
OFBiz - Commits
erwan svn commit: r936370 - /ofbiz/trunk/applications/manufacturing/config/ManufacturingUiLabels.xml by erwan
erwan by erwan
OFBiz - Commits
Selvakumar Ganesan Mysql database by Selvakumar Ganesan
Selvakumar Ganesan by Selvakumar Ganesan
OFBiz - User
Nicolas Malin (Jira) [jira] Created: (OFBIZ-3735) Added defaultSequenceNum field for sort order in makeCategoryFeatureLists method for ParametricSearch. by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
Nicolas Malin (Jira) by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
OFBiz - Dev
Jacopo Cappellato-4 What about moving the images to runtime folder? by Jacopo Cappellato-4
Ean Schuessler by Ean Schuessler
OFBiz - Dev
ashish-18 svn commit: r936296 - /ofbiz/trunk/applications/product/src/org/ofbiz/product/feature/ParametricSearch.java by ashish-18
ashish-18 by ashish-18
OFBiz - Commits
ashish-18 svn commit: r936260 - in /ofbiz/trunk/applications/order: servicedef/services.xml src/org/ofbiz/order/order/OrderServices.java by ashish-18
ashish-18 by ashish-18
OFBiz - Commits
Jacques Le Roux Thoughts about themes maintenance by Jacques Le Roux
Jacques Le Roux by Jacques Le Roux
OFBiz - Dev
Nicolas Malin (Jira) [jira] Created: (OFBIZ-3633) Minimum order quantity by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
Nicolas Malin (Jira) by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
OFBiz - Dev
BJ Freeman CSS for TextArea too small font Trunk by BJ Freeman
BJ Freeman by BJ Freeman
OFBiz - Dev
ashish-18 svn commit: r936228 - in /ofbiz/trunk: applications/order/src/org/ofbiz/order/shoppingcart/ applications/order/webapp/ordermgr/WEB-INF/actions/entry/catalog/ applications/product/data/ specialpurpose/ecommerce/data/ specialpurpose/ecommerce/webapp/ecom... by ashish-18
ashish-18 by ashish-18
OFBiz - Commits
Nicolas Malin (Jira) [jira] Created: (OFBIZ-3728) Running ./ant clean-all twice gets an error message by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
Nicolas Malin (Jira) by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
OFBiz - Dev
jleroux@apache.org svn commit: r936175 - /ofbiz/trunk/framework/widget/templates/htmlFormMacroLibrary.ftl by jleroux@apache.org
jleroux@apache.org by jleroux@apache.org
OFBiz - Commits
Vikas Mayur-2 Scheduling user's week using Temporal Expressions by Vikas Mayur-2
Vikas Mayur-2 by Vikas Mayur-2
OFBiz - User
hansbak-2 svn commit: r936154 - /ofbiz/trunk/applications/order/script/org/ofbiz/order/request/CustRequestServices.xml by hansbak-2
hansbak-2 by hansbak-2
OFBiz - Commits
doogie-3 svn commit: r936100 - in /ofbiz/trunk: applications/product/entitydef/ applications/product/servicedef/ applications/product/src/org/ofbiz/product/category/ applications/product/widget/catalog/ framework/common/config/ by doogie-3
doogie-3 by doogie-3
OFBiz - Commits
doogie-3 svn commit: r936099 - /ofbiz/trunk/applications/order/servicedef/services_cart.xml by doogie-3
doogie-3 by doogie-3
OFBiz - Commits
doogie-3 svn commit: r936098 - /ofbiz/trunk/applications/product/config/ProductUiLabels.xml by doogie-3
doogie-3 by doogie-3
OFBiz - Commits
abhishek jain-2 OfBiz 4.x and opentap by abhishek jain-2
Ruth Hoffman-2 by Ruth Hoffman-2
OFBiz - User
Nicolas Malin (Jira) [jira] Created: (OFBIZ-3670) TestCase base classes providing ability to execute unit tests in Eclipse in "standalone" mode by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
Nicolas Malin (Jira) by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
OFBiz - Dev
jleroux@apache.org svn commit: r936008 - in /ofbiz/trunk/themes: bizznesstime/webapp/bizznesstime/css/ bluelight/webapp/bluelight/ droppingcrumbs/webapp/droppingcrumbs/css/ flatgrey/webapp/flatgrey/ tomahawk/webapp/tomahawk/css/ by jleroux@apache.org
jleroux@apache.org by jleroux@apache.org
OFBiz - Commits
Nicolas Malin (Jira) [jira] Created: (OFBIZ-3727) Create migration service for ProductionRun cloning of work effort cost calc entities by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
Nicolas Malin (Jira) by Nicolas Malin (Jira)
OFBiz - Dev
jacopoc svn commit: r935969 - in /ofbiz/trunk/applications/manufacturing: script/org/ofbiz/manufacturing/test/ProductionRunTests.xml src/org/ofbiz/manufacturing/jobshopmgt/ProductionRunServices.java testdef/data/ManufacturingTestsData.xml by jacopoc
jacopoc by jacopoc
OFBiz - Commits
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