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The Open For Business Project (OFBiz) is an open source enterprise automation software project. By open source enterprise automation we mean: Open Source ERP, Open Source CRM, Open Source E-Business / E-Commerce, Open Source SCM, Open Source MRP, Open Source CMMS/EAM, and so on. It is one of the few apps of this type to be developed by a community, rather than one corporation.

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Topics (208228)
Replies Last Post Views Sub Forum
Rohit Rai [OFBiz] Users - OfBiz Setup Step by step Part II [Alpha 1] by Rohit Rai
Rohit Rai Aug 20, 2005 by Rohit Rai
OFBiz - User
Jean-Luc Malet [OFBiz] Users - Product copy by Jean-Luc Malet
David E. Jones Aug 20, 2005 by David E. Jones
OFBiz - User
Si Chen-2 [OFBiz] Dev - couple of outstanding JIRA issues by Si Chen-2
David E. Jones Aug 20, 2005 by David E. Jones
OFBiz - Dev
Jack Hung-2 [OFBiz] Dev - StatusValidChange:condition in ProductDataType.xml should be conditionExpression by Jack Hung-2
Jack Hung-2 Aug 20, 2005 by Jack Hung-2
OFBiz - Dev
Michael Irving [OFBiz] Dev - Reports by Michael Irving
David E. Jones Aug 20, 2005 by David E. Jones
OFBiz - Dev
Si Chen-2 [OFBiz] Dev - this week's blog is done by Si Chen-2
Si Chen-2 Aug 19, 2005 by Si Chen-2
OFBiz - User
Si Chen-2 [OFBiz] Dev - this week's blog is done by Si Chen-2
Si Chen-2 Aug 19, 2005 by Si Chen-2
OFBiz - Dev
Brad Plies [OFBiz] Users - Re: Re: OFBiz hosting by Brad Plies
Brad Plies Aug 19, 2005 by Brad Plies
OFBiz - User
Helmut Eggebert [OFBiz] Users - forcing a specific https host for each web site by Helmut Eggebert
David E. Jones Aug 19, 2005 by David E. Jones
OFBiz - User
Stephane Schitter [OFBiz] Users - Donation ? by Stephane Schitter
David E. Jones Aug 18, 2005 by David E. Jones
OFBiz - User
firas-3 [OFBiz] Users - Searching the catalog by firas-3
David E. Jones Aug 18, 2005 by David E. Jones
OFBiz - User
Fred Forester-2 [OFBiz] Users - UTF-8 Errors by Fred Forester-2
Fred Forester-2 Aug 18, 2005 by Fred Forester-2
OFBiz - User
Helmut Eggebert [OFBiz] Users - forcing a specific https host for each web site by Helmut Eggebert
Andrew Sykes Aug 18, 2005 by Andrew Sykes
OFBiz - User
Michael Irving [OFBiz] Dev - hardware requirements? by Michael Irving
David E. Jones Aug 18, 2005 by David E. Jones
OFBiz - Dev
Helmut Eggebert [OFBiz] Users - forcing a specific https host for each web site by Helmut Eggebert
Helmut Eggebert Aug 18, 2005 by Helmut Eggebert
OFBiz - User
Helmut Eggebert [OFBiz] Users - forcing a specific https host for each web site by Helmut Eggebert
Andrew Sykes Aug 18, 2005 by Andrew Sykes
OFBiz - User
Steven J. Hawkins RE: [OFBiz] Dev - OfBiz wiki will be down for Maintenance TonightAugust 17th from 7pm CST to 10pm CST by Steven J. Hawkins
Steven J. Hawkins Aug 18, 2005 by Steven J. Hawkins
OFBiz - Dev
Steven J. Hawkins RE: [OFBiz] Users - OfBiz wiki will be down for Maintenance TonightAugust 17th from 7pm CST to 10pm CST by Steven J. Hawkins
Steven J. Hawkins Aug 18, 2005 by Steven J. Hawkins
OFBiz - User
Helmut Eggebert [OFBiz] Users - Helmut, by Helmut Eggebert
Andrew Sykes Aug 18, 2005 by Andrew Sykes
OFBiz - User
Helmut Eggebert [OFBiz] Users - forcing a specific https host for each web site by Helmut Eggebert
Helmut Eggebert Aug 18, 2005 by Helmut Eggebert
OFBiz - User
Helmut Eggebert [OFBiz] Users - forcing a specific https host for each web site by Helmut Eggebert
Andrew Sykes Aug 18, 2005 by Andrew Sykes
OFBiz - User
Can Castell [OFBiz] Users - Apache, ajp13 and https by Can Castell
Michael Kuefner Aug 18, 2005 by Michael Kuefner
OFBiz - User
Jean-Luc Malet [OFBiz] Users - search screens by Jean-Luc Malet
Jean-Luc Malet Aug 18, 2005 by Jean-Luc Malet
OFBiz - User
Jean-Luc Malet [OFBiz] Users - product price by supplier by Jean-Luc Malet
Jean-Luc Malet Aug 18, 2005 by Jean-Luc Malet
OFBiz - User
Helmut Eggebert [OFBiz] Users - forcing a specific https host for each web site by Helmut Eggebert
Andrew Sykes Aug 18, 2005 by Andrew Sykes
OFBiz - User
basil arkasosy [OFBiz] Dev - Screens' java scripts by basil arkasosy
basil arkasosy Aug 18, 2005 by basil arkasosy
OFBiz - Dev
Jan Krueger [OFBiz] Users - Re: Re: emails not sent and not rescheduled by Jan Krueger
Jan Krueger Aug 18, 2005 by Jan Krueger
OFBiz - User
Tapio Reisinger AW: [OFBiz] Dev - i18n for entity Engine Values by Tapio Reisinger
Jacques Le Roux Aug 18, 2005 by Jacques Le Roux
OFBiz - Dev
Brad Plies [OFBiz] Users - Important issue on JIRA by Brad Plies
Jacques Le Roux Aug 18, 2005 by Jacques Le Roux
OFBiz - User
Bugzilla from elliot.li@gmail.com [OFBiz] Dev - A bug in lookup popup window? by Bugzilla from elliot...
Bugzilla from elliot.li@gmail.com Aug 18, 2005 by Bugzilla from elliot...
OFBiz - Dev
Stephane Schitter [OFBiz] Users - PostgreSQL 8.0 - fail to do the initial tables creation by Stephane Schitter
David E. Jones Aug 18, 2005 by David E. Jones
OFBiz - User
John Donne [OFBiz] Users - implementing single sign on with OFBiz and another application by John Donne
Nate Reed-2 Aug 18, 2005 by Nate Reed-2
OFBiz - User
Steven J. Hawkins [OFBiz] Dev - OfBiz wiki will be down for Maintenance Tonight August 17th from 7pm CST to 10pm CST by Steven J. Hawkins
Steven J. Hawkins Aug 17, 2005 by Steven J. Hawkins
OFBiz - Dev
Steven J. Hawkins [OFBiz] Users - OfBiz wiki will be down for Maintenance Tonight August 17th from 7pm CST to 10pm CST by Steven J. Hawkins
Steven J. Hawkins Aug 17, 2005 by Steven J. Hawkins
OFBiz - User
CRM-TEAM [OFBiz] Dev - From CRM-ERP team by CRM-TEAM
CRM-TEAM Aug 17, 2005 by CRM-TEAM
OFBiz - Dev
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