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The Open For Business Project (OFBiz) is an open source enterprise automation software project. By open source enterprise automation we mean: Open Source ERP, Open Source CRM, Open Source E-Business / E-Commerce, Open Source SCM, Open Source MRP, Open Source CMMS/EAM, and so on. It is one of the few apps of this type to be developed by a community, rather than one corporation.

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Topics (209080)
Replies Last Post Views Sub Forum
Mathias Weber Users - Delete categories from OFBiz by Mathias Weber
oceatoon May 26, 2006 by oceatoon
557 OFBiz - User
Fred Forester-2 Dev - change incoming order status to backordered by Fred Forester-2
Fred Forester-2 May 26, 2006 by Fred Forester-2
30 OFBiz - Dev
puranisank Users - what are the tables involved in choosing the catalog by puranisank
BJ Freeman May 26, 2006 by BJ Freeman
36 OFBiz - User
Chris Juettner Dev - Fix for isPublic in createPartyContent by Chris Juettner
Chris Juettner May 25, 2006 by Chris Juettner
24 OFBiz - Dev
Vinay Agarwal Dev - 7674: ant run-install-seed error by Vinay Agarwal
mrisaliti@libero.it May 25, 2006 by mrisaliti@libero.it
180 OFBiz - Dev
Souvik Saha Bhowmik Users - Problem with Visitor by Souvik Saha Bhowmik
David E. Jones May 25, 2006 by David E. Jones
52 OFBiz - User
David E. Jones Dev - Documentation Plans by David E. Jones
Rafiu Fakunle May 25, 2006 by Rafiu Fakunle
50 OFBiz - Dev
puranisank Users - what are the files should be changed to change the catalog by puranisank
Hans Bakker May 25, 2006 by Hans Bakker
34 OFBiz - User
puranisank Users - why does the transaction rollback by puranisank
puranisank May 25, 2006 by puranisank
75 OFBiz - User
Stephens, Drew Dev - problems with multiple threads being started by Stephens, Drew
David E. Jones May 24, 2006 by David E. Jones
34 OFBiz - Dev
David E. Jones Dev - Research Results for Geronimo Connection Pool by David E. Jones
David E. Jones May 24, 2006 by David E. Jones
96 OFBiz - Dev
Si Chen-2 Dev - a few slight changes to invoice type descriptions by Si Chen-2
Si Chen-2 May 24, 2006 by Si Chen-2
57 OFBiz - Dev
cjhowe Re: Dev - newbie's question when coding ofbiz by cjhowe
Si Chen-2 May 24, 2006 by Si Chen-2
38 OFBiz - Dev
Fred Forester-2 Dev - pass variable to simple method by Fred Forester-2
Fred Forester-2 May 24, 2006 by Fred Forester-2
34 OFBiz - Dev
manu-12 Users - pdf link, cybersource, & mail errors by manu-12
Jacques Le Roux May 24, 2006 by Jacques Le Roux
165 OFBiz - User
rams-2 Users - What is the directory structure required for OfBiz application..Where you keep the Java source files by rams-2
Jacopo Cappellato May 24, 2006 by Jacopo Cappellato
275 OFBiz - User
Fred Forester-2 Users - ERRROR No ShipmentPackageRouteSegs by Fred Forester-2
Fred Forester-2 May 23, 2006 by Fred Forester-2
37 OFBiz - User
Vinay Agarwal Users - What ports to set with mod_jk by Vinay Agarwal
Vinay Agarwal May 23, 2006 by Vinay Agarwal
64 OFBiz - User
Vinay Agarwal Users - xxx-containers.xml in base/config by Vinay Agarwal
Vinay Agarwal May 23, 2006 by Vinay Agarwal
54 OFBiz - User
puranisank Users - where is JTA loaded in the ofbiz package by puranisank
Charles Johnson-4 May 23, 2006 by Charles Johnson-4
81 OFBiz - User
G.Venkata Phanindra Users - Value of Ofbiz.home by G.Venkata Phanindra
G.Venkata Phanindra May 23, 2006 by G.Venkata Phanindra
167 OFBiz - User
Sangs Primary key not being passed(?) by Sangs
Hans Bakker May 23, 2006 by Hans Bakker
208 OFBiz - Dev
manu-12 Users - pdf link, cybersource, & mail errors by manu-12
Walter Vaughan May 23, 2006 by Walter Vaughan
49 OFBiz - User
puranisank Users - where is the variable located by puranisank
BJ Freeman May 23, 2006 by BJ Freeman
43 OFBiz - User
David E. Jones Users - New (Free) OFBiz Framework Introduction Videos, Documents by David E. Jones
David E. Jones May 22, 2006 by David E. Jones
34 OFBiz - User
Si Chen-2 Dev - hiding view/edit delivery schedule for sales orders by Si Chen-2
Si Chen-2 May 22, 2006 by Si Chen-2
24 OFBiz - Dev
Guido Amarilla Dev - Spanish Translation by Guido Amarilla
Jacques Le Roux May 22, 2006 by Jacques Le Roux
73 OFBiz - Dev
Charles Johnson-4 Users - Ecommerce app error by Charles Johnson-4
Charles Johnson-4 May 22, 2006 by Charles Johnson-4
43 OFBiz - User
Charles Johnson-4 Users - TCP errors by Charles Johnson-4
Charles Johnson-4 May 22, 2006 by Charles Johnson-4
57 OFBiz - User
Jacopo Cappellato Re: Users - 7650: Startup Error-How to Reproduce and Makeit Work by Jacopo Cappellato
Charles Johnson-4 May 22, 2006 by Charles Johnson-4
57 OFBiz - User
rams-2 Users - I want to develop MVC application using OfBiz ..How can I? by rams-2
BJ Freeman May 22, 2006 by BJ Freeman
73 OFBiz - User
rohit Search engine friendly URL's by rohit
G.Venkata Phanindra May 22, 2006 by G.Venkata Phanindra
124 OFBiz - User
Jacopo Cappellato Dev - Testing the new OFBiz transaction manager by Jacopo Cappellato
David E. Jones May 21, 2006 by David E. Jones
301 OFBiz - Dev
Jacopo Cappellato Re: Users - 7650: Startup Error-How to Reproduce and Make it Work by Jacopo Cappellato
Vinay Agarwal May 21, 2006 by Vinay Agarwal
41 OFBiz - User
BJ Freeman Re: Dev - WISWIG UI development Using Content module discussion by BJ Freeman
BJ Freeman May 21, 2006 by BJ Freeman
77 OFBiz - Dev
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